Valorant’s Vyse is a tough Agent to use on Haven. However, with the knowledge of proper setups, you can definitely make yourself useful and reliable for your team. The map has a three-bomb-site design and is currently in the competitive pool as of Episode 9 Act 2. For those uninitiated, Vyse is the new Sentinel in Riot’s competitive 5v5 shooter. She is the first Agent in her class to have a flash ability. This makes her playstyle different from traditional Sentinels like Killjoy and Cypher.
This Valorant Vyse Haven guide will give you a detailed overview of how to approach the map on both attacking and defending sides.
Vyse Razorvine setups for Valorant's Haven
Razorvine setup for defending A site on Haven
Razorvine setup for defending B site on Haven
Razorvine setup for defending C site on Haven
Razorvine setup for defending Garage on Haven
Note: While attacking, the Razorvines are best used at choke points, like spawn entrances to sites, to delay enemy retakes. You can also place them near the spike in combination with your team's mollies.
Also read: Valorant: Complete Vyse Sunset guide
Vyse Shear setups for Valorant's Haven
Shear setup for defending A site on Haven
Shear setup for defending B site on Haven
Shear setup for defending C site on Haven
Shear setup for defending Garage on Haven
Shear setup for watching A Flank on Haven (for attackers)
Shear setup for watching C Flank on Haven (for attackers)
Also check out: Valorant: Complete Vyse Lotus guide
Vyse Arc Rose setups for Valorant's Haven
This guide will feature both passive and aggressive Arc Rose setups since the ability can be placed through walls.
Arc Rose placement for defending A site on Haven
Arc Rose placement for defending B site on Haven
Arc Rose placement for Mid aggression on Haven
Arc Rose placement for defending C site on Haven
Arc Rose placement for attacking A site on Haven
Arc Rose placement for attacking B site on Haven
Arc Rose placement for attacking C site on Haven
Arc Rose placement for attacking Garage on Haven
Also read: Valorant: Complete Vyse Breeze guide
How to use Vyse's ultimate Steel Garden on Valorant's Haven
While attacking, Vyse's ultimate, Steel Garden, is extremely powerful on the A and B sites on Haven. It covers the bomb sites completely, giving your team an advantageous execute or post-plant positioning.
When defending, you can use your ultimate on any of the sites while retaking. You can also use it to stop enemy executes. However, this requires very precise timing.