Split is a map in Valorant that has two sites for the spike to be planted on, and it allows multiple ways to rotate between the two. Players also need to check a lot of corners on this map since it features many objects behind which enemies often tend to hide.
This can result in players getting heavily punished if they choose to overlook the corners. Under such circumstances, Controllers and Sentinels are preferred over multiple duelists in a single team. Therefore, it's not impossible to win matches without multiple duelists.
This article will discuss the agent tier list for the map Split in Valorant.
Most popular Agents for Split in Valorant Episode 4
Currently, Valorant has a total of 18 agents for players to choose from. Every agent has a unique set of abilities, but not all are effective on every map of the game. A map like Split is generally known for having a lot of corners to check and clear before taking control of either of the sites.
Agents like Skye, KAY/O, Breach, Omen, and Brimstone will help fulfill both of these purposes. Duelists, with the support of controllers and initiators, assert additional dominance in taking control of a particular site. With every new update, the game goes through some significant meta-shifts.
Some agents get buffed, which increases their popularity, while other agents get picked less due to nerfs or inefficiency in newer maps when compared to others. A similar instance occurred when Omen was significantly buffed while Astra was nerfed.
Since the addition of Neon in Episode 4, Valorant has gone through multiple changes in the meta. Every Valorant agent can be divided into the following five different tiers, from the most to least popular, on the basis of pick-rates:
- S tier
- A Tier
- B Tier
- C Tier
- D Tier
S-tier Agents
S-tier agents are currently the most popular agents on Split. Almost every team picks them, and they are quite helpful in both taking control and defending either of the sites.

- Jett (Duelist)
- Raze (Duelist)
- Omen (Controller)
- Skye (Initiator)
- KAY-O (Initiator)
Jett is still the most picked agent in the game at the moment. She has the ability to dash out of complicated situations while enhancing the sniping potential of players at the same time. However, with the map being compact, Raze is also a viable option as she can double satchel and ult, inflicting a ton of damage upon enemies.
Astra used to bring versatility as a Controller, but her recent nerf has increased the pick rate of Omen and Brimstone. Both agents have been buffed recently and play a crucial role while taking control of the sites on Split.
Skye and KAY-O are good options as initiators. The former helps to gather information about the enemies while also having the ability to heal her teammates, the latter helps to deactivate the abilities of opponents for a short period of time.
A-tier Agents
Coming right after S-tier agents, A-tier agents are equally powerful and popular in the game. However, their selection usually depends on the strategy and playstyle of a particular team.

- Brimstone (Controller)
- Cypher (Sentinel)
- Killjoy (Sentinel)
- Breach (Initiator)
- Neon (Duelist)
Brimstone has been buffed recently where his Stim Beacon increases the movement speed and weapon fire rate of the entire team. His smokes are useful and his ultimate helps to deny spikes from getting planted or defused.
Killjoy is picked by teams depending on their comfort zone. Her ultimate, when used properly, has the potential to change the outcome of a particular round in the favor of the user.
Breach helps initiate fights and take control of the map. Cypher often proves to be very useful with his camera and traps. However, by now, most teams are aware of the possible positions of his tools.
Neon is very useful in this map. Her abilities allow the team to take quick control, plant spikes, and force the opponent to play for retakes. However, her movements are easily predictable and can be countered by agents like KAY-O and Omen.
B-tier Agents
These agents can be perfect for any map if they're used properly.

- Reyna (Duelist)
- Viper (Controller)
- Chamber (Sentinel)
- Sage (Sentinel)
- Sova (Initiator)
Reyna and Chamber can be quite effective if used properly. Sage can give her team an extra advantage with her wall and slow orbs. However, her wall is vulnerable for the first few seconds as it takes time to solidify.
Viper has been one of the most popular agents since her inception in the game. However, Sova and Viper are two of the agents who have a lower pick rate in this map of Valorant. Although they have amazing abilities, they are not as efficient as other agents for Split.
C-tier Agents
Agents with lesser pick-rates belong to the C-tier.

- Astra (Controller)
- Yoru (Duelist)
Astra was recently nerfed, which resulted in a massive drop in her pickrate. She used to be the preferred controller for most maps but now she has been replaced by Omen, Viper, and Brimstone.
Yoru has received a massive buff with the latest update. However, timing his abilities is difficult and not every player has gotten used to the maneuvers that he can potentially perform.
D-tier Agents
Agents with the lowest pick rates belong to this category.

- Phoenix (Duelist)
Phoenix comes in the last tier among all agents in Valorant, especially for Split. He might be able to do the job in lower-ranked lobbies, but he is not as efficient and effective in higher-ranked gameplay.