There has been a lot of conversation among Valorant players recently about Omen's ability to do one-way smokes after Patch 6.0, which will come out on January 10, 2023.
One-way smokes in Riot Games' tactical shooter are orb-shaped and remain suspended on maps. The vision of players pushing into such affected areas is blocked, while the lower parts of their bodies are visible to whoever is holding the smoke from a distance, therefore making it easier for them to be shot down.
It has been reported that Omen will lose his ability to place one-way smokes starting from Episode 6 Act 1 in Valorant. This is only a half-truth as this statement keeps a crucial part of this change obscured from the readers.
This article will uncover the truth of the matter and tell players which Omen one-ways will be removed from the game and the ones that they will still be able to use.
Exploring changes to Omen's one-way smokes in Valorant Episode 6
Many reports on the matter fail to mention the fact that Omen one-way smokes will not be disabled entirely. The change in the upcoming patch will only take away his ability to place one-ways inside walls without ledges. The Agent will still be able to place smokes on ledges, stacked boxes, and other kinds of elevated platforms.
This adjustment will leave most of his popular one-ways unaffected, while making them only slightly harder to do. There are only a handful smokes that players will not be able to do after the January 10 patch.
The update will, however, make it more difficult to place these smokes, requiring higher amounts of precision. This means that players will have to practice placements in order to place them quickly in matches.
The following sections will give readers a detailed account on the popular one-way smokes that the community likes to do with Omen on his best maps - Ascent, Haven, Split, and Fracture.
Omen one-way smokes on Ascent

First things first, the only one-way smoke that is extremely powerful on this map that players won't be able to do with the upcoming patch is the A-short one-way. It can help players holding A-Tree hold off pushes from Catwalk quite well. Unfortunately, with the changes to the Agent, this one-way smoke will no longer be available.
All other powerful one-way smokes on Ascent, such as the ones close to the A-Main and B-Main orbs, the ones on the breakable doors, A-Rafters, B-Switch, and so on will be available. However, there will be slight precision tweaks to them that players will need to get used to.
Omen one-way smokes on Haven

All Omen's one-way smokes on Haven will pretty much remain intact except for the precision-requirements. The Controller can throw these to hold A-Long and Short, and Garage (C-Short) on Defense. He can also do his popular post-plant smokes on the CT-side entrance to both A and C sites.
Omen one-way smokes on Split

It will become harder to control the main entrances to both sites with Omen one-ways as a defender on Split. This will be after the changes to Valorant in Episode 6. and might require players to play from slightly aggressive angles. These plants are also more tricky to do and it may be difficult to quickly throw one out amidst a mid-round hustle.
That said, Omen one-ways are still very much possible to do and are great at controlling Mail, CT-entrance to the A site, as well as both A and B Main.
Omen one-way smokes on Fracture

Omen has never been the best Controller on Fracture, being outshone by Astra and Brimstone. However, the A-Site has been his playground on defense-side Fracture because of the one-ways that he could easily keep throwing one after another. The upcoming adjustments will not do away with this specialty, but only make it harder to do properly.
Both the A-main entrance from the Attacker spawn as well as the entry-way into the site itself can still be one-wayed by Omen. Like most of the other smokes mentioned in this article so far, they will become more difficult to do as players will need to place them at points more precisely than before.
sum it up, Episode 6 Act 1 of Valorant is not going to be the end of good days for Omen as a Controller - he will still be just as powerful. It's just that not everyone will be able to pick up the Agent and do these one-ways anymore as they will require a bit of precision and practice.