Agent 22 in Valorant, Deadlock, is a Sentinel. The latest addition to the team, she hails from Norway and uses modern nanotechnology in her kit. She currently feels underwhelming as an agent but might get more notoriety as players try to understand her mechanics and interactions. Her Barrier Mesh and Sonic Sensor offer decent defensive capabilities when it comes to holding on to bomb sites.
She can block off choke points and detect enemy presence fairly well. Her Barrier Mesh, specifically, is very useful in pistol rounds as it has a lot of hit points. Having said that, let us look at some of her setups and lineups that use her kit effectively in Valorant.
How to use Deadlock's Barrier Mesh (E) ability on Bind in Valorant
This ability deploys a wall that blocks enemy movement in Valorant. While defending, use your Barrier Mesh in any of the following locations to effectively delay enemy pushes.
A Short

A Showers aggressive

A Showers passive

B Hookah aggressive

B Hookah passive

B Long

How to use Deadlock's Sonic Sensor (Q) ability on Bind in Valorant
It detects noises made by enemies and stuns anyone in its area of effect. Use your Sonic Sensor in any of the following locations to hold on to bomb sites and catch enemies off guard. While attacking, you can use this to watch the flank but be careful as enemies walking past it will not trigger the trap. Having said that, let us see how to use it on defense.
B Hookah drop

B Long entrance

A Showers entrance

A Triple Boxes

A Short

A Lamps

A Site Truck

How to use Deadlock's GravNet (C) ability on Bind in Valorant
Deadlock equips a grenade that, upon landing, tethers enemies on the spot and forces them to crouch. You can use this ability in combination with other grenades or mollies, like, Raze's Paint Shells, for confirmed kills. Here are a few lineups for you to learn.
A Short to Lamps

Stand atop the wooden ledge in A short and push yourself into the corner. Aim high, as shown in the picture, and jump throw. Your Gravnet will land at the entrance of the lamps.
A Short to Triple Box

Stand in the same corner in A Short and aim high as shown. Jump and left-click throw to Gravnet Triple Boxes.
Outside Hookah to back B

Stand before the wooden box outside the teleporter and aim high, as shown. Simply left-click throw, and it will land at the back of B Site. Combine this with a Raze grenade for easy kills.
Outside Hookah to Inside Hookah

Stand in the corner just outside the doorway blocked by the round start barrier. Aim high, as shown in the picture, crouch, and normal left click throw. Your Gravnet grenade will land on the left side of the Hookah.
How to use Deadlock's ultimate Annihilation (X) ability on Bind in Valorant
Her ultimate is not that difficult to use. You aim in the general direction of enemies and shoot. You can also bounce this against walls but remember that it has quite a short range. Annihilation costs seven ultimate orbs, so feel free to use it and give your team an advantage in numbers or secure individual engagements.
Deadlock is quite dependent on team composition in Valorant. Her solo abilities are not the strongest but pair them up with your teammates, and you can showcase her kit's full potential.