Valorant’s roster of unique agents and a variety of weapons provides its players an opportunity to create powerful combinations.
Valorant players seem to be having a lot of fun pairing Sage with the shotguns in the game. A player had even reached the Diamond rank by only playing with Sage and the shotgun.
Sage and the Shotguns: An unlikely Valorant duo
Sage is a Sentinel type Radiant agent in Valorant. Her basic abilities are Barrier Orb that can create a wall to block the opponent's vision and access to an entry and Slow Orb to create an area to reduce opponent speed.
Sage’s signature ability, Healing Orb, allows her to heal herself and her teammates. And finally, her ultimate ability Resurrection allows her to bring her teammates back from the dead.
There are two primary shotguns Bucky and Judge, and one secondary shotgun Shorty in Valorant.
The Bucky is a pump-action semi-automatic shotgun with a magazine capacity of five shells. The weapon's design is based on Benelli Supernova. It is very useful for close-range gunfights in low economy rounds.
On the other hand, Judge is a fully automated shotgun with a drum magazine capacity of seven shells. The weapon's design is based on Atchisson AA-12. It is quite useful to deal high damage to a group of opponents in a quick succession.
The Shorty is a break-action sidearm shotgun with a magazine capacity of two shells. It is based on the sawed-off version of the Steven 311 shotgun.
Aiming for the Valorant Diamond rank by playing Shotgun Sage.
Redditor u/quarkez recently posted his experience of reaching the Diamond rank by only playing Sage and the shotguns over on r/VALORANT. He decided to pair with Sage rather than a high mobility agent like Jett or Raze.

The Redditor played Sage on every ranked match and chose a shotgun. With the loss round providing 1900 credits, he was able to force-buy on every round. He primarily played with his friends with either a duo or five stacking, as he didn’t want to ruin any random teammate’s game.
However, laying only with the shotgun did ruin the experience of his several opponents. Multiple times his shotgun gameplay was unexpected by his opponents, which resulted in them getting annoyed and calling him out.

u/quarkez lost only once before reaching 10 wins in the unrated game mode. It took him 53 games to reach Diamond 1 from Silver 3. He had a 73.5% win/loss ratio, with 39 wins and 14 losses. His Kill/Death ratio was 1.39, with 148 Damage per round and a 17.5% Hit score percentage. The player's combat score was 266 and his Econ score was 56.

u/quarkez preferred using Judge on the defense and Bucky on the Offence. Since he was playing only shotgun, he could afford to buy guns for his teammates on low economy rounds.
With interesting strategies such as the Shower-Heaven on Bind or the Post-plant on Ascent, Sage has started to regain her popularity as her pick percentage has increased to 36.1% over on blitz.
u/quarkez has proven how useful Sage and the shotguns are, which could really be useful in some situations.