Breach’s ultimate ability, Rolling Thunder, is great in a multitude of situations in Valorant.
Whether it be getting his teammates onto sites, or pushing enemies away, Rolling Thunder has proven to be extremely effective and versatile.
Recently, players have discovered an additional perk of Rolling Thunder. If timed correctly, Breach can propel himself over head-level obstacles, and even a Sage wall.
Rolling Thunder boosts Breach’s jump in Valorant

In the r/Valorant Reddit, user ghostfameperiod posted a clip showing how Breach’s ultimate can be used to jump over obstacles. In just a week, the post has over 2.5k upvotes. And many Redditors have commented on how useful the post has been.
As the player scaled the wall with Rolling Thunder, he caught two players off guard, while also concussing the entire area.
It’s important to know exactly how to time the ability, so that the player can be propelled enough to get over the obstacles. Ghostfamepriod said:
“I jump just before he says ‘let’s,’ but there’s a bit of room for error.”
Players may need to go into the range to practice the timing before attempting this in a competitive match.
User JKMONKEYJK stated:
"Yeah, this has been known for a while; you can do the same with sova's ult. I recommend going into the range and experimenting with the timing of the jump to get it down before you try it in-game, but it's fairly intuitive."
Although many users in the comments have claimed that Breach has been able to do this since the beta, many others had no idea. There’s also no telling whether Riot Games intended to allow Breach to do this or not. Regardless, Breach mains should take note and use this perk to its fullest.
Even c9 pro Skyler “Relyks” Weaver commented on the post. With the attention of a professional Valorant player, Esports teams may even begin using this method.
Now that players are learning that Breach can counter Sage’s wall with his ultimate, they may begin to pay more attention to which ultimates their enemies have available at the beginning of and throughout each round.
Every day, it seems that Valorant players are finding new and creative ways to outplay their enemies. R/Valorant has been a great source of dialogue for these abilities. It has educated many players, as well as gained the attention of Riot Games' employees.
Also read: Valorant: Shroud feels that “Breach is a better version of Skye”