The new Valorant map Lotus was released in Episode 6 Act 1 and has been seen in the competitive queue since Patch 6.01's launch. It has some new features like rotating doors, breakable walls, and a silent drop. Unlike its not-so-distant cousin, Haven, the map has many narrow winding passages and multiple elevation changes in each bomb site.
Breach has been around in Valorant since the game's Beta days. The Swedish Initiator can flash, stun, and even damage opponents using his abilities. His skills are very useful in maps that have long sightlines and narrow chokepoints, such as Split, Fracture, and now Lotus. This article will tell you how to get the most value out of Breach's utility kit in Valorant's new map Lotus.
Breach guide for Valorant's new map Lotus
Breach is an expert in crowd control, both on attack and defense. On Lotus, you can use his abilities to make an impact on all three sites by opening up one of them or preventing opponents from pushing in without consequences.
Keep in mind that as Breach, you will want to play with a teammate that can take advantage of your skills. As this Agent, your abilities will have a lengthy windup time, rendering you unable to swing off of your own utility in most cases. You will want to play with a Duelist with mobility like Jett, Neon, or Raze to make the most of your kit.
The following sections will tell you how to play the Swedish Valorant Agent on each site on the new map for both attack and defense.
When defending A-Site Lotus, you will want to start off at Stairs and send a stun (Fault Line) right into A-Lobby to prevent attackers from crossing from A-Root to A-Rubble. Moreover, your team will kill them with minimal difficulty if they decide to do that despite being stunned.

This Rolling Thunder lineup covers the entire A-Site. Your team can flood in from A-Top and A-Drop and begin clearing the area easily, as everyone will be stunned. Once this is done, you will just have to clear the off-site players to get the defuse. Adjust the positioning of this lineup based on the information you have on the enemies' locations.

As Breach on attack, you will want to clear tight corners and spaces that would otherwise be difficult for your entry fragger to secure. A-Hut is one such area that can be acquired using Aftershock.

Rolling Thunder covers the entire area when used from outside A-Tree and will make it easy for your team to take the site.

The B-Site is quite small, so an Aftershock at any entry point will ensure enemies have a hard time pushing through it. Sending a stun (Fault Line) into B-Main right at the start of a round will discourage attackers from rushing you. This will make it easy for someone like Chamber to peak into B-Main and get an early kill.

While retaking, Breach's ultimate can cover of the entire site, so your team only has to clear A-Link, which can be quite easy with a well-placed Flash Point.

Breach's Aftershock can easily clear enemies behind the box as you enter through B-Main, and a Flash Point will get anyone sitting inside the site.

Rolling Thunder is one of the best ultimates in Valorant for a reason. Its application in the B-Site on Lotus is an excellent example of how devastating it can be. Anyone inside the area will be caught by it or will have to get pigeonholed into A-Link.

The C-Site in Valorant's new map is Breach's weakest defending spot, being more open and having a wide entry point. However, a Fault Line straight out of Waterfall into C-Mound will catch anyone trying to run at your team, and someone swinging out will get you an easy kill.

Retaking the site with a Rolling Thunder is going to be a little difficult if players are spread out on-site as well as off it. Fortunately, the C-Site allows for playing off-site more compared to other ones, and a Breach ultimate from Waterfall will cover C-Mound entirely.

C-Bend is a difficult area to get control of as attackers, but a Fade Seize or Sage Slow Orb combined with Aftershock will drive anyone playing there out or downright kill them.

The Breach ultimate on Attack will have to be combined with the aforementioned Aftershock in order to clear the entire site, as Rolling Thunder alone will not do the job on C-Site Lotus.

The Swedish cyborg is excellent on the A and B sites of the map for both defending and attacking and can do a decent job for the C-Site as well. He deserves a spot in your team composition. This guide has covered all the basic aspects of playing Breach on Valorant's new map Lotus.