Valorant recently released a new cinematic to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the game. Valorant completed a year of its journey earlier this month. The developers have already revealed a month-long celebration plan with the Valorant YR1 Event. Today, they released a video remembering the one-year journey. Many famous content creators and players were featured in the video.
Valorant Year One Anthem
Valorant was launched on June 2nd, 2020. Since then it has grown to a whole new level within a span of one year. According to the developers, Valorant currently averages 14 million monthly players, which signifies the game's popularity around the world.
The competitive scenario of the game also developed over the year. Many former FPS players switched to Valorant to explore the opportunities in this new game. The game also experienced its first international LAN event in Iceland last month, where all the top teams around the globe face each other. Recently, Anna Donlon, executive producer of the game said:
"One of our top goals this first year was to earn the trust and respect of the global FPS community, and to prove to them that Valorant will always uphold the fundamentals of a truly worthwhile competitive tac-shooter."
Valorant released 'Year One Anthem' today remembering the one-year journey of the game. The description of the video reads:
Want to see what it means to defy the limits? WATCH.
The developers have made multiple changes to the game this year to keep it fresh and entertaining for players. Starting with just 11 agents, Valorant now has 15 agents. The developers will soon make it 16 with the introduction of KAY/O in the upcoming Episode 3. The developers also introduced two new maps after the release of the game. All these changes offer players something new to explore with every new update.
However, with this video, the developers showed the world-wide popularity of the game. Many famous content creators including Jonas 'Average Jonas' Navarsete, Ali 'Myth' Kabbani, Jakub 'Lothar' Szygulski were featured in this video.
At the end of the video, the developers also teased the Valorant Episode 3 'Reflection,' which is going to arrive on June 22nd, 2021.