From the start, Riot Games have displayed their creativity by introducing marvelous skins to their tactical shooter Valorant. Besides weapon bundles, Valorant's Battle Passes have given the community several spectacular skins. A total of 14 Battle Passes have been released to date, with 14 amazing melee/knife skins.
Costing 1000 Valorant Points, each Battle Pass includes a melee/knife skin at Tier 50 of the premium track. Riot has delivered impressive designs with attractive color palettes every single time. Starting with Runic Daggers and Karambits to Battle Axes and Clubs, there are a wide range of options for interested players. Small or big, sleek or broad, Valorant has them all.
With each Battle Pass showcasing a unique melee weapon skin, this article will list seven of the best knife skins available through the premium track of every Battle Pass so far.
Disclaimer: This list solely reflects the author’s personal views and can differ from the views of others.
7 Valorant Battle Pass knives that are breathtaking
1) Ruin Dagger

The Ruin Dagger was one of the earliest Battle Pass knife skins that the game received. It boasts a beautiful black build with a red jewel embedded in the hilt. Besides its bold dark intimidating appearance, it has a very clean inspection animation, making it one of the most preferred Battle Pass knife skins in Valorant.
2) Velocity Karambit

For many players, the Velocity Karambit is one of the best Battle Pass knife skins out there. With a sleek build and an attractive color scheme, this particular skin is adored by the entire community. Like most karambits, its inspection animation features a crisp flip that is quite satisfying.
3) .SYS Melee

In contrast to the designs shown above, the .SYS Melee is a more recent Battle Pass knife skin. In fact, this skin's rather obvious battle axe design is the first of its kind. It has a deconstructed build with a gradient color filling up the majority of the melee weapon, giving it incredible visual appeal. Although the inspection animation is not custom-made, it has a nice heavy feel to it.
4) Piedra del Sol Obsidiana

Interestingly, the Obsidiana knife is Valorant's latest Battle Pass knife skin. It has the most unique design in the entire Battle Pass knife skin collection so far. The skin's ancient and Mayan-like build design is alluring to almost every player and certainly stands out in the crowd.
3) Artisan Foil

The Artisan Foil is an artistic masterpiece that showcases the intricate designs that Riot Games' developers are capable of. The subtlety and graceful design of this particular melee weapon showcases a majestic and noble look. Its smooth, sleek design further strengthens this fact, making many fans purchase the Battle Pass for this skin alone.
6) Task Force 809 Knife

The Task Force 809 Knife is one of the most tactically designed knives in Valorant. The overall angular design of the dark blade as well as the serrated edges close to its hilt add to the weapon's deadly appearance. Cleverly placed patches of yellow add to this knife's intimidating look, contrasting quite well with the black blade.
7) K/TAC Blade

The K/TAC Blade is one of the oldest Battle Pass knife skins in the game. Based off of the iconic Japanese katana design, this skin features a long continuous blade with a narrow sleek hilt.
The color accents are polar opposites with a silver blade and a black hilt. A bright gradient color fills the sides of the hilt and a portion of the blade as well, making it a pleasant sight for the player.