After nearly one and a half years, Valorant finally has its fifth Sentinel, Deadlock. The Norwegian Agent marks the 23rd character in Riot Games' tactical shooter. As a Sentinel, she is expected to play off her utility to anchor bombsites and delay pushes. While most of her kit has similarities with other Sentinel abilities in the game, a few things are unique to her equipment.
To master Deadlock in Valorant, you must learn the nuances of her utility kit. One of the unique points of her kit is a grenade called GravNet. This guide will help you understand how her GravNet works and how you can get the most value out of it.
How does Deadlock's GravNet (C) Ability work in Valorant?
The official description of GravNet in Valorant is as follows:
"EQUIP a GravNet grenade. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to lob the grenade underhand. The GravNet detonates upon landing, forcing any enemies caught within to crouch and move slowly."
Imagine Fade's Seize, Sage's Slow Orb, and Cypher's Camera had a lovechild. The result would be Deadlock's GravNet. It incorporates mechanics from all three of these abilities and adds the forced crouch mechanic.
If a GravNet grenade is thrown at you, you have to dodge its area of effect (AoE) before it detonates, or you will get caught by it, as with Fade's Seize. Like Sage's Slow Orbs, the ability is excellent at stopping people in their tracks. Its effects last for a couple of moments, even after you have left the AoE. However, like the tag from a Cypher Camera, you can take it out to end its effect.
The ability costs 200 credits, and you can get a single charge per round. Upon landing, there is a wind-up time of 0.4 seconds before it detonates. Its effects last six seconds or until the caught player(s) remove their tags.
Tips on using Deadlock's GravNet (C) Ability in Valorant
Deadlock's C ability can be an extremely effective tool in Valorant. While throwing it at a bunch of pushing enemies can slow them down, you can do more with the grenade. Follow these tips to get the most value out of the ability:
1) Combine it with damaging utility in tight areas
You can combine Raze's Paintshells or an Orbital Strike from Brimstone with this ability. This will kill the enemies or send them running like headless chickens into your crosshairs.
2) Learn lineups for the ability
The GravNet grenade has the same projectile as Viper's Poison Orb or Killjoy's Nano Swarms. If you already know the lineups for those abilities, you can implement them to add finesse to your Deadlock gameplay.
3) Throw it on a ticking spike before peeking
Knowing lineups will surely help with this bit. Before peering at a Spike defuser, throw this Grenade at them to force them into crouching. While it will not disrupt them from defusing the Spike, it will give you an advantage in the gunfight.
You can also check out our other guides on optimally using Deadlock's different abilities.