Viper is one of the most versatile agents in Valorant. Not only can she effectively defend sites, but can also push into sites with ease. According to lore, Viper is an American chemist who also happens to be a specialist when it comes to poisons.
Her abilities mostly apply the Toxin debuff to players affected by her abilities, and she can make them vulnerable too. In the right hands, she can be a very dangerous agent.
Interestingly enough, she also has the capability to hold down an entire site just by herself. As such, here are the most useful attacking and defending lineups for each map in Valorant.
All map-wise Viper lineups in Valorant
1) Ascent
Ascent is one of the most popular and go-to maps in Valorant. The map is comparatively small, so navigating between the two sites is quite effective. When it comes to attacking, players usually move into A site during the early rounds of the game.
As Viper, the best lineup for this site would be to stand right behind the boxes on A-main and face the site. Players would then be required to equip their Toxic Screen ability and aim towards the site and shoot. The Toxic Screen should completely block the side door on A-site if done correctly.

Once that’s done, players will need to peek at the A-site entrance and deploy their Snake Bite ability at the entrance. This should be enough to push any defender at the entrance towards Hell.

While defending A site, Viper can drop her Poison Cloud at the main entrance to A site. Once deployed, the Poison Cloud will block the vision for any attacker trying to enter from there. If anyone does enter through the Poison Cloud, they’ll be affected by the Toxin debuff.

After that, she needs to climb onto Heaven and line up with the box at Heaven. Once lined-up, Viper can shoot her Toxic screen towards Mid, blocking off the vision for the attackers. She can then camp in Hell and pick off any enemies dropping out of Heaven.

2) Haven
Haven is the only map in Valorant with three different sites, making it a very interesting but intimidating map to play on. That said, here are two Viper lineups. One for attack and one for defense.
While defending, Viper needs to align right under the flower pot on A site. Once aligned, she needs to deploy her Toxic Screen straight towards B. The Toxic Screen should cover the main A site entrance, the A short corridor, and the B main entrance if placed well enough.

Once that’s done, she needs to place the Poison Cloud at the A-side entrance, effectively creating a one-way. With all entrances now blocked, the only point of attack is Heaven, an area that other agents can take care of.

When it comes to attacking A site, Viper can push through the A short corridor and toss a Poison Cloud into Heaven, blocking vision. She can also launch her Toxic Screen diagonally across the site, blocking the view to the A-side entrance and Hell.

3) Split
Split is one of the smaller maps in Valo
rant. Since Viper is more of a controller, her lineups for attacking and defending are somewhat similar on this map.

While attacking, Viper needs to drop her Toxic Screen into A site while entering from the attacker spawn. Once the Toxic Screen has gone up, she can use this as cover to walk into the site and then put a Poison Cloud onto Heaven, blocking the visibility of any defender trying to defend the site from the Tower.

While defending, Viper can come into A site from the defender spawn area and lay down her Toxic Screen towards A main entrance. A Poison Cloud can go onto Heaven, blocking the sight of an attacker trying to take the site from the Tower.

4) Bind
Bind is the only map in Valorant that has teleporters. These teleporters can cut the movement time from one site to another. However, players can alert their enemies when using these devices. These Viper lineups can help them pull off some easy wins on Bind in Valorant.

Viper’s attack lineups come into play mainly during post-plant scenarios. If the spike has been planted at A, Viper can toss a Poison Cloud at the spike itself.

Once that’s done, Viper can align herself with the stone bricks at the Baths door and deploy her Toxic Screen until the A Teleporter. That should be enough to force the defenders to push from Heaven or wait till their abilities die down.

While defending B site, Viper can climb onto the boxes below the Window and then deploy her Toxic Screen till Pallet. She can then use her Poison Cloud at the B Hall entrance. This lineup in Valorant should technically be enough to lockdown the B site for a good while.

5) Icebox
Icebox is one of the newer maps in Valorant. The horizontal ziplines on this map make it a unique one. Moreover, given how compact the B site is, it’s slightly difficult to retake the B site if there’s a plant here. These lineups will focus on defending the B site while pushing an attack on the A site in Valorant.
While attacking A site, there’s a chance that defenders will lurk around Generator and Maze. The best way to go about this would be to climb up onto the ramps while coming in from the attacker spawn and then launch a Snake Bite at Generator and Maze itself in Valorant, and then launch the Toxic Screen across the site.

That should be enough to flush out any defenders hiding in these spots while providing attackers with enough cover to move into the site. Once the spike has been planted, Viper can drop Poison Cloud on the spike to block it from being defused.


While defending A site, Viper can align herself with the box near the generator and set up a Toxic Screen diagonally through the Maze. After that, Viper can also drop a Poison Orb in the window, blocking the visibility of any attacker that might be hiding there.

6) Fracture
This new map in Valorant can be slightly intimidating for newer players. However, given how small it is, it’s easier to navigate through when compared to other maps in the game. Here are two Viper lineups that can help you pull victories on Fracture.

While pushing into the site as an attacker, it’s not wise to push through A drop because defenders can easily set up choke points there. That said, it’s always best if attackers push through A main in Valorant.
While pushing through the main, Viper can drop her Snake Bite at A door or onto A ropes. These two sites are where defenders usually hide while holding out the site.

Taking care of them early on in the game can prove beneficial. Once the area has been cleared out, Viper can then use her Toxic Screen straight across A site to A drop, thereby blocking the view of any defender hiding opposite the site.
While defending B site in Valorant, Viper can take her spot in the Tower on Fracture. From the Tower, she can drop Poison Cloud onto Arcade and then camp at the site for anyone coming in from B main or Canteen.

There are plenty of boxes here that can be used as cover. So, while moving through the site, she can deploy her Toxic Screen at Canteen and B main to keep defenders at bay.

7) Breeze
Breeze isn't that big of a map in Valorant. However, it has a lot of tight corners, making it more technical in terms of strategy.

While moving into B site from attacker spawn, players can use a straight Toxic Screen from B main all the way across B pillar. This layout divides B site into half, allowing an easy plant around B back. Viper can also toss a Poison Cloud in the B tunnel, further slowing down a hard push by the defenders.

Given that defenders have somewhat of an advantage when it comes to moving into sites in Breeze in Valorant, the above lineup can also be used to single out any enemies that may be hiding at the site.

Given that Viper's Toxic Screen can pass through walls and has a decent range, players can deploy it diagonally from A cave, all the way to A hall. This strategy only works if the attackers haven't pushed into A site already.

Alternatively, players can choose to lay down the Toxic screen diagonally across A pyramids to A lobby. Although this will allow attackers to push into A site, they won't be able to push to the site if there are defenders waiting behind the wall to pick them off.
Viper can also choose to use a Poison Cloud at Mid wood doors for additional lockdowns on Breeze in Valorant.