Valorant's latest Act in Episode 5 started almost a week ago, exposing players to a new in-game meta. Although Act 2 saw little change from the game's previous state, the meta continues to grow every day. Players are left to figure out how to tackle the ever-changing trend in order to face the competition.
An Agent tier list can help break down Valorant's Agent meta like no other summary. It is crucial for players to know every Agent's strengths and weaknesses in order to play or tackle one. Such inferences may not matter much in low-elo games, but high-elo players definitely need in-game meta insights.
The new competitive Act saw popular Agents change their positions on the tier list compared to the list from the previous Act. Some Agents remained on the same level, while others took a downfall or received an upgrade.
Best Valorant Agents tier list after patch 5.03

The most intriguing insight from the latest tier list sheds light on Fade's supremacy over other Initiator Agents. Chamber continues to dominate the meta like always, even after two nerfs. The list also reveals the unfortunate state of some promising Agents like Killjoy, Cypher, Reyna, and Astra.
Below is the full Agents tier list based on pickrate and efficiency of their abilities.
2) Killjoy
Once a favorite Sentinel, Killjoy quickly fell out of meta after her nerf and Chamber's entry into the Agent roster. Her Turret and Alarm Bot quickly lose range, and are not useful on extended maps like Breeze or Pearl, unlike Chamber's Trademark.
1) Cypher
Cypher's kit is satisfactory, but his Ultimate, Neural Theft, is underpowered and may turn out to be useless in many situations. Fans of the Agent's sneaky skills have repeatedly demanded tweaks to his kit, but Riot does not seem to have plans for him anytime soon.
3) Reyna
Reyna is a favorite among many who prefer solo queing as a Duelist on Valorant's Competitive ladder. That said, her kit provides minimal value to the team, making her one of the most useless Agents unless the player controlling her possesses impeccable firepower.
2) Astra
A Controller featuring promising qualities, Astra dealt with a major downfall in pickrate after her nerf. At the moment, she is constantly picked in pro-play but is consistently ignored on the ranked ladder. Her kit isn't viable enough to be played on all maps in Valorant.
1) Skye
Skye's kit is bland, except for her sharp flashes, which are capable enough to annoy enemies if done properly. That said, her flashes and other abilities such as Trailblazer and Seekers (Ultimate) are quite easy to dodge or destroy. While her pickrate is quite good, one can always choose to go for a better Initiator Agent.
5) Yoru
The most unloved Duelist Agent, Yoru radiates glamor through his appearance and ability kit. However, it is important for players to master him before being able to use his abilities competently. Yoru's abilities can easily dumbfound enemies when used properly, and bring a lot to the team's table.
4) Sova
One of the best Initiators, Sova remains a veteran pick. However, he suffers a similar uncertainty as Skye after the introduction of Fade. His Recon Bolt still does the trick like no other Agent, but the rest of his kit isn't very powerful anymore.
3) Omen
The mysterious Controller Agent, Omen is a favorite among players who have perfected the art of smokes in Valorant. His kit is easy to understand and can annoy opponents to the point of breaking down. Then again, his Ultimate is considered powerless in most situations.
2) Brimstone
A veteran controller, Brimstone keeps his priorities and strategies straightforward: fully smoke, use a Stim Beacon, and push. Once the Spike is planted, he can fall back and play on his Ultimate and molly lineups. While his kit is easy to understand and worthy enough, the limit on his smokes seems unfair.
1) Breach
A worthy Initiator Agent, Breach is often feared by his opponents. He has always been a part of the meta, but his only drawback is that he requires strong team coordination to be useful.
5) Sage:
The popular healer, Sage is one of the most-picked Sentinel Agents in Valorant. Her wall has endless possibilities, letting her reach an angle that none of her opponents may expect.
4) Phoenix
The British boy rose in popularity after his recent buff, letting players capitalize on his fast flashes, his deadly molly with healing capabilities, and his extremely powerful Ultimate, which offers him a free life.
3) Neon
Neon was once underestimated, but some pro-athletes did a great job of promoting Neon's potential in Valorant. She is a fierce Duelist, capable of entrying sites and dumbfounding enemies with her movement.
2) Viper
Viper deals with deadly poison that her enemies fear, letting her control sites like no other Agent on the roster. She remains a favorite Controller even after her brutal nerf.
1) Jett
Jett remains a favorite Duelist pick even after her nerf. She is as viable as she was before, with her abilities letting her pick awestrucking frags and escaping tight situations.
4) Raze
The Duelist from Brazil, Raze's personality and ability kit are both explosive. Her grenades deal lethal damage, and her Blast Pack not only lets her escape situations and enter sites efficiently, but also deals damage to her enemies.
3) KAY/O
A popular Initiator Agent in Valorant, KAY/O is hands down one of the best Agents in the current meta. His ability to suppress his opponents for a considerable amount of time is underrated, and more players need to realize his true potential.
2) Fade
Speaking of the best Initiator Agent, Fade is currently dominating the meta with her location-marking, blinding, and deafening abilities. Her Ultimate can do wonders in post-plant situations, and her signature and basic abilities allow her to remain independent and capable enough to pick fights.
1) Chamber
The man of style, Chamber remains the top pick among Sentinel Agents in Valorant even after receiving two brutal nerfs. His basic design is over-powered and no amount of justified nerfs can make him lose his popularity.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.