Valorant is primarily a competitive shooter, however, it does contain hints of MOBA elements that make the game unique in its own way. The distinctive features of the game are something that made Valorant famous in a short period of time.
New players who are acquainted with first-person shooter mechanics will not usually be habituated to the additional MOBA features provided by Valorant. However, with time and patience, players can slowly get used to the game and use these mechanics to their advantage.
This article will provide solutions to ten common mistakes made by new players in order to accelerate the process of learning Valorant from the ground up.
Ten Valorant common mistakes done new players and how to fix them
1) Bad crosshair placement
Not having a proper crosshair placement might seem like a small problem at first, however, the issue is more grim than it seems. Most new players avoid keeping their crosshairs at head level, which costs them some precious time to hit a headshot and gain an instant kill.
Players who don’t keep their crosshairs at head level should ensure that they don’t forget it, as it reduces the average Time to Kill (TTK).
2) Improper smoke positioning
When smoking off any angle of desire, most players mistake closing their own line of sight instead. Smoke placements should be done to close off the enemy line of sight to take advantage of.
For beginners, it is better to watch online guides or videos to properly learn some good smoking spots and help the team take a step forward in winning the match.
3) Reloading after each kill
Discipline is a good thing to have when playing any competitive shooter like Valorant. One of the most common mistakes anyone makes in shooter games is reloading after every single kill. There are times when players get eliminated when doing a reload.
This issue is more like a habitual problem and can be fixed easily. Players just have to discipline themselves and try to reload only after using 10 bullets.
4) Wasting utility
One of the most major mistakes any beginner makes is wasting their utilities in unnecessary situations. For example, many players use their Jett smokes at the end of a round, however, they forget that those utilities come at a cost.
Wasting any utility is equivalent to costing team economy and those things should be avoided at all costs to make the most out of any situation.
5) Using Aim Down Sight (ADS)
Using ADS for certain weapons is acceptable in Valorant, however, that is not the case for any weapon that has automatic or semi-automatic firing modes. Using ADS for these weapons increases the TTK of the weapon by making the fire rate slower.
Practicing to fire any weapon without ADS is much more beneficial as it also helps to react to enemies faster without any delay.
6)Taking Orbs with no backup
Greed is something that kills many players in Valorant. One such situation would be taking orbs alone with no one watching the player’s back.
Whenever taking an orb, it is better to have a teammate watching crucial angles and avoid giving the opponent a free kill.
7) Camping same spots or camping unnecessarily
Camping in Valorant can be necessary for certain situations. However, camping all the time affects negatively. For instance, if a player deliberately camps the same position, again and again, will make the opponent aware of it and will push them to get that obvious kill.
Also, if a player camps for no reason, it will waste time and cost the entire round due to a last-minute rushed decision.
8) Keeping ultimates forever
There are instances a player might not use their ultimate and wait for the right moment. By waiting for the right moment, many players make the mistake of not using their ultimates at all.
It is better to at least risk ultimates or look for an opening to make a clutch happen. However, just holding an ultimate is not an answer, as ultimates can be recharged over time.
9) Slow walking all the time
It is true that slow walking is beneficial in a tactical game like Valorant. However, many make the mistake of slow walking all the time. Slowing comes with the advantage of not giving any movement sound cue to the opponents and the disadvantage of the cost of time to travel.
Understanding the situation and using walking mechanics in Valorant can also be used to confuse the opponent and win situations overall.
10) Backseat gaming
One of the biggest crimes in a competitive game like Valorant is probably back seating. Back seating is basically the act of telling a player what to do when spectating them in the game.
Instead of ordering them around, give them suggestions on what to do and make any necessary callouts to assist them.
Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.