Valorant’s Act 3 might not adhere to Riot Games’ pre-discussed schedule as instead of lasting for two months, it might be a bit longer and stretch all the way into the new year.
The devs have proposed multiple times that Valorant will be divided into 2 Episodes in each season, with each Episode consisting of 3 Acts, making for a total of 6 Acts a year. 6 Acts a year is, therefore, 1 Act every 2 months.
Riot Games did stick to the original blueprint for the first two Acts, and it’s only during Act 3 that they might be switching things up a bit.
In a recent tweet by data miner Valorant Express- Datamining and News, we see files on the Act “End Time” with the date: “Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 12: 00: 00 AM”.
These data miners seldom miss the mark when it comes to their datamined files, and the chances of Act 3 lasting one month longer is quite high.
In a follow-up tweet, the data miner said:
Valorant Express also showed us that instead of the customary 8-9 weeks, players will now be getting 13 weeks to complete their Battle Pass, which is indeed good news for those who don’t spam Valorant all that much.
How is it possible for Valorant’s Act 3 to last 3 months?

So, what makes Act 3 a special case?
Riot Games usually like to stick to their schedule and are adamant about rolling out updates as planned unless there is a series of unforeseen hiccups along the way.
However, with that being said, the main reason we feel that Act 3 might last till the 12th of January 2021 is because of the ‘Holiday Season’.
Much like Epic Games, Riot Games also don’t try to bring their employees in during the holidays and allow them to have a well-deserved break.
Although we might be a bit late on the Episode 2 updates, Riot Games have already done an early release on Icebox, which was supposed to come out with the new Episode. Moreover, with additional time to complete the new and improved Battle Pass, we don’t feel that the Valorant players will be complaining all that much.