Valorant has a range of agent classes to choose from in-game. If players want to go defensive, Sentinels are the shield in Valorant Protocol.
Valorant currently has seventeen agents and four different agent classes. These classes include Duelists, Controllers, Initiators, and Sentinels. All these agents are helpful in different situations and provide various benefits depending on the team composition. The Valorant development team also has no plans to stop at these numbers and will continue to release more agents over time.
Sentinel-class agents in Valorant are equipped with everything they need to defend sites. Their primary goal is to slow down opponents and buy time for the team. These agents can easily adapt to both attacking and defending situations.
This article will go on a deep dive into every Valorant Protocol's active Sentinel agents backstory and lore.
About the Sentinels in Valorant
Valorant has three Sentinels in the game, and they are:

Killjoy is the German inventor in the Valorant Protocol. As revealed in the Duality trailer, Killjoy thinks her Mirror Earth self made the spike. So to stop the spike, she invented a diffuser that was powered by a super-heated Radi-Core.
After defusing the Spike, Killjoy took the spike for further analysis. Killjoy also loves playing League of Legends, which is an MMORPG game by Riot. She is also Brimstone's protege and has a close relationship with him.

Sage is Valorant's most notable support character. Her real name could be Mirai Kimura, according to the alpha version of Valorant. Other than Brimstone and Viper being the founders, Sage is the second-in-command for Valorant Protocol.
Viper and Sage don't have a good history with each other. Their voice lines imply that the latter may have let Viper down, and for that reason, she holds resentment toward her. Sage also recruited Skye to the Valorant Protocol.

Cypher's real name is Aamir which is Arabic for Prince, and his home country is Morocco. Cypher being a spy, keeps his real identity and face hidden.
Cypher has a tragic story that suggests his loved one named Nora was killed. He tries his best to protect his family because he doesn't want a repeat of the past. Unfortunately, there is also a rift between Sova and Cypher because of his secrecy.
Valorant doesn't have many Sentinels in the game. So, there is a high possibility of having a Sentinel in the next Valorant Act.