The concept of sprays in video games has been around for a long time, and Valorant has also implemented it. However, Riot Games did do something different than other games, and that is the inclusion of memes via their sprays.
Memes have been a part of pop culture for quite some time, and Riot Games have accepted this culture with open arms. These sprays are usually given through Battlepasses, and Episode 4 Act 3 will observe their arrival in the same way as well.
This article will focus on observing all the memes and pop culture references made in the game in the upcoming season.
Each and every meme reference in Valorant’s Episode 4 Act 3 Battlepass
In 2022, everyone around the world appreciates memes for their humor and relatability. To incorporate memes into their game, Riot Games redesigns popular memes with their in-game assets to create something unique.
In this Battlepass, a total of four memes and humorous references have been made and are as follows:
1) I have 3 Creds (SpongeBob SquarePants)

SpongeBob SquarePants has been a supplier of many memes for years and Valorant saw this as an opportunity. For making this recreation, Riot Games used Phoenix holding three notes just like Patrick does in the original meme.
2) Bawk Bawk Brimstone (SpongeBob SquarePants)

Another SpongeBob SquarePants reference has been made in the brand new Battlepass and this time it features Spongebob himself. The iconic chicken act done by Spongebob has been a meme for mocking people and Riot Games brought this meme into their game universe via Brimstone.
3) Stinger Time (Typical dad joke)

Bee puns are one of the most common dad jokes anyone would come by, and Riot Games used its weapon to do so. The sprays feature Stinger from the game with bees as scopes because bees sting. The sheer dryness of the humor makes it many times better and Riot Games used it perfectly.
4) Terrible Day for Rain (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

One of the saddest scenes from the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood has also been a popular meme, as Roy Mustang cries in daylight, saying, “It is raining.” Riot Games pays tribute to this scene by using Cypher for a spray in Valorant, showing how he is suffering.
All the sprays coming with the new Battlepass
Valorant’s Episode 4 Act 3 Battlepass arrives with a total of sixteen sprays and will be making its arrival on April 27, 2022.
The following are all the sprays included in the Battlepass:
- Cap no cap
- Terrible Day for Rain
- Backseat Coaching
- Bawk Bawk Brimstone
- Caution Blinding Bird
- Charge Needed
- Coalition Cobra
- Don’t Watch This
- Epilogue Stinger Time
- Heaven or Hell
- I have 3 Creds
- It’s Stinger Time
- Keeping Secrets
- Look Behind You
- Pretty Pretty Please
- Skeptical Viper
Players can claim all these items by purchasing the premium tier Battlepass for 1000 Valorant Points or VP, which will stay till the end of the season.