Vyse is the latest addition to the Valorant roster. Sporting an interesting kit, this Agent is one to look out for as she can turn the tide on any battlefield. Her Arc Rose is a brilliant flash that can mimic the effect of a Breach flash. Meanwhile, her Razorvine is a new kind of ability that slows and damages enemies thereby punishing them for making any kind of movement. Vyse was released in Valorant as a more aggressive Sentinel, which is reflected by her kit.
This Vyse Icebox guide will share several setups that can help trap and defeat enemies while playing on defense. It will also provide some tips and ideas on how to attack with Vyse on Icebox.
Valorant: Complete Vyse Icebox guide
A Site - Defense

The A Site on Icebox is rather shallow. Enemies have a lot of areas and angles to attack. This Vyse Icebox guide will first explore how to defend it. You can put up the Arc Rose on the box as shown in the image. Moreover, the Shear can be placed right at the entrance on either side.

While one entry point can be covered by the Shear, the other can be protected by the Razorvine. Trigger it as soon as you hear the Shear go up as that's perfect timing. The image shows all the workable options and you can keep alternating between different setups.
B Site - Defense

Let's discuss the B Site in this Vyse Icebox guide. Perhaps the best placement for the Arc Rose is on the ground close to the plant area. After this, a Shear can be placed by Yellow and an opponent trying to plant the Spike can be fully isolated in the process of the Shear going up. Once this happens, trigger the Arc Rose flash to grab a guaranteed elimination.

This is one option for a setup where a Razorvine can cover one side of Yellow while the Shear can oversee another. This kind of setup proves to be a bit more passive, but you can try and capture space with an aggressive setup as well.

You may place the Arc Rose on the wall as shown in the image. This works with several other abilities in sync. You must place an aggressive Shear wall. Once the wall triggers, fire off the Arc Rose to flash the isolated opponent and take an instant frag. You will be facing B Main which means you won't be blinded. This gives you an advantage over the opponent.

Finally, you can also place a forward Razorvine right at the entry point of B Main. This vine will cover up most of the area and surely damage enemies coming in. You can follow it up with Shock Bolts or some molotovs to inflict even more damage to oncoming opponents.

Vyse Icebox guide: Attacking as Vyse

Attacking as Vyse means trying to flash your Duelists into the site. On a map like Icebox, there are a few options available for both A and B Sites. For the A Site, while entering, you may place your flash as shown in the image above. This will blind enemies in the back of A Site quite effectively.
Alternatively, you can also blind them towards the Defender spawn by placing the Arc Rose as shown in the image below.

For the B Site, perhaps the most optimal option is to blind right behind Yellow for a Duelist to take space. While entering through B Main, you can place the Arc Rose through Yellow and trigger it to blind any enemy hiding behind.

Once the site is secure, place your Razorvine by the Spike to slow down enemies trying to defuse. Also, always put up a Shear behind you to watch the flank, this can be put up near A Main and B Main. Thoroughly learning these mechanics and strategies can be used to effectively master Vyse in Valorant.