Valorant’s Icebox is a Kingdom Corporation container port and research facility which lies up north among the Russian islands of the Arctic Ocean. It is the fifth map to be released. But it is the first map where the plant site has different elevation levels. Both sites contain nests that players can get into using ropes and then plant a spike on the nest floor.
Icebox is the first map to introduce horizontal zip lines, as seen on the A Site. Each Icebox site is a complex combat space that features plenty of cover and verticality. This Valorant's map emphasizes skirmishes, sharp aim, and adaptive play.
Viper is an American chemist and was the second person to join the Protocol after Brimstone and has proven to be one of the best Controllers available in Valorant.
After the latest update, which brought in various UI changes, Valorant offers Viper players new lineups on most maps. this article focuses on a few of the best Viper lineups for Valorant's Icebox map.
Most effective Viper lineups on Icebox as of Valorant Patch 5.07: Snake Bite, Poison Cloud, and Toxin Screen
Valorant's Viper is an extraordinary Controller, and her Toxic Screen ability provides good cover in open areas. Moreover, with the ability to create a Poison Cloud and drop venom on the ground with her Snake Bite ability, she can reduce the health of enemies without even firing a single bullet that too from a safe distance.
Her ultimate creates a zone of toxic gas that also acts as a cover for her. Anyone who enters this zone starts losing health rapidly. Enemies inside this zone are highlighted in red, making them easy targets for the Viper.
Snake Bite lineups
Viper can throw Snake Bite from a distance or make it bounce from a wall to hit the targeted area. The Snake Bite ability is best for post-plant defense during the match.
Post Plant lineup for A default
For the Spike plant at A default, players need to go to the door frame near the attacker’s spawn, face site A, and aim right in the middle of the line.

When fired, the Snake Bite lands at A default.
Post Plant lineup for B default
For this lineup, the player needs to go to B Green and jump over the box there, aim at the corner of the container, and shoot.

The Snake Bite lands at B Default.
Poison Cloud lineup
In Valorant, Viper’s Poison Cloud equips a gas emitter. Players throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. They can also ALT FIRE to lob or RE-USE the ability to create a toxic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be reused more than once and can be picked up to be redeployed
Mid Control Lineup
Poison Cloud proves extremely important when playing Icebox, the player needs to go to B Garage and go to the corner, aim at the top of the mountains in the background, and shoot.

The Poison Cloud lands perfectly at Mid, providing excellent control over the game.
Defending B Site lineup
For this lineup, the player needs to go to the corner near B Yellow, and aim at the corner of the crane, and shoot.

The Poison Cloud will land perfectly in the corner container, due to which enemies become easy prey, as they cannot see through the cloud while rushing.
Toxic Screen lineups
In Valorant, Viper’s Toxic screen equips a gas emitter launcher that penetrates terrain. Players can fire to deploy a long line of gas emitters and reuse the ability to create a tall wall of toxic gas at the cost of fuel. This ability can be used multiple times.
Toxic Screen B lineup
The player needs to go to B garage and to the mentioned corner, aim a bit higher on the wall and shoot the Toxic Screen,

The wall gets created at Site B providing excellent cover.
Toxic Screen A lineup
The player needs to go to the entrance of A, aim the Toxic Screen a bit higher, line it up with A screen, and shoot.

This results in a perfect wall barrier while preventing diffusion on A Site.
Valorant’s other controllers can only smoke off choke points and entryways but have no way to prevent enemies from pushing up. While attacking, players can easily use a Viper wall to get onto either site, being able to block the vision of enemies all the way makes it easier for Viper.
Her post-plant lineups with her Snake bite proves extremely effective while providing her with the safety of being on the other side of the map. She can easily prevent diffusion of the spike with her Viper’s Pit as she can easily move around the map.