Riot Games recently announced that two teams from China would join teams from Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea, and the Valorant Conquerors Championship in the Valorant Champions Tour Asia-Pacific Last Chance Qualifier.
The developer has successfully established a thriving esports scene within a year of the launch of Valorant. From smaller-scale regional tournaments to massive worldwide events, the title's esports community has expanded severalfold over the last year.
The Valorant Champions Tour is arguably one of the biggest esports series, taking place across the world.
The Last Chance Qualifier for the Asia-Pacific region, whose winner will get a direct slot in the Valorant Champions 2021, will start on 13 October.
China joins VCC and other Asia-Pacific regions in Valorant Champions Tour LCQ
The Valorant Champions Tour is entering its last leg as the regional champions gear up to face off at the Stage 3 Masters Berlin. The Last Chance Qualifiers will take place following Berlin to allow teams to make their way to the Valorant Champions 2021.
There are four Last Chance Qualifiers:
- NA LCQ (North America and Oceania)
- EMEA LCQ (Europe, Middle-East, and Africa)
- SA LCQ (South America)
- APAC LCQ (Asia-Pacific)
The ongoing Valorant Conquerors Championship provides the Valorant teams of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal with an opportunity to make their way to the APAC LCQ and subsequently the Valorant Champions 2021.
Riot recently announced that the APAC LCQ slot had been increased to 10. The SEA Circuit Point gained an additional place, and China became an official part of the Valorant Champions Tour. The event also got two slots in the APAC LCQ.
The slots for VCT Asia-Pacific LCQ are as follows;
- South-East Asia (Circuit Point) - 3 slots
- Japan (Circuit Point) - 2 slots
- Korea (Circuit Point) - 2 slots
- China (TBD) - 2 slots
- South Asia (Valorant Conquerors Championship) - 1 slot
The Riot Games are yet to clarify the selection process of the slots for China. However, widespread speculations indicate a regional tournament similar to the Valorant Conquerors Championship, Valorant Tour Oceania, and Valorant Strike Arabia.