Valorant Patch Update 2.01 is mainly focused on the reworking of the map Split, which was reported by players for being too Defender-friendly.
Split was one of the first maps to be added in Valorant. As a result, very little focus was put on the map after its official release.
However, with the release of Valorant Episode 2 this year, the devs are focused on tweaking Split to ensure that the gameplay between the two sides is always fair and competitive.
Valorant players had already reported the one-sidedness of Split. Split was too defensive-oriented. It has seen an increased rate of wins for the defenders, in both the tournament, as well as competitive matches, of Valorant.
Hence, the devs made changes to the site entries, on top of reducing the spaces available for players to hide and increasing bomb site boundaries.
This is a similar update to Valorant's latest map Icebox, where the devs focused on reducing the number of angles needed to check before committing to a site.
Changes to Split will prove to be very effective for the Attackers in Valorant

The B main entry point into the site B has been widened. A cub has also been placed in the passage. This has been done to hand a much-needed advantage to the attackers.
The attackers can now peek and check the side from a better angle. Along with that, the wider passage and the box will help utilities to be used into the site. The widening of the path will also help in checking the deep corners situated right at the end of the B main passage.
Defenders may find it harder to keep the Attackers held at that particular area of B main, now that it is more spacious.

A crate has been added at the right hand side of the area depicted in the picture. This will prevent the defenders from hiding into the deep corner at the entrance. However, the deepest corner on the top right will still be accessible for Valorant agents like Jett and Omen, who can climb heights.

The Spike plant boundary has also been increased. This will make B main a much better post plant position for the Attackers. This will increase the amount of work defenders will have to do while defusing the spike.

Two stacked crates have been added by the pillar at B site. This will allow the Attackers to hide better from the defenders at B heaven. This will also allow the Attakcers to peek each angle separately, making the site entry easier for them.

This particular corner was favoured by most defenders in Valorant. However, the reduced depth of this corner will make it easier for the Attackers to push towards the CT and hunt the defenders down.
Peeking into this location used to be tough for the Attackers, as it was 50/50 chance for an enemy to be present on both sides. Situations like this will not arise anymore.

This Cubby near CT side of B has also been removed. This will help the attackers to push towards the CT to get an early pick after spike plant.

The Vent room entrance has been widened. Also, the Valorant devs have eased out on the deep corner present at this spot. This will make it easier for the Attackers to take control of the mid, as well as the Vent room.

The Ramen area has also been modified into a more spacious area. This give a lot of room to the Valorant Attackers queuing up for an attack via mid. Also, the addition might have added a slight advantage to the aggressive defenders.
Hence, a wall has been place at the deep right hand side corner, which the bullets cannot penetrate. This will act as a safe hiding spot for the Valorant players.

The Sewers of Split in Valorant used to play an interesting part in mid. The small cubby area right at the entrace of the sewers has been reduced.
This particular area had been prone to many sneaky players while holding angles, making it tough for the Valorant attackers to clear out. Getting rid of this area will free out the Attacker's from checking every corner with attention.

The Heaven area at A site of Split in Valorant has been eased out for the Attackers. The deep corner present made it really difficult for the Attackers approaching from A ramps.
The Valorant devs took this to their notice and modified into a sloped wall, which can easily be cleared out even from A ramps.

This particular corner used to hide many defenders at the beginning of the round. However, with this change, Attackers can easily clear out the angle from Heaven itself.
The will bring in a lot of site control to the hands of the Attackers, and they will not have to think about dropping down onto the site to clear the angle.

The hard corner near the CT side of A site has been reworked and brought forward. However, this change will benefit the defenders in Valorant.
The defenders stepping out of the screens used to face a 50/50 situation clearing out this corner, as well as the elbow. However, with this modification, the defenders can easily clear out elbow.
This corner will also act as a post plant position for aggressive attackers.