Haven features three bomb sites instead of the typical two on most Valorant maps. Such a layout offers diverse strategic opportunities for attackers and defenders. This challenging and dynamic map is known for close-quarters combat areas, multiple entry points, and various long- and short-range engagements.
Understanding how to defend these three bomb sites efficiently is crucial for winning on Haven. As a defender, Killjoy excels at area denial, using Nanoswarm grenades and Lockdown Ultimate to deter attackers from pushing bomb sites. Her Turret also provides valuable early warning and chip damage to opponents.
If you're eyeing the Match MVP title in your next ranked Haven match, we've got you covered with this excellent setup guide for Killjoy.
Potent Killjoy defense setups on Haven in Valorant
Before we delve into the top Killjoy setups, it's essential to note that this guide focuses on the setups preferred by professional players. A good defensive Killjoy's primary role often involves locking down the C-site, keeping tabs on Garage and B-site, and orchestrating favorable retakes for the A-site.
1) C-site anchor during gun rounds

This Killjoy setup aims to disrupt attackers executing on the C-site and isolating the Duelist from the rest of the team. Such a play should be done from the Logs position on the C-site to have a straight line of sight of attackers coming onto the site while dodging the Nanoswarm.

In the buy phase of the round, place your Alarmbot and Turret along Garage, as shown in the images above and below.

Such placement allows the Turret to spot any attacker creeping up Garage in tandem with the Alarmbot while also damaging the attackers coming into the C-site from the chokepoint.

Place one Nanoswarm towards the left side of the C-site chokepoint along the belt stemming from the Radianite crate; place the other Nanoswarm a bit far from the right corner of the chokepoint.
2) C-site anchor during half-buy rounds
A half-buy in Valorant refers to a strategic approach to managing your in-game economy. It's a tactic where players spend some of their credits on weapons and equipment while saving the rest for future rounds. Half-buy rounds are typically used when a team's economy is not strong enough to afford rifles and full armor, but they want to increase their chances of winning the round.

In this Killjoy setup, attackers executing on the C-site are disrupted by being funneled toward you with the help of Nanoswarms. It should be played from the left corner of the C-site chokepoint with a weapon like Judge, ideally.

In the buy phase of the round, place your Alarmbot and Turret along Garage, as shown in the images above and below.

The placement shown above allows the Turret to spot any attacker creeping up Garage in tandem with the Alarmbot while also damaging the attackers coming into the C-site from the chokepoint.

Place one Nanoswarm a bit far from the right corner of the chokepoint and the other in the middle of the site in front of the chokepoint.
3) Defending three lanes
As mentioned earlier, Haven's layout sets it apart from other Valorant maps. Attackers have four primary lanes to approach the bomb sites: A Long, A Short, B Main, and Middle-to-Garage. Each lane offers distinct challenges and opportunities for engagements.

Professional players love this Killjoy setup as it aims to spread the utility across the defensive side of the map. With the help of Nanoswarms slowing down attackers and Turret providing information about key areas of the map, this setup allows Killjoy to move around the map freely.
This setup should be the go-to option for Killjoy players who aren't sure which part of the map is likely to be attacked in the game's early phase.

The above placement allows the Turret to spot any attacker outside Garage while also damaging the attackers coming into the C-site from the chokepoint.

To swiftly place a Nanoswarm on the C-site chokepoint, stand beside your Turret in the Garage and perform a simple left click throw by aiming at the highlighted beam on the wall beside the chokepoint.

Place a Nanoswarm toward the right side of the B-site on the grey platform. Pair this Nanoswarm with an Alarmbot placed toward the left side of the B-site chokepoint.

After being all set, you can play toward A-site Sewers, B-site, Garage Window, B-site, and C-site Logs and rotate without hindrance while maintaining near-perfect control of most of the chokepoints on Haven.
4) A-site retake setup
The A-site on the Haven map in Valorant poses challenges for Killjoy due to its location at the map's edge. Killjoy excels in centralized defense, but the A site's seclusion doesn't cater to her style. Attackers can flood in from multiple points, undermining her control.

However, Killjoy is especially inept with flushing out attackers off the A-site with the ultimate ability. So, Killjoy players should set up for retaking A-site once they get their ultimate ability, Lockdown.

This placement allows the Turret to spot any attacker coming onto the site from either A-main or A-short.

To play a retake-style setup, you have to stay outside of the site you are planning to retake. Therefore, to buy time for your teammates to rotate toward the site supposed to be retaken, you can use abilities to delay spike plants.
This Nanoswarm thrown from the spot beside A-site Hell, as highlighted in the image above, can delay attackers trying to plant the spike. This Nanoswarm is also very hard to spot and destroy by the oncoming attackers.

Since the Turret can hold A-Main and A-Short, put your Alarmbot on B-site as shown in the image above.
Now, as the rounds start and the attackers attack A-site, get ready to initiate your setup. As soon as you hear the bomb being planted, explode the hidden Nanoswarm that you placed in the buy-phase of the round on the A default box. After this, attackers might need to adjust their plant spot.

Upon hearing the spike being planted the second time, place down the Lockdown ability in A-Link to flush out the attacker off of A-site.
You might have noticed that we have only used one Nanoswarm until now. The other one can be used to either stop attackers attacking B-site or cover the gap left in A-main, which the ultimate ability, Lockdown, can't cover.
Follow the steps below to punish the attackers looking to escape your Lockdown during A-retake:
Step 1: Go in front of this box in A-Link after placing down your Lockdown ability.

Step 2: Line up the bottom left triangle of the Nanoswarm icon with the bottom left part of the wooden window highlighted on the wall.

Step 3: When the Lockdown timer reaches 7s, perform a simple left-click throw. This will land and damage any attackers looking to escape toward the gap in the A-main.

This Nanoswarm can greatly damage the attackers and force them to get detained in A-Main since they have stepped into the Lockdown range to avoid getting eliminated by the Nanoswarm damage.
Stay tuned to Sportskeeda for more Killjoy guides.