Astra is one of the lesser-played Controllers in Valorant, although the Agent can be rather useful because of her kit. Her Gravity Well can help catch opponents and hold them in one place as they get blown to bits by Raze's Paint Shells. Furthermore, the Nova Pulse can be used to stun opponents holding the site so that your Duelists are able to secure a frag.
Finally, her Nebula smokes have infinite range, just like her other abilities, making her the ideal controller on a map of this scale.
This Astra Abyss guide explains how to improve your gameplay.
Note: Aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the writer's opinion.
Astra Abyss guide: How to play during defensive and attacking rounds
Defense - A Site
Defending as Astra on A Site may seem intimidating, but with the help of a few teammates, you can execute powerful strategies to keep enemies at bay. You can see a nifty one-way smoke in the image above. Place it right on top of the box towards the right-most edge of A Main, as displayed in the image.
Next, take the same angle as portrayed in the picture to secure a kill. Using an Operator may yield even better results.
Apart from this Nebula, you can always lay down the normal A Main smoke to cover up the entryway. Remember, Astra smokes last only about 14 and a half seconds, keep re-smoking instinctively or the opponent might catch you off-guard when the Nebula wears off.
For a more aggressive approach, you can place a star deep in A Main. Use this to activate the Gravity Well when you hear an enemy approach. Combine this with Paint Shells, the FRAG/MENT, Hot Hands, or any piece of utility that deals area damage.
This tactic can help secure at least one frag. Use the same execute for default plant locations as well. A similar effect can be achieved by using the Nova Pulse ability which will concuss opponents, making it difficult for them to move.
Defense - B Site
The B Site is relatively wide-open so putting down a defensive one-way smoke becomes challenging. However, you can still put down a regular B Main smoke to keep opponents at bay.
Alternatively, you can also smoke off B Window to keep any Operators on the enemy team at bay. This can also help protect a fellow teammate playing from B Tower.
Then, place a star on B Danger. You can use this as a Gravity Well in combination with Deadlock's Sonic Sensor or Killjoy's Alarmbot. You can also play from B Under and activate the well whenever you see an opponent crossing over.
This can help knock opponents off-balance and possibly, force them off-map, securing an instant kill. However, it's better to rely on your weapon and shoot down vulnerable enemies as they struggle inside the Gravity Well. Again, a similar effect can be achieved by using the Nova Pulse instead. It's a matter of available utility and personal preference.
Attacking tips for both sites
Attacking as Astra is relatively simpler. As a Controller Agent on Abyss, your job is to ensure a safe entry for Duelists and Initiators. Lay down both of your Nebula smokes in locations, such as A Tower, and by the default safe plant area to block peeking opponents.
You can also concuss opponents holding from A Backsite by using the Nova Pulse, although they could simply move out of the way once you release a star. Astra can be very predictable during a match because the location of her stars gives away your intentions. Regardless, she can still be useful because of her range.
If you decide to fake A Site and then go to B, Astra can still lay down B Default smokes from a distance. Smoke off B Tower and a part of B Site on Valorant's Abyss map to block off the enemy's vision.
This Astra Abyss guide is meant to shed some light on the basics of playing the Agent on the brand-new Valorant map. Perhaps a good strategy would be having a double-controller team composition on Abyss. This is because Astra alone may prove insufficient due to her short duration smokes.
Despite her shortcomings, she is a great Agent and with this Astra Abyss guide, you should be able to optimize your overall gameplay if followed correctly.