Valorant’s newest map, Pearl, is based on the underwater city of Atlantis and features narrow pathways with tight corners and a sprawling mid area. This opens up a lot of room for rotations during the middle of the round and more ways to strategize during a match.
Smokes are an essential part of any strategy to win a round. They can be used to block off enemy sight lines and help teammates hold entry points. It’s important to know where to place the smokes for it to be effective. Players must block off parts of the map that opponents could be holding positions at to give the allied team the upper hand.
Here’s the list of locations where players must use their smokes to be effective.
All smoke spots players need to know on Valorant's latest map Pearl
A Site push
When doing all Agent rush from A Main, players must make sure to block off the top of the stairs on A link to prevent the enemy team from holding a position from where they can gun down their teammates. Players can then choose to smoke off A Secret or A Flowers or both, depending on the amount of smoke they have.

These smokes make life easier for players trying to get into A Site, covering the most used vantage points by the defenders. When players just need to push through to Mid Plaza from A Main or A Art, they can simply smoke A Secret and A Flowers to make it easier to get to the site.
Mid push

There are many narrow pathways that the attackers can exploit in the Mid section of Pearl. A Site can be pushed through A Mid from Mid Plaza, and once players get Mid control, they can push through to A Art. Placing a smoke at Mid connector blocks off a close angle that defenders could be held down; this helps players access the A Link more easily. After A link has been secured, A Flowers and A Secret can be smoked off before pushing into A Site.
B Site push

Attacking B Site is much more straightforward as players must push through B Ramp towards B Main. Players should ensure that they smoke off the side of B Hall that’s closer to B Main. After taking B Main control, players can smoke off the B tower, which will prevent the sniper in the defending team from taking a high vantage point. The same smokes should also be for a B Site split push from Mid Doors and B Ramp.
A Site Defense

The top of the stairs can be smoked off from A main if enemy movement is heard. The top of the stairs from A Link can be smoked off as well if the attacking team has taken control of A Link.
Mid Defense

Mid control is as critical on Pearl as it is on any other map in Valorant. It allows for rotations onto each site, and to make it difficult for the attackers to take control of Mid Plaza, defenders can block off Mid Top or Mid Shops at the start of the round.
B Site Defense

The B Site is quite tricky for defenders since B main is too wide to be covered with a single smoke. A single side of B Main can be smoked off by the defenders to concentrate the firepower on the other entryway. Finally, players must block off B Link if the allies lose mid control.