To keep the team coordinated in Valorant, callouts or giving short information to teammates contribute towards successful round wins and overall redeem victory in a match.
Valorant is a competitive tactical shooter game, which should come as no surprise. The game provides a MOBA and shooter amalgamation that allows players to be creative and be deadly at the same time. However, one of the biggest parts that play a huge role in having a great match is communication with the team.
For any player new to Valorant or does not know much about in-game callouts, this article will provide an in-depth guide to learning all the terminologies commonly used in the game.
All terminologies and callouts to know when playing Valorant
Basic map callouts
- Heaven: Higher vantage point location to get advantage from.
- Hell: The position directly below Heaven of one site.
- Back site: Any location inside a bomb site that is located closest to Defender Spawn.
- Main: The long segment of a map that connects both Attacker spawn and a bomb site.
- Long: The longest pathway in a map between defender and attacker sides.
- Short: The shortest pathway in a map between defender and attacker sides.
- Cubby: Smallest section of a map where players can hide.
- Link: The path that connects two portions of the map.
- Elbow: Any L-shaped path on a map.
- Mid: The center position of the entire map.
- Spawn: The starting point of both attackers and defenders at the start of the round in Valorant.
In-game terms
- Clutch: When the last player alive leads the team to win in an impossible situation.
- Ace: When a player alone eliminates the entire team.
- Team Ace: When each and every player of a friendly team eliminates each member of the other team.
- Flawless: When the team wins with no casualty.
- Thrifty: When the team wins by spending less (2500 credits) than the opposing team.
- Buy: Ordering to purchase items in the buy phase.
- Eco: Ordering the team to save money by buying inexpensive weapons/items or skipping them.
- Drop: Dropping an extra weapon for a teammate if one has extra credits to spend.
- Shield/Armor: The purchasable item in the buy phase that allows players to have higher health or durability.
- Spike/Bomb: The term Spike gets used in Valorant for planting or defusing it. However, sometimes it is referred to as bomb because of old habits from Counter-Strike.
Common terms shooter games
- Whiff: Not being able to hit an easy target.
- Utility/Ability/Item: To signify a Valorant agent’s abilities.
- Swing/quick-peek: Taking a peek at an opposing team agent with a motive to get a frag.
- Res/Rez: Asking for friendly team Sage to give a resurrection.
- Pre-fire: Shooting earlier at common spots to damage or kill enemies.
- Retake: The act of taking back control of a site that has been lost to attackers.
- CT/T: Signifying Attacker/Defender respectively, these terms are usually used by former CSGO players who are used to calling them Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist.
- One-tap: Getting a kill by shooting just one bullet.
- Instalock: Players to instantly lock an agent in the selection phase of a match in Valorant.
- Fake defuse/Fake: The act of confusing players with a fake defusal sound queue.
- Flick: Eliminating someone instantly after reacting to their presence on screen.
- Anchor: An defender who is responsible for holding an entire site.
- Entry frag: Attackers' action of entering a site in order to get easy kills.
- Exit frag: Defenders getting a kill on Attackers trying to escape from spike explosion.
Edited by Yasho Amonkar