Riot Games recently dropped the Episode 7 Act 3 update in Valorant. Along with it came plenty of items and features, such as the new Battle Pass, a new skin bundle, and an Agent named ISO. With his extraordinary abilities, the China-based agent can turn the tide of combat in his favor. His primary skills include inflicting damage on opponents and giving allies better map control.
With the addition of Agent ISO in Valorant, players have been wondering how to use his Undercut (Q) ability properly to get the most out of it. ISO utilizes a molecular bolt that can be thrown in any direction. It travels in a straight path and deals a momentary fragile effect on any enemy it comes into contact with.
This article explores when and how you should use the Undercut ability.
Effective use of ISO’s Undercut ability in Valorant
1) Through walls and choke points
The effect that ISO’s Undercut leaves on his enemies is similar to that of Killjoy’s Alarm Bot and Viper’s Molly in Valorant. You can throw it through walls and help your team score some close-range frags. But since it travels on a straight path, it can be dodged easily by changing positions. However, there are situations where this ability can be useful.
Undercut can be thrown into choke points where the enemy team is pushing from. For example, throwing the ability from Mid Vent to B heaven on the Split map in Valorant will catch the enemies on their tracks as it is almost impossible to avoid the undercut in such choke points. It is important to throw the Undercut at a proper level to avoid letting it travel to the floor.
2) Combining with Contingency
Another instance of using ISO’s Undercut ability is by combining it with his Contingency (C) ability. Contingency is a prismatic energy wall that blocks bullets and travels on a straight path. It can be equipped only once per round, so use it carefully. While entering the site, combine the use of ISO’s wall and Undercut, as the wall will prevent enemies from seeing the Undercut traveling behind it.
This will make it difficult for enemies to dodge the Undercut and easy for you and your team to get some kills. The Contingency wall and Undercut combo are also useful for checking common angles or taking map control since enemies will either have to change positions or be exposed to the Undercut, compromising their health and armor.
3) Use ally flashes
Using ally abilities like Reyna’s Lear, Omen’s Paranoia, or flashes by Phoenix or Yoru and combining ISO’s Undercut at site entry is also an effective way to make the most out of the ability. When committing to a specific site, use ally flashes first to blind them and then throw the Undercut simultaneously. This will make it difficult for the enemy team to counter your Undercut, but set your team up for site control.
This technique requires proper team coordination as both abilities need to go off at the same time.
ISO, Valorant's latest agent, performs best in close quarters during conflicts. However, his usefulness may also be used tactically to create spaces, proving his flexibility as a Duelist.