Pearl, the underwater city map, has finally been launched with Valorant Episode 5 Act 1. It features a three-lane structure and is located near the coast of Portugal. This new Valorant map features chaotic mid and multiple pathways to the sites. Pearl is the first map located on Omega Earth from the game’s mirrorverse lore.
Once players update to the new 5.0 Patch, players can queue to experience the new underwater-themed map. Unlike other Valorant maps, Pearl has no unique features like doors, ropes, zip lines, or teleporters.
Players don't need to strategize a lot when playing on this map in comparison with other maps. This is due to the lack of unique features compared to the other maps in Valorant.
Pearl is a pretty hard-to-defend map as there are various routes to enter the sites and the map has a ton of verticality. Ramps, towers, dugouts, and stairs can all challenge players' aim and crosshair placement.
Cypher is an excellent Agent choice for this map as he can focus on detecting enemies, following their movements, and marking them, all without needing to be physically present.
Pearl is a map with many narrow passageways and corners and many positions that players need information about. This is where Cypher’s abilities come in handy and makes him one of the best, if not the best Sentinel on this map.
Cyphers Spycam location spots for Pearl Map in Valorant
Cyper’s Spycam is one of the best tools to stealthily detect enemy movement and even mark their locations in Valorant. Making the most out of Spycam does require a bit of game knowledge and a lot of practice.
Players should put the camera by placing it in the perfect spots that are harder for the enemy to detect. Before getting into the guide, let's get familiar with all the map call-outs for Pearl.

1. A Site
A. Site in the corner of A Secret
On A Site, players can place Cypher’s Spycam on the corner of the wall in A Secret. The camera’s position might not help players tag enemies because it is facing the other way, but it is hard to spot because of the leaves covering it. Players who place the Spycam here will have enemies coming from A Main.

B. A bridge spot for Spycam
For this one, players need to walk up to the wall in A site tand then place their camera on the bridge. The camera spot is a bit defensive as the camera spot gives away enemies location a bit later in the match.

C. A Restaurant Spycam site on Tree
This is a bit of an attacking Spycam spot in A restaurant on Pearl, players need to plant the Spycam onto the tree at this spot

2. Mid
A. Antenna at Mid
Next up, this is a plant spot for the mid, players need to jump on a few boxes and place their Spycam on the antenna at mid.

3. B Site
A. Top of B tower
Players can place Cypher’s camera on top of the B Site on the B Tower. It is the best spot on the B site but can only be accessed via a boost from a Sage wall. Players can ask Sage to use the wall ability on the edge of the B Tower, which helps players get boosted to the camera spot.

Cypher is undoubtedly one of the best Sentinel Agents that can be picked on this map in Valorant due to his defensive abilities such as the tripwire and cyber cage.
The Spycam, when used effectively, is a boon for the Ally team as it helps to get invaluable information on the enemies’ locations and can even be used to tag enemies.
Cypher Ultimate is quite useful in clutch situations and can even be used to turn the tide of the battle by gaining information on all enemy locations.