Cypher is from Rabat, Morocco. He is one of the most popular Agents in Valorant. He was part of the game since its release. Cypher belongs to Valorant’s Sentinel roster alongside Sage, Killjoy and Chamber. The Agent received immense love from players for his defensive utilities and has become an integral part of the game.
Cypher is one of the oldest Agents in the game with a tragic past. Cypher is a Moroccan Agent who lost his family and friends due to poverty. At times, his city's resources were depleted due to the activities of Kingdom Corporation in the area.
Being an information broker who is constantly gathering intel, Cypher prefers to keep his work secret. He also uses a mask to cover his face from fellow teammates and colleagues. With his Spycam and Trapwire, Cypher can help his team by sharing the information of opponents.
Cypher’s abilities
Cypher's set of abilities in Valorant comprise of:
Trapwire (C) : Place it to stop enemies in their tracks. Enemy players who cross a tripwire will be tethered, revealed, and dazed after a short period if they do not destroy the device in time
Cyber Cage (Q) : Activate to create a zone to block vision. It also slows down enemies while passing through it.
Spycam (E) : Cypher can use this to gather information about the enemy’s location.
Neural Theft (X) : Cypher can use this on a dead enemy player in his crosshairs to reveal the location of all living enemy players.
Q. Where is Cypher from?
A. Cypher is from Rabat, Morocco.
Q. When was Cypher introduced in Valorant?
A. Cypher has been part of the game since its release. He was the fifth Agent in the game.
Q. Is Cypher a Sentinel?
A. Yes, Cypher is a Sentinel in the game for his defensive nature.