Yoru is a Japanese duelist agent that was first introduced to Valorant with patch update 2.00.
Unlike other duelists in the game, Yoru brings several outplaying abilities that can perplex an enemy. While most other duelists offer several skills to secure their entry and deal damage, Yoru mainly works on deception.
Yoru’s abilities range from flashes to creating fake footsteps and teleportation. This makes Yoru one of the most versatile agents in Valorant. Used properly, a player can quickly get in and out of a sticky situation.
While the agent has a bad reputation among players, with one of the lowest pick-rates in the game, it does well in outplaying the enemy when used by a formidable player.
Yoru’s abilities in Valorant
Like most duelists, Yoru also has two purchasable basic abilities, one signature, and the ultimate ability. All of Yoru’s capabilities are:
Fakeout (C - 100 credits)
A player can purchase two charges of this ability, which allows them to either send out fake footsteps in a particular direction or place them in one place to catch the enemy off-guard.
Blindside (Q - 200 credits)
This ability allows a player to flash their opponents. But this ability requires a player to bounce the projectile on a surface. Otherwise, the flash will not go off. A player can purchase two charges of this ability for 200 credits each.
Gatecrash (E)
This allows him to place a portal in one place, which remains on the spot for 30 seconds. Within this period, Yoru can teleport back to this location from any point of the map. Unlike other signature abilities, Yoru’s Gatecrash does not require kills to replenish. Instead, it has a 35-second cooldown.
Dimensional Drift (X)
Yoru’s ultimate ability, Dimensional Drift, requires a total of six ultimate points to unlock. When used, Yoru spawns his mask out of another dimension. When worn, Yoru walks into another dimension allowing him to move unobstructed for the duration.
Different interactions of Yoru in Valorant
Upon using Yoru’s abilities properly, a player can quickly get on top of their enemies with ease. His abilities have excellent synergy while also helping teammates jump on the enemy.
While there can be countless possibilities of how some synergies can work out for certain players on specific maps in Valorant, some of them can be broadly classified to help get a better understanding of how they work.
Ultimate x Gatecrash combo for escape
It is almost impossible to escape enemies when caught in-between a conflict. Yoru provides one of the best escape mechanisms in the game.
Using Gatecrash, a player can send projectiles in one direction and then quickly use Yoru’s ultimate to create a diversion. While the enemy is confused about where to look, the player can activate Gatecrash to teleport to the desired location and escape the bind.
Fake teleporters in Bind using Gatecrash
While Gatecrash is used for escape or repositioning, in Bind, Gatecrash can be used in a completely different light. It is common knowledge in Valorant that by listening to the teleporter noise, one can predict whether a teleporter was used or not.

If a player chooses to divert the enemy’s attention, they can always send out Gatecrash towards a teleporter. Once the projectile reaches the teleporter, it will use it to get out on the other side.
While Yoru is still standing in his position, this sound can catch the Valorant player off-guard as they will most likely tend to rotate.
Using Fakeout for clutch situations
While Fakeout is an essential ability to secure early peeks at Valorant, players can use it to their full extent during clutch situations. Valorant players usually remain on the edge of their seats. Any sound can make them jump the gun. In such cases, Yoru can easily elicit a response from the enemy by tactical use of Fakeout.

Even while defusing the Spike, a player can fake the defuse and use Fakeout to make the enemy think that the player is repositioning. This false sense of security can sometimes lure the Valorant player out of hiding, which ends up working in favor of the faking player.
While there exist many other practical methodologies to bring out 200 IQ gameplay in Valorant, these are usually the most tricky ones that can give a player an edge over the others while playing Yoru.