One of the best ways to gain an advantage when initiating a push on enemies is by flashing them away to oblivion in Valorant. There are plenty of Agents with flash abilities, but not all the flashes are created equal. The abilities, or specifically the flashing capabilities of every Agent, vary by the amount of charges they have and the potency of the flash.
Agents in Valorant can have anywhere between one and two flashes. In total, there are five agents who possess the flash ability, which includes Phoenix, Breach, Skye, Yoru and KAY/O.
While Omen's Paranoia and Reyna's Leer are similar abilities, they aren't technically flashes as they only reduce enemies' vision and don't impair them as flashes do.
Ranking the flashes of Valorant Agents
Among all the abilities, the simplest and best way to initiate a push is by using flashes. Players who are looking to quickly win matches and rank up in Valorant must know how to use these Agents as well as counter them.
Some of the flashes on this list are tricky to pull off and players must be careful not to flash teammates.
5) Phoenix
Phoenix has one of the weakest flashes on this list, but can be used exceptionally well in the right players' hands. He has a maximum of two charges for his flash ability which is called the Curveball.
It has to be thrown at a curve, which is to say that it is designed in such a way that players need to peek at a corner after using it. If they peek too soon, they might get flashed themselves. It is one of the most difficult flashes to dodge in the game as it can't be destroyed and can catch enemies off-guard quite easily.
4) Yoru
Yoru's flash ability is one of the least impactful ones on this list, as they last just a single second. To activate Yoru's flash, it has to be bounced off a surface first and players can purchase a maximum of two charges every round.
His flash, called Blindside, detonates briefly after hitting a surface, blinding everyone looking in its direction. The enemies can only see this flash after it bounces off a surface, making it quite useful when rushing in.
3) Breach
Breach's flash is one of the most annoying in Valorant. It is a well designed flash for an Initiator as it can go through walls and is helpful in setting up teammates for easy frags. Breach can have a maximum of two charges for his flash ability, which is called Flashpoint.
Players will be blinded for a total of two seconds, which is an absolute nightmare to deal with.
2) Skye
Skye is an Initiator Agent quite like Breach as in, she also has a maximum of two charges for her flash ability. Her flash, called the Guiding Light, can be controlled before it is activated, but it takes practice and coordination to be truly effective.
The flash affects players for about two and a half seconds and is useful for intel as well. It can be destroyed by enemies and any attempt to do so will alert Skye about the ones nearby.
1) KAY/O
KAY/O has one of the most effective flashes in Valorant. Capable of being equipped and thrown at enemies, it explodes after a short fuse that blinds anyone in the line of sight. KAY/O also has a maximum of two charges for his flash ability, which is known as FLASH/drive.
Players have the option to cook the flash grenade for one second by right clicking it or for 1.6 seconds by making a left click.