Vyse, Valorant’s brand-new Agent, is a Sentinel, and fans will be looking for different strategies and setups to experiment with when using the character. Riot Games added Vyse to Valorant to provide players with a more aggressive Sentinel Agent to play with. For this reason, she has nifty abilities like the Arc Rose, which is a flash, making her the only character in this class to have one.
That being said, this Vyse Sunset guide will take you through a few setups and explain strategies to maximize your potential when using the Agent on this particular map.
Valorant: Vyse Sunset guide
Defending A Site

Sunset’s A Site has two entryways for attackers, both of which lie in the same direction, that is, towards the attacker spawn. This makes it incredibly vital to isolate one area and secure at least one elimination. Thankfully, Vyse’s kit is perfect to do just that. Put down the Shear right by the box close to A Main.

Once an enemy enters, the wall will go up. That’s your cue to activate the Arc Rose placed on the wall, as shown in the image. Play from behind the default plant area and peek out once the opponent is blind.

Meanwhile, you can also put down the Razorvine right at the mouth of A Elbow, creating even more potential for flashing enemies trying to enter while they are slow.

This will isolate one enemy who can then be flashed by the Arc Rose, as shown in the image. A quick elimination later, you can go back to safety and regroup. A more aggressive setup is to put down Shear farther ahead. Flash out with the help of an ally and place the Shear right by the ultimate orb.

Defending B Site

For the B Site, put down a Shear, as shown in the image. Next, put an Arc Rose up high so that it becomes difficult to shoot by merely guessing its position. As soon as the Shear goes up, you can flash the enemy and take them down.

Once the Shear is down, activate the Razorvine, as shown in the image, to further stall the plant. Also, try to have a Razorvine deployed by the door in B Market to stall any opponents headed your way from that area.

For a more aggressive setup, place the Shear by the orb, as shown in the image, and have the Arc Rose deployed on the wall directly opposite to it. Activate the flash as soon as the Shear goes up and take the elimination.

Next, rely on Razorvines to further slow down enemies flooding in. This will help you break their overall momentum and perhaps even stop them from rushing your site.

Attacking as Vyse

For the attacking half, you can use the Arc Rose by left-clicking and placing it through the walls like Breach flashes. For the A Site, go through B Elbow and place it up high, as shown in the image. This can blind just about everyone trying to hold the site.

For the B Site, you may place it through the wall, as shown in the image. Yet again, you can flash anyone holding back of the site. Try different variations of this mechanic to get the best out of it. You may also place the Razorvine around the Spike to slow down enemies trying to defuse.
Meanwhile, you can use the Shear to watch flank or block entryways on sites like B Market or A Alley.