Vyse is the latest Sentinel Agent released in Valorant. Her abilities are most useful for the defensive side of a match. They let her anchor a site all by herself while getting information and doing damage to opponents. Compared to the abilities of the other Sentinel Agents in the game, Vyse's are quite unique but tricky to get value out of.
Lotus might not be the most ideal Valorant map for Vyse, but she can be somewhat useful on it. This article offers some tips on how to use the Agent to defend and attack on the map.
Valorant: Vyse Lotus guide
Defending A-Site
Valorant Lotus' A-Site has two points of entry. The first one is from A-Main, while the second is from A-Tree (by using the rotating A-Door).
If players defending the A-Site wish to take control of A Rubble, Vyse can place her Arc Rose from inside A Tree for A Main. This can help the team blind the first line of opponents that may try to get A Rubble for themselves.
Vyse can then place her Shear at the entrance of A-Site from A Main. This will help isolate enemies that try to push from A Main and also helps teammates in the back area of the site to get easier duels.
Teammates playing in A Stairs can also take advantage of this chaos and kill the enemies on the other side of the wall.
A Razorvine can then be placed right in front of the Shear to slow down the push even further.
As for the push from A Tree, the second Razorvine can be placed to slow down the speedy execute. This will also help teammates at the back of site to get easier duels.
However, one thing to note is that this may lead to the opponents rotating away from the A Door to some other location.
Defending B-Site
The B-Site of Valorant's Lotus is simpler to defend. There are technically two entry points for this site. The first is from B Main into the B-Site, whereas the second is through A Link, which will require players to break the small door.
Firstly, Vyse can place her Arc Rose from B Site towards the B Main and B Pillars area. This will help get information on whether there is enemy presence outside the B-Site. It can also help teammates take a duel in B Main.
The next line of defense for Vyse is quite straightforward. A Shear can simply be placed on the B-Site entry to stop the push from B Main. This can also be useful to detect lurking enemies while aiding teammates who might open the C Door to take duels in B Main.
Later, a Razorvine can be placed right in front of the Shear. This will help slow down enemies if they decide to commit their spike plant on the B Site. It can also aid teammates in taking duels from both the C Link area and B Upper.
The remaining Razorvine can be placed for the potential push from A Link. Since the entry point is extremely small and narrow, the Razorvine can find a decent amount of impact.
Similar to the previous Razorvine, this will also help towards easier duels from the B Upper side.
Defending C-Site
The C-Site of Valorant's Lotus only has a single place to enter from: the C Mound area. However, after entering the site, players can choose to either make their way to C Bend or go the other way around, which is in front of C Waterfall.
Firstly, Vyse can place her flash from C Waterfall for C Mound. This will help curb the initial push on C Mound and can also help set up teammates who may be using an Operator to get the first blood.
The next line of defense will be on C Main. Vyse can place her Shear right at the entrance. This will help slow down the initial push on the C Site and even detect potential lurks.
Similar to the other two sites, a Razorvine can be placed in front of the Shear. This will be the next line of defense once the Shear goes down. It will also be critical aid for teammates who may be fighting from C Bend.
The last Razorvine can then be placed just outside C Waterfall. This will buy some time for teammates in C Bend and also help in easier duels from both C Waterfall and C Hall.
Attacking with Vyse on Lotus
Like most Sentinel Agents in Valorant, Vyse won't have a lot of impact on the attacking half of a match. In fact, when it comes to Lotus, she will most likely need another Sentinel Agent on the team to have a proper defensive hold.
Vyse's most impactful ability on the attacking half is easily the Arc Rose. When attacking towards the A-Site, she can place her Arc Rose from A Lobby for A Rubble. This will help blind enemies that may aggressively try to take control of A Rubble.
Similarly, another Arc Rose can be placed from C Lobby to slow down enemies that are trying to fight C Mound. This will also help blind enemies that may be using an Operator from C Main.
The Razorvine and Shear are very situational on the attacking half of Valorant's Lotus.
Players can always place the Razorvine in very basic spots (depending on the site) to slow down retakes. Razorvine can also be used a little aggressively. For example, throwing it from C Lobby for C Main can help slow down enemies' push towards C Mound. Something similar can also be done for the B Site.
While the Shear can be placed to detect potential flanks, the large size of Valorant's Lotus and its numerous paths makes it difficult to get a lot of value out of it on the attacking half.
Hence, Shear can become the piece of utility that's used on the site instead of flank. For example, using the Shear on the back of B Site after a spike plant can slow down enemies that may try to retake C Link.
Keep in mind that Sentinel Agents like Cypher and Killjoy will always have a lot more value when it comes to detecting potential flanks.
Check out these other Vyse guides:
- Valorant: Complete Vyse Bind guide
- Valorant: Complete Vyse Icebox guide
- Valorant: Complete Vyse Ascent guide
- Valorant: Complete Vyse Abyss guide