Online multiplayer games and their closed beta releases like Valorant are quite notorious for having a lot of bugs, error codes and in-game crashes.
Riot Games’ latest tactical shooter Valorant, is no different in this aspect. Apart from displaying error codes 40, 7 and 46, the game has recently started to show 'unavailable chat services' to a lot of players.
In a game that is best enjoyed with friends, not being able to communicate with them or even add or invite them to a match is frustrating.
What causes this problem in Valorant?

There is some speculation going on that this error in Valorant is just like a punishment for ‘having a chat restriction’ which is present in other Riot IPs, namely League of Legends.
However, it’s not exactly certain as to what causes this error. There is no permanent solution to this issue unless Riot patches it out with a future bug fix, though they have made a few changes to the chat in their latest patch.
How to fix the 'Unavailable chat service' error in Valorant

If you’re facing the ‘unavailable chat service error in Valorant, ’here are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the issue:
1. Restarting the Valorant client
This method is the most common and has been tried and tested by many players who have faced a similar issue. Relogging into the Valorant client generally solves almost every error code. But do remember to completely close the application before starting it again.
Go to the task manager and end all processes that aid in running the game.
2. Reinstalling the game and updating it
If the problem still persists, then there is another step, a rather drastic one, you can take to fix the issue.
Reinstalling the game should fix the problem right away. But do remember to update the game to the latest patch before you launch the client.
3. Wait out if there is a server downtime
If the two above methods fail, then it’s probable that Riot’s servers are down, in which case you would just have to wait for a while.