The latest patch of Valorant is set to introduce some massive changes for various Agents across all roles. The meta has been set in stone for quite some time, with Agents such as Jett and Skye clearly outclassing the majority of the roster. These adjustments should help introduce a much more balanced and diverse playing field in both solo queue and pro play.
The changes will go live at the start of Episode 7 Act 2. The complete notes for the patch will be updated in the coming weeks. Here are the Agent changes that players can expect in Valorant patch 7.04
All agent changes in Valorant patch 7.04

- Ticks reduced from 3 to 2
- Damage increased from 60 per tick to 80
Rolling Thunder
- Ultimate points increased 8>>>9
Orbital Strike
- Ultimate points increased 7>>>8
- Time to re-equip gun takes slightly longer after using the ability

Mosh Pit
- The impacted area does 10 damage per second before exploding
- HP reduced 100>>>80
- Thrash’s explosion had a little makeover to make it easier to see and understand the area it has affected (on top of being beautiful)
Gekko has not had a significant impact in the Valorant meta. Despite this, the Angeleno is set to receive pretty substantial nerfs.
- Ultimate points increased 8>>>9
Killjoy's Lockdown is one of the strongest ultimates in the game, and an increase in its ultimate points should make it much more balanced.
- No movement velocity imparted when casting

Guiding Light
- Max duration while casting reduced 2.5s >>>2s
- HP reduced 100>>>80
- Ultimate Points increased 7 >>>8
- Seeker Health decreased 150>>>120
Skye has been dominating the game for the past few months, and justified nerfs are on the way for the Initiator. These will prove to be quite effective as most of her strong abilities have had a reduction in their potency.
Recon Bolt
- Total number of scans reduced 3>>>2
This nerf will ensure that Sova's Recon Bolt will be identical to his Owl Drone in terms of its scanning power. Overall, it's a pretty big nerf, which could potentially see the return of Fade on certain maps.
Viper's Pit
- Ultimate points increased 8>>>9
Viper's Ultimate once again sees an increase in its cost. This will severely limit the number of times Viper players can use her powerful ability in a half.

Gravity Well
- Startup time increased .6>>>1.25
- Gravity time duration decreased 2.75>>>2.0
Nova Pulse
- Startup time decreased from 1.25>>>1.0
Cosmic Divide
- Audio is now blocked completely by the wall rather than muffled
Astra has been in a rough spot for a while, and this balance update will not do much for the Controller to return to her former glory.

- Dash window decreased 12s>>>7.5s
- Activation windup increased 0.75s>>>1s
- Duration decreased 4.5s>>>2.5s
- Time to re-equip gun takes slightly longer after using the ability.
- Charges decreased 2>>>1
- Ultimate points increased 7>>>8
These are some gigantic nerfs to Jett. All of these changes directly affect her mobility and overall effectiveness in a game. With these nerfs, Raze could become the undisputed best duelist in the game.