It is time for a new Agent to enter the Valorant roster. Deadlock, hailing from Norway, was expected to debut at the Masters Tokyo Grand Final show. Riot Games was meticulous in building hype around her through multiple teasers featuring Sova and Cypher. However, in the end, her look and abilities were leaked by several sources on Twitter before the official release.
This prompted the developers to break silence on Valorant's latest Agent before the scheduled time. Riot Games promptly released the gameplay trailer for Deadlock, showcasing all her abilities and subsequent impact in the game. Following these reveals, players might be curious to know when they can get their hands on the new Agent.
When will Deadlock come out in Valorant?
According to the official announcement, the new Sentinel Agent will become available in the character-based tactical shooter from Episode 7 Act 1. The dates for the same will be June 27 or 28, 2023, based on your region. However, with the game's variable timings regarding patch drops in different regions, it can get quite confusing. Here is an exhaustive list of timings denoting when the servers will go down for maintenance before Patch 7.0:
- Asia Pacific: Servers will be going down for maintenance on June 27, 2023, at 14:00 PT.
- Brazil: Servers will be going down for maintenance on June 27, 2023, at 06:00 PT.
- Europe: Servers will be going down for maintenance on June 27, 2023, at 20:00 PT.
- Korea: Servers will be going down for maintenance on June 27, 2023, at 14:00 PT.
- Latin America: Servers will be going down for maintenance on June 27, 2023, at 06:00 PT.
- North America: Servers will be going down for maintenance on June 27, 2023, at 06:00 PT.
Being a new Episode, the server downtime might last between two to four hours, after which you should have access to Episode 7 Act 1. After logging into the game, you will get a taste of the latest progression system, which includes a brand-new way of activating Agents.
What will Deadlock's abilities be in Valorant?
Deadlock's abilities in Valorant will be as follows:
- Sonic Sensor (Q): Equip a Sonic Sensor. Fire to deploy. The sensor monitors an area for enemies making sounds. It concusses that area if footsteps, weapons fire, or significant noise are detected.
- GravNet (C): Equip a GravNet grenade. Fire to throw or Alt-Fire to lob the grenade underhand. The GravNet detonates upon landing, forcing any enemies caught within to crouch and move slowly.
- Barrier Mesh (E): Equip a Barrier Mesh disk. FIRE to launch forward. When touching the ground, the disk generates barriers from the point of origin that block the movement of the characters.
- Annihilation (X) / Ultimate: Equip a Nanowire Accelerator. FIRE releases a pulse of nanowires that captures the first enemy hit. The captured enemy is pulled along a path of nanowires and will die if they reach the end unless freed. The nanowire cocoon is destructible.
That concludes our foray into Deadlock's arrival and abilities in Valorant.