Before the patch dropped in Valorant, a lack of utilities and map design issues made the players in all the tiers dependant on the Operator. Riot Games' response to this came with patch 1.11 when developers introduced Skye, a new agent with two flashes to spare. Breach also got a buff on his ‘flashpoint’ ability.
Previously, attacking a site was harder than it looked. One player holding a crucial point with an Operator made the entry difficult for the attacking team. With the increased flashes and accurate composition, a team can flash all the angles and still have flashes to spare.
Issues of Valorant patch 1.11
With the introduction of Skye and Yoru in Episode 2, the meta soon became frustrating. Facing an opposition composed of Skye, Phoenix, Reyna, Breach, and Omen or Yoru was becoming unbearable for players.
Not long after the patch, players started to question if Valorant had too many flashes now.
With flashes rushing on the screen, a team comprising of 10 flashes each round was getting incredibly hard for newer players to deal with.
Valorant flash changes in patch 2.02
After a long time of bottled-up frustration, players can finally breathe easy. In the recent patch update, Valorant reduced the brightness on initial visuals when blinded from flashes. The white parts of the flash were changed to different colors. The intensity was reduced. The spread of the flash has also been decreased, with it becoming more concentrated in the center.
According to a Redditor by the handle u/-im-just-vibing-,
no, but basically they did darker blue (yoru) green(skye) orange (phoenix) and changed the white parts in between the flash to black.
With these changes, it would be much easier for players who have a visual impairment and epileptic seizures to play the game. Lower tier players can now get flashed and not feel the strain in their eyes. This patch introduced a meaningful change to the game that made players happy.