Omen mains can finally rejoice as the Valorant Agent is finally back after being disabled and can be picked during both normal and competitive match-making.
Omen had been disabled for about two days after Valorant’s 1.07 patch created two bug exploits that broke the game.
In a tweet sent out a couple of hours ago, Riot talked about an upcoming fix and announced when it will be arriving in different regions. They said:
“We have a fix for Omen and a few other bugs. Over the course of today we'll be rolling out the hotfix patch and enabling Omen, beginning with: - APAC/OCE regions in 2 hours (2pm PT) - EU/CIS/TR regions in 8 hours (8pm PT) - NA/BR/LATAM regions in 12 hours (11pm PT).”
After the Killjoy Turret bugs and exploits, patch 1.07 brought with it the Omen exploit, which allowed him to Shadow Step through the Spawn barrier, as well as become invincible if his Ultimate is timed at the right moment.
What were the Omen bugs that Patch 1.07 brought?

To those unaware, let us do a short recap of the bugs which made Riot disable Omen after patch 1.07 hit the live servers.
One of the Omen exploits was in A Bind during defense, where the Agent could very easily use the Shadow Step to go through the Spawn barrier and gain an unfair pre-round advantage over the enemy team.
The video in the tweet by Valorant News shows how easily the exploit could be triggered in a game.
Secondly, Omen could be made invincible if his Ultimate was used at the right time. By the end of a round, if the Omen player used the Ultimate at the right time, Omen would spawn at the location with the invincible trait. And no amount of firepower or Raze Ultimates would be able to take him down after that.
Riot had initially thought that these two bugs were a problem with the map after the patch went live. However, they soon found out that the problem was with Omen himself.
In yesterday’s tweet they wrote:
“What we thought was a map bug for Omen teleporting past the spawn barriers... is actually an issue with Omen, so we're disabling him until we have a _real_ fix. Which is hopefully tomorrow.”
And with the hotfix that came out today, Omen fans can indeed breathe a sigh of relief.