Valorant offers a range of interesting weapons for players to use while engaging in various modes of gameplay. From the one-shot prowess of the Operator to the silent sprays of Phantom, each weapon has a feature that captivates a set of players due to their individual style of play.
Ranking up or developing one's skill set in Valorant requires proficient use of abilities and accurate aim. However, a common sight in Valorant's lower elo, namely ranks Iron - Silver, witness players abusing the game's machine guns.
Valorant's wallbangable locations and increased dead zone accuracy make it convenient for Odin or Ares users to spam-fire blindly and earn a kill or two in the process.
However, with a very narrow skill ceiling and high in-game costs, are machine guns really the most effective weapons to use in competitive matchmaking?
Valorant: Is Odin the best tool for getting kills in lower elo?

Type: Machine Gun
Credits: 3200
Fire Rate: 12 - 15.6 rounds/sec
Equip Speed: 1.25 sec
Reload Time: 5 sec
Mag: 100/200
Costing 3200 credits, Odin is second only to the Operator (4700 creds) for the most expensive in-game purchase. As it goes without saying, buying an Odin is a huge investment by the player which has its perks as well as its own shortcomings.
Why are Machine Guns common in lower elo matchmaking?
Deciding to buy an Odin mid-game is a huge investment for the player, in addition to affecting the team's economy. Rifles like Vandal and Phantom are the most used weapons across all lobbies in competitive matchmaking, followed by Valorant's favorite SMG - Spectre. However, there is a noticeable variation in the use of Odin within the competitive ranks of Valorant.
Ranks Iron 1 to Bronze 1 witness Ares and Odin having a high rate of purchase. While Ares loses its effectiveness in the Silver lobbies, Odin continues to maintain its position as the fifth most used weapon even in Gold ranked matchmaking.
However, with the ranks of Platinum 1 and upwards, secondary weapons like Ghost and Sheriff prove more effective, as per
At close range, Odin is capable of dealing 95 HP damage on headshots. With 100 bullets in a single magazine and a max fire rate of 15.6 rounds/sec, it doesn't take Odin users much time to start a penetrating barrage that damages everything on sight.
A captivating feature of Odin in comparison to its little brother Ares is that players can access the max fire rate of the weapon (15.6 rounds/sec) with ADS (Aim Down Sight) as opposed to primary fire which gradually increases to the max fire rate from 12 rounds/sec.
Moreover, on crouching, Odin's spray inaccuracy decreases, making it easier for players to spam-fire and eliminate any agent within sight.
Despite the heavy appearance, Odin and Ares are lighter than Judge and Bucky.
How can Odin spams be countered?
More often than not, players counter Odin with another Odin. However, this disrupts both teams' economy and can even take away the element of fun for both sides.
The most effective method to counter an Odin is by using long range weapons like Marshal or Operator. Short-range weapons like Stinger, Judge or Spectre are effective in close-range situations, rear-attacks in particular.
When attackers meet Odin users on the defensive end, abilities come in handy to slow down their spammer opponents. Jett's aerial abilities, paired with her ultimate, are a popular counter against Odin.
Valorant's lower elo widely popularized the use of Odin, with the gun having been used in the professional circle as well, occasionally. However, resorting to aimless spraying has no positive impact on a player's skill level, and is not the most effective way to perform at the best level in Valorant's competitive matchmaking.