
Omen is the only controller agent in Valorant with the ability to impair vision. He can only have one, which costs him 400 credits after patch 2.0. Even with the price increase, Omen’s blind, Paranoia, remains one of the most potent abilities in Valorant.
If Paranoia connects with an enemy, they are both near sight blinded and deafened. After blinding, Omen can teleport without enemies knowing, or he can go straight in for the kill. The blind lasts 2.5 seconds total, giving Omen or his teammates plenty of time to move in on affected players.
Paranoia has decent range, allowing Omen to initiate pushes for his teammates. It can be thrown through obstacles or out in the open. Its deafening effect can confuse enemies and keep them guessing about enemy whereabouts.
It’s no wonder that this ability costs 400 credits. Allowing Omen to have more than one Paranoia would be downright unfair to opponents.
B Tier

Phoenix flashes alone aren’t quite as strong as many others in Valorant, but they can be exceptional in certain conditions. His flash, Curveball, must be thrown at a curve. Phoenix can have two Curveballs available for 400 credits or one for 200.
Unlike Reyna and Omen, there is no exact indication of where Phoenix’s flash will end up. Although it isn’t super difficult to control, it will take some practice for Valorant gamers.
Phoenix can blind both himself and his teammates with his flash. Players must perfect the timing and distance of his flash to maximize its effectiveness. Fully flashed players will remain affected for 1.75 seconds.
One of the most effective ways to use Phoenix’s flash is when it’s thrown through a smoke or from behind a Phoenix or Viper wall. This creates an opportunity for him to flash directly onto sites without throwing it around a corner.
Curveball is one of the most challenging flashes to dodge in Valorant. It can’t be destroyed, and it can come around the corner before enemies are aware of it. Overall, the flash lands in C-Tier because of the many conditions required for maximum effectiveness.