The Valorant community has been busy speculating after a Reddit user asked which agent was most capable of determining the outcome of a match. In truth, the answer cannot be narrowed down to one single agent. Valorant currently has 25 agents with the Scottish controller Clove being the latest addition to the roster. Redditor u/uzimetal21 took to the game's subreddit to favor the new controller along with Sova and Fade as agents with the "most control over the game".
Almost immediately, they began receiving responses from players who favored different agents. Some believe Cypher is the best pick, while others prefer post-nerf Viper.
While the OP was convinced that Clove and Sova had more control of the game because of their kits, others strongly disputed the claim. For instance, u/new_main_character stated that Omen's smoke had more range than that of Clove.
In the meantime, some members of the Valorant community believed that Cypher was the optimal pick. u/itsLulz reasoned that the agent's presence had the potential to make teams reconsider their attack plan. This is because Cypher's trip wires and cages can be incredibly difficult to counter during rushes.
There were also players who reminisced about the old days of Valorant. u/nightfury1_ recalled the time when Chamber was first introduced and had two traps instead of one. He also had much more range on his teleports. Unfortunately, Chamber is now limited in his range and has only one trap.
Some members of the Valorant community agreed with OP and believed that Clove was a viable pick. They argued that she could get HP and speed boosts through one of her abilities and that she could also smoke post-death. According to them, this makes her a formidable agent to play against, especially on pistol and low-buy rounds.
Finally, one member of the Valorant community pointed out that it's more about the player rather than the agent. According to u/swarnim38, a player who understands the ins and outs of an agent ultimately uses that agent much more effectively.
Which agent should be considered meta by the Valorant community?
When it comes to Sentinels, post-nerf Cypher still has a high pick rate. This is likely because other sentinels fail to provide the utility that Cypher can. His Spycam acts as an extra set of eyes and his wires still are fairly effective.
In terms of initiators, Kay/O is a popular choice and so is Fade, but this depends on the map you're playing. Skye is yet another agent who fits well in the game's current meta. On the other hand, Viper's pick rate is likely going to see a drop with the nerfs. Clove may take over, but it likely won't be by a large margin. This is because her range is limited despite her having an impressive kit.