Valorant Icebox Agent tier list for October 2024

Valorant Icebox tier list April 2024
Valorant Icebox tier list August 2024 (Image via Riot Games)

Every player should be aware of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list. The map came into the game with patch 1.10. Being one of the older maps in the game, it has since received a few reworks, and its current version, which is in the competitive map pool, is considered balanced. The map has a traditional outline with two bomb sites and a middle section.


This Valorant Icebox Agent tier list for October 2024 ranks all Agents based on their overall viability in both professional and amateur arenas. The Agents within each tier have pros and cons; therefore, which one you select depends on your playstyle and the team's requirements.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the author's opinions.

Valorant Icebox Agent tier list: From best to worst

Before we jump into the tier list it should be noted that the Agent tier list is based on the current meta which may change with the change of season or updates.


The Agent tier list seeks to give you an idea of all the Agents ranging from best to worst based on the following criteria:

  • Effective Utilities
  • Team Assist
  • Easy to control
  • Pick rates

Further, all 25 Agents are ranked based on five tiers: S, A, B, C, and D, with S being the best and ideal Agents for Icebox and D being the worst.

Here is a table for the Valorant Agent tier list for Icebox:

SViper, Jett, Sova, Killjoy
AOmen, Neon, Harbor, KAY/O, Gekko, Astra
BReyna, Sage, Breach, Clove, Chamber
C Brimstone, Yoru, Iso, Fade, Raze
D Skye, Deadlock, Vyse, Cypher, Phoenix

The tier list consists of five tiers starting from the best (S tier) and ending at the worst (D tier.) Agents with mobility are ranked higher in the list since they can scale vertical structures and take the angle advantage to outplay their opponents. Those with less flexibility in terms of range are ranged lower.

S-Tier Agents in Valorant Icebox Agent tier list

The S-tier consists of the best Agents on Icebox. They are versatile and reliable, and you can never go wrong with any of them.



Viper in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Viper in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Viper’s lurking and faking capabilities on Icebox are unmatched. Her Toxic Screen and Viper’s Pit offer immense value to her team, which ranks her in the S-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Jett in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Jett in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Even after receiving multiple nerfs, Jett still dominates Icebox. Her Tailwind and Updraft abilities give her insane mobility which makes her entries deadly. This makes her a worthy S-tier Agent in the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Sova in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Sova in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

It is needless to say Sova is the best Initiator when it comes to Icebox. His Recon Bolt and Owl Drone are invaluable, whether it is early-round information, or late-round re-clears, especially A Main and B Main. Moreover, Hunter’s Fury is one of the best post-plant ultimates.



Killjoy in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Killjoy in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Killjoy is the most preferred Sentinel Agent when it comes to the map, Icebox. Her abilities can easily be used to anchor a site all while also gathering information towards the middle section of the map. For example, her Turret can be placed in Mid Boiler to get information on enemies that might sneak their way from Mid Blue to the B-Site or the defender's spawn. Her ultimate ability, Lockdown can also be very crucial during retake scenarios.


A-Tier Agents in Valorant Icebox Agent tier list

The A-tier consists of those Agents that are pretty good alternatives but very difficult to master on their own. Icebox is a very meta-dominant map, so this tier lacks options.


Omen in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Omen in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Omen has proven himself to be useful in almost every map in this current meta of Valorant. With his abilities, he can block the line of sight and push enemies away using Paranoia. Omen's Shrouded Step can also come in very handy on a map like Icebox that offers lots of elevations.


For example on the A-Site during defense, Omen players can quickly teleport inside A Nest or A Pipes to quickly get first blood on enemies that might be contesting the A-Site. Apart from being an overall great Agent, Omen is a worthy holder of the A-tier in the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.


Neon in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Neon in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Neon's recent buffs have made her extremely viable in every map. Using her abilities, she can quickly enter the site and create space for her teammates. Given the layout of Icebox, especially the A-Site, Neon has many opportunities to parkour her way toward the enemies and throw their crosshairs off.


While this might not always mean a kill for her, it certainly busy enough time for her teammates to swing and get the frag. Like every other map, the only way to get the most impact out of Neon is to master her movement.


Harbor in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Harbor in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Harbor has been struggling to find his place in the meta for quite a while. However, there have been some maps where experimenting with him in a composition has led to great results. Icebox is one of them. Harbor has found a decent amount of success on this map in both competitive and casual matches.


His High Tide can be very useful to enter as it can curve to block A Screen. Meanwhile, his Cova is the perfect replacement to Sage's Barrier Orb and can aid massively to plant the spike on the B-Site.


KAY/O in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
KAY/O in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

KAY/O can find a good amount of impact on Icebox. His FLASH/drive has many spots to perfectly blind enemies from while his ZERO/point can provide guaranteed information. For example, some ZERO/point lineups can get information on the enemies in B Green without the need to be anywhere near that site. The FRAG/ment can also be used to either delay the spike plant or the defuse during post-plant scenarios.


One thing to know is that KAY/O needs another Initiator on the team to have the best impact on Icebox. Combined with Gekko's Dizzy, his flashes can be used to guarantee a blinded enemy. With Sova on his side, he can purely focus on assisting in getting his teammates easy frags. For these reasons, KAY/O is an A-tier Agent on the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.

Also Read: Valorant Ascent Agent tier list



Gekko in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Gekko in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Gekko pairs extremely well with Neon, and with Neon on the rise, he has risen to the A-tier. His Dizzy and Thrash, when combined with Neon’s High Gear, can be deadly, especially on Icebox, where it is very difficult to track Neon’s movement.



Astra in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Astra in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Astra can potentially have an impact, especially with her Gravity Well and Nova Pulse, but it is very difficult to pull off and requires extremely good team coordination. This makes her an A-tier Agent in the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.


B-Tier Agents in Valorant Icebox Agent tier list

B-tier includes those Agents that are not particularly the best options, but in the right hands, can make a difference.


Reyna in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Reyna in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Reyna is a good pick to take early engagements for your team. However, she is a niche pick, and players should be well-versed with her abilities to find value. This lands her in the B-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Sage in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Sage in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Sage should only be picked if you have creative set plays built around her. This is the only way she can potentially outsmart enemies, otherwise, as a Sentinel, her value is not that great.



Breach in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Breach in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Breach might be a good complement to Neon, but his abilities fail to make a huge impact on rounds because of the design of the map. Due to this, he could only make it to the B-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Clove in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Clove in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Clove is a comfort pick on Icebox. Their aggressive playstyle, with their Pick-Me-Up and their ultimate, Not Dead Yet, often compliments the peculiar design of the A bomb site. However, it takes time to master their kit, and there are better options in the S-tier, which ranks them in the B-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Chamber in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Chamber in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Chamber was one the most powerful Agents on every map of Valorant. However, after the nerfs, he has struggled to get picked on any map. The developers finally made some slight buffs to make him a little more useful. On Icebox, Chamber can be somewhat useful using the Rendezvous ability. For example, on the defensive half, he can put his Rendezvous on A-Site and travel to peak in front of A-Pipe.


Once he gets a free kill, he can teleport away without the fear of being traded. However, Chamber fails at being able to keep any sort of control on either site which doesn't justify picking him over Killjoy in any case. Therefore, he is in the B-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.

C-Tier Agents in Valorant Icebox Agent tier list

The Agents can be used in some specific team compositions but are otherwise outshined by Agents in the above tiers.



Brimstone in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Brimstone in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Brimstone’s non-rechargeable smokes greatly limit his kit. Moreover, unlike Omen, he lacks mobility, and is, therefore, in the C-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Yoru in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Yoru in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Like Phoenix, Yoru suffers the same lack of scaling on Icebox. However, Yoru’s Dimensional Drift can sometimes be effective, putting him in the C-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Iso in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Iso in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Ever since his release, Iso has struggled to find his place in any team composition in Valorant. While his abilities do contribute towards team play, he fails at creating space for his teammates. On a map like Icebox, Iso's most useful ability is perhaps his ultimate, Kill Contract as it guarantees some form of impact.


His Contingency can also be somewhat used to scale into the site but given Icebox's many elevations, the team will still be open from several angles. Iso's lack of mobility doesn't justify him being picked over any other Duelist on Icebox.


Fade in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Fade in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Fade’s limiting factor on Icebox is her Haunt’s range. Her Prowlers and Nightfall, however, are still effective. Having said that, she can never match the value provided by Sova, and is thus, in the C-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Raze in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Raze in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Despite being one of the strongest Duelists in the game, Raze ends up struggling quite a bit on Icebox. With the map's layout, Raze can bounce around spots very easily, especially on the A-site with her Blast Packs. B-Site is a bit more difficult as clearing all the enemies there can be a tough task. Raze's inability to use the Operator effectively also makes her quite the problem as a Duelist in the team composition.


D-Tier Agents in Valorant Icebox Agent tier list

The D-tier includes the worst Agents on Icebox, and are the least reliable.


Skye in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Skye in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Skye’s kit falls short when trying to run fakes. Moreover, her flash nerfs reduce her value even more and rank her in the D-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Deadlock in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Deadlock in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

She also suffers from the same problem as Chamber. Her abilities do not shine on Icebox and sometimes can drag the team down. This puts her in the last tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Vyse in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Vyse in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Vyse is the latest Sentinel Agent released in Valorant. With her abilities, she can slow down quick executes and blind enemies. She can be considered as a mix between an Initiator and a Sentinel. Icebox is perhaps the worst map for Vyse to be used on.


Her abilities find almost no value and can be easily avoided by simply using the many elevations of Icebox. Arc Rose might be the only ability of Vyse that finds some guaranteed impact on Icebox.


Cypher in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Cypher in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Cypher suffers from the same problem as Vyse as his abilities can be easily avoided by making use of the elevations of Icebox. His Trapwires are almost useless on the A-Site and will be needed to deploy very close on the B-Site to find any impact. The Spycam is the only ability of Cypher that can find a decent impact on Icebox. Therefore, he is in the D-tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.



Phoenix in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Phoenix in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Like almost every other map, Phoenix struggles to find any impact on Icebox. He feels sluggish compared to the other Duelist Agents and his abilities can be easily dealt with or avoided after only a few rounds. The only ability that can lead to some impact with Phoenix is his ultimate, Run it Back as it can be used to gather information or even sell fake executes on a site. Due to these reasons, Phoenix is in the bottom-most tier of the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list.


Also Read: Valorant Abyss Agent tier list

This was everything you need to know about the Valorant Icebox Agent tier list. Stay tuned to Sportskeeda for more updates on Valorant.

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Edited by Ritoban "Veloxi" Paul
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