Sometimes in Valorant, teammates experience instant chemistry and really enjoy playing with one another.
Many players have expressed their interest in a “Stay in Lobby” option to re-queue with the same team after competitive matches. Many games have a similar option, but in Valorant, the only way to do so is to add everyone to the friends list.
Before a player can add all his/her previous teammates, though, he/she may already queue into another game. Also, some players may not want to clog up their friends list by constantly adding people.
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Is it worth adding a re-queue option in Valorant?

In the r/Valorant subreddit, user u/KobeLito suggested Valorant add an option to keep the same team as before, rather than getting new teammates. After winning a game with people that get along and play well together, who would want to leave?
u/KobeLito said:
“Adding a simple option to keep the same team for another game would make my life so much easier as sometimes (I guess in low ELO this is a bigger problem than for our friends up there) I jump from a pretty exciting 13-9 win to a depressing 2-13 loss because I run into people who have no idea what they are doing.”
With 925 upvotes and counting on this post, it’s clear many other players would also like this option. It sparked even more dialogue about the subject as well.
u/Maxi-Mouse replied:
“Yes, and another thing could be keep the same lobby if someone drops or doesn’t pick during agent selecting. Especially annoying when you’ve got a nice team that are all talking pre-game and then the game suddenly drops you all because one person decided to skip.”
Riot employees somewhat frequently engage in the Reddit dialogue, so a response to the original post wouldn’t come as an immense surprise, especially with the traction it has gained.
When players queue into games, they’re essentially hoping they get good teammates. Some gamers insta-lock duelists, while others choose not to communicate. Every few games, there’s that toxic teammate who single-handedly ruins the experience for an entire team.
Being able to queue up with a team once everyone has already played together could eliminate all these issues.
There are games that have implemented this option before, so why shouldn’t Valorant? The option could be great for solo-queue players looking for a solid team, without having to add everyone to their friends list.
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