Valorant: Complete Brimstone Sunset Guide

Complete Brimstone Sunset Guide (Image via Sportskeeda)
Complete Brimstone Sunset Guide (Image via Sportskeeda)

With the release of the Episode 7 Act 2 update, Sunset, Valorant's new map, is finally live. The game's tenth map, based in Los Angeles, has a straightforward two-spike plant-site design. Significant adjustments are being made to the FPS since Riot Games intends to take Valorant in a new direction and keep the community on the edge of their seats with a completely new map, a thorough makeover of Breeze, major Agent adjustments, and more.


Among the several Agent roles in Valorant, Controllers have the most influence on the Sunset map because of their special ability to shape the battlefield and affect the pace of conflict. Brimstone is a wise choice for a Controller in the Sunset map as his range of utility can help his team take control of the site, hinder the opponent’s execution, and aid during post-plant scenarios.

Guide to using Brimstone’s abilities on Valorant’s Sunset map


Brimstone’s kit contains the essential utilities that allow his team to win combat encounters on the Sunset map. His abilities include:

  • Stim Beacon - Grants Combat Stim that allows his team to increase movement speed and equip speed temporarily.
  • Incendiary - Equips an incendiary grenade launcher that creates a fire zone upon landing, damaging enemies within the zone.
  • Sky Smoke - Equip smoke that can be deployed at the location of choice. The smoke has a long duration that blocks enemies' line of sight.
  • Orbital Strike - An ultimate ability that can launch an orbital strike laser at the selected location, inflicting high damage to players within the zone.

In this article, we are going to talk about the proper utilization of Brimstone’s abilities in the Sunset map that sets your team up for success.

A) Incendiary Molly lineups

1) A-site post-plant Molly lineup

A-site post-plant Molly lineup location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly lineup location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly lineup positioning (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly lineup positioning (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly lineup result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly lineup result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

Place yourself on the corner of the garage door in the A-lobby. Equip your melee in order to match Brimtstone's Ult icon with the edge of the wall on your right, as shown in the image. Equip the Incendiary molly and fire it upwards for it to land on the default plant spot beside the green boxes at A-site in the Sunset map of Valorant.


2) A-site post-plant Molly second lineup

A-site post-plant Molly second lineup location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly second lineup location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly second lineup positioning (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly second lineup positioning (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly second lineup result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
A-site post-plant Molly second lineup result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

This is another Incendiary molly lineup that is useful for post-plant situations while attacking at the A-site in Valorant's Sunset map. Head to the A-elbow and position yourself at the corner of the fencing. Equip Brimstone's Incendiary Molly and move the crosshair upwards to match the HUD lines under the timer with the fencing lines as shown in the image. Then, left-click to fire the Molly for it to land at the second default plant spot behind the solid grey box at A-site.


3) B-site post-plant Molly lineup

B-site post-plant Molly lineup location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly lineup location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly lineup positioning (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly lineup positioning (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly lineup result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly lineup result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

Position yourself at the corner of the blue box at B-lobby. Equip the Molly ability to move your crosshair upwards and match the HUD icon with the edge of the building in front, as shown in the image. Jump and left-click to fire, allowing it to land at the center of the plant spot at B-site of the Sunset map in Valorant.


4) B-site post-plant Molly second lineup

B-site post-plant Molly second lineup location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly second lineup location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly second lineup positioning (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly second lineup positioning (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly second lineup result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
B-site post-plant Molly second lineup result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

Stand on the edge of the green box at the Mid-bottom, as shown in the above image. Equip the Incendiary Molly and move the crosshair upwards to match the HUD icon with the thin brick line on the wall as marked on the image. Left-click to fire the molly, and it will land on the default plant, covering the edge of the plant spot at B-site of Valorant's Sunset map.


B) Sky Smoke guide

1) Sky Smokes for attacking A-site

Sky Smoke for attacking A-site tactical map locations (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for attacking A-site tactical map locations (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for attacking A-site result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for attacking A-site result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

Smoking these spots will cover areas like A-elbow, A-alley, and A- link which will allow you and your teammates to take control of the A-site. Deploying these smokes at A-site will also allow your teammates to push A-elbow and eliminate enemies taking cover at tight corners of the same.


2) Sky Smokes for defending A-site

Sky Smoke for defending A-site tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for defending A-site tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for defending A-site result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for defending A-site result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

At the beginning of the round, deploying the Sky Smoke in these locations will prevent enemies from pushing A-main and A-elbow of Valorant's Sunset Map. With proper coordination, your teammates can even flash through the smokes and take out your opponents by surprise.


3) Sky Smokes for attacking B-site

Sky Smoke for attacking B-site tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for attacking B-site tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for attacking B-site result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for attacking B-site result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

Deploying these smokes while attacking will block both sides of the middle tower of the B-site and B-market. To lure out enemies hiding inside the smoke, deploy damage-inflicting abilities like Incendiary Molly or ally KAY/O's fragment.


4) Sky Smokes for defending B-site

Sky Smoke for defending B-site tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for defending B-site tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for defending B-site result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for defending B-site result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

Deploying the Sky Smokes at the marked locations while defending will hinder the opponent's execution from B-main and B-market of Valorant's Sunset map. This will give your team enough time to set up their utilities or rotate from the other site.


5) Sky Smoke for attacking Mid

Sky Smoke for attacking Mid tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for attacking Mid tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for attacking Mid result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for attacking Mid result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

Deploy Smokes over the marked area to get cover against Opers peeking from the Attacker's Spawn. The Smoke for covering the B-market is optional, as you can push toward the B-site that way.


6) Sky Smoke for Defending Mid

Sky Smoke for defending Mid tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for defending Mid tactical map location (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for defending Mid result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Sky Smoke for defending Mid result (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

Blocking the opponent's line of sight at an early stage of a round by smoking the Mid-bottom area will slow down their approach. This will also enable your team to score some early frags at the Mid area of Valorant's Sunset map.


C) Stim Beacon utility guide for both Attack and Defense

Stim Beacon acts as a performance boost for Brimstone and his teammates. When deployed, it creates a field that grants increased movement speed, reload speed, and fire rate for temporal duration. This utility from Brimstone should be used for close-range gun fights for maximum effectiveness.

D) Orbital Strike Guide

Orbital Strike at A-site (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Orbital Strike at A-site (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Orbital Strike at B-site (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)
Orbital Strike at B-site (Image via Riot Games/Sportskeeda)

Brimstone's ultimate ability, Orbital Strike, launches an orbital strike laser that inflicts significant damage to players within the strike zone. This ability is crucial during post-plant scenarios when the enemy is defusing the spike while attacking. For defense, use the Orbital Strike ability while the spike is being planted, as opponents will have less time to react and change positions.


Brimstone is a simple agent with effective abilities that are beginner-friendly. He use smoke and command laser attacks to help his team win in Valorant's Sunset map.

Depending on the situation, these lineups and guides in Valorant's Sunset map may change. After further exploring the map, you can devise your own set of innovative lineups. Because the map is new, it will take some time to develop an understanding of the lineup placements.

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Edited by Siddharth Satish
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