Renovations are never easy, especially when they’re home projects. They can take months of meticulous planning and careful execution to pull them off perfectly.
However, they don't always go as planned. Whether done by a professional or a DIY enthusiast, things can go horribly wrong, and sometimes mistakes aren't noticed until it's far too late. These people's construction fails will make you laugh and then cry.
No Privacy
When looking back on the history of hygiene, the most noticeable difference between how our ancestors lived and how we live now is privacy. Using the bathroom was not considered a private occasion and would be done freely in front of others.
We can gladly say that this is no longer the case, which makes toilets like the one above an absolute nightmare for everyone involved.
Screw Up
There are always those people who believe that they are perfectly fine doing a job without looking at the instruction manual once. But the instructions are there for a reason.
You’d think that with an object as tall and heavy as this pole probably is, the screws that stop it from falling over would be a pretty integral part of the assembly.
Fan Fail
The Oddly Satisfying picture phase swept the web like a storm. People were sharing photos of things that fit into other things so well that it was satisfying to look at.
Then along came the internet trolls who did what they do best and we started seeing photos of things like the stove above captioned, “Send this to somebody with OCD”. It wasn’t the most considerate trend.
Band-Aid Over a Bullet Hole
Renovations can be a costly undertaking. It’s one thing to refurbish parts of your property for aesthetic purposes, but sometimes you have no choice but to bite the bullet and fork out the cash to get something fixed. Safety risks cannot be overlooked.
Regardless of how much money these people thought they were saving, this close-to-collapsing brick wall probably needs a little more than spray foam insulation to keep it from toppling over.
Let That Sink In
When renovating any space, there are certain items every professional should have in their toolkit. Things like protractors, spirit levels, and tape measures are among some of the items that will always come in handy.
If you don’t have one of the above, it could lead to DIY disasters like the aesthetic headache above. There’s so much that’s wrong with this picture that we wish we could just unsee it.
Mind the Gap
Most kitchens won’t come with appliances included, which means you’ll have to choose one and install it yourself. Just make sure you keep your tape measure handy.
While maybe the gaping distance between the stove and the countertops could have been intentional, we sincerely doubt it. Maybe the space was meant for two appliances and the stove is just too big?
Too Close for Comfort
Fire safety is something to be taken seriously. It might seem like a waste of money in the grand scheme of things, but it saves lives and is super important.
It doesn’t take a design expert to see that this sprinkler is situated in the wrong place. However ridiculous this construction failure is, we commend them on their dedication to health and safety.
On the Tiles
There’s a surprising amount of math and geometry involved in tiling a floor. The spacing in between tiles, the amount of tiles needed, and the angle at which they’re cemented should be considered.
But when you know that the part of the floor you’re currently tiling won’t be visible, all rules go out the window. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say.
Things Aren’t Lining Up
While the need for symmetry is a trait commonly associated with those who suffer from OCD, things that don’t sit just right can also bother people without the condition. Like us, it bothers us.
Why on earth is this fireplace and mantlepiece not centered? Would it have been so difficult to position it a few inches to the left? Asking for a friend.
Switch it Up
When you’re buying all the things you need for your home renovation project, it’s crucial that you take exact measurements of your home before you make any purchases. If not, you could end up in trouble.
This DIY doer didn’t take measurements beforehand. But really, how integral is the frame to the actual function of the light switch? We wonder how necessary this even was.
Got Your Back
No matter how simple the task, some jobs are just easier to do with another pair of hands. When it comes to standing on a ladder on a wonky surface, you definitely don’t want to be doing that on your own.
This doesn’t look safe at all. But at least we have an answer to the age-old question: How many construction workers does it take to change a lightbulb? Two. It takes two.
Losing Our Marbles
While adding electricity to hundred-year-old interiors, caution should be taken so you don't ruin anything. Here's how to ruin a vintage, ornate, hand-carved marble wall facade in three simple steps.
First, drill two messy holes. Second, have a tube of wires protruding from said holes. And finally, make the wires an ugly color. That’s how you do it.
Blowing a Fuse
Electricity is something that you just don’t want to mess with. Fixing something electric can get pretty dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Unfortunately, it seems like this electrician didn’t know what they were doing. There has to have been a smarter way to connect the kitchen island to the main power source of the house. We hope this situation gets fixed.
Pipe Down
However sturdy houses are, they’ll almost always require refurbishment due to wear and tear caused by time. Pipes will need to be replaced, carpets lifted, you name it. It’s also an opportunity to design a new interior for yourself.
It’s very common and stylish to have exposed brick and ceiling AC units these days, but exposed protruding pipes are something we’ve not seen yet.
Looks Safe
Some landlords will do anything to raise their rent a little and make an even bigger profit, even if it means ignoring a health and safety rule or two in the process.
Considering that the average hot tub weighs 8000 pounds when it’s full, this poorly constructed extension probably wasn’t this landlord’s best idea. Those legs look like they're ready to buckle.
Decorating your house with trees and plants has never been more trendy and everyone wants to have a home surrounded by greenery.
However, this construction failure took the phrase “indoor jungle” a little too seriously. Whoever built this property was unwilling to make any compromises and so got creative with the roof tiles. Somehow, we don't think this trend is going to catch on.
Downwards Spiral
When taking apart old buildings, you’ll be amazed at all the interesting things you’ll find. From old designs to fascinating furniture, it’s a way to look into the past and see how people once lived.
Let's forget the fact that these stairs look like something out of the Chornobyl disaster, where on earth were they leading to when they were functional? We’ll never know.
Balcony Fail
Designing interiors is something that requires a great deal of creativity and imagination. You have to be able to let your inhibitions go and really think outside the box to come up with new and daring ideas.
This was clearly thought out by somebody who genuinely believed it to be a good idea. Romeo and Juliet would have been a pretty short story if this was her balcony.
Aw, Shucks
Beachcombing is a fun activity and if you’re lucky, you’ll find some drift wood or seaglass to bring home with you for some rustic natural decor. However, even though mermaid-core is all the rage, this oyster shell fire place is taking things a bit too far.
Apart from being a major eyesore, we have to wonder whether all those shells start to smell pretty fishy once that fire gets lit. It’s a no from us.
Access Denied
In recent years, we’ve seen a vast improvement in disability access. Most places these days are wheelchair friendly and cater to the less abled. We said most, not all.
While the intentions here were to allow for more people to be able to use this toilet, it couldn’t have been designed more poorly. That’s a good idea down the drain.
Can’t Handle This
Most interior design uses logic to work out a functional place for everything. Considering that door handles and light switches do not need to be at a certain height, we think this whole situation could have been prevented.
We wonder how long the homeowners questioned why their lights would turn off every time they opened the door and how long it took them to work out why.
Stairway to Kitchen
Some interior design ideas are like car crashes. The longer you look, the worse it gets. But there are times when you can just tell that someone wasn’t using their head when they came up with this.
Why have a white kitchen countertop and a white staircase when you can have both? Combine the two and you have a place where people both prepare food and walk barefoot. Great!
Pull the Plug
The amount of available outlets a room has can really impact how functional it is. If there are not enough outlets, you’ve got to come up with your own solution.
Either there’s a person living in their wall whose devices are low on battery or an electrician made a snap decision that they later regretted. Either way, it doesn’t look too safe.
Lightbulb Moment
When it comes to fitting light fixtures, you have to be extra careful. Not only because of how dangerous electricity can be, but you also want to take into account how it will look once you’re done.
Whoever fitted this ceiling light was unbothered by appearances or functionality for that matter. This doesn’t seem like the brightest of ideas.
Broken Home
Breaks in a building can happen for many different reasons. Most common issues come from regular wear and tear. But there are some damages that are caused by problems far more complicated.
This is probably not what they meant when they said they wanted a semi-detached home. We can't help but think that it’s super alarming to come home to see your bedroom wall running away from you.
My Door is Always Open
Doors have very few functions—their main objective is to provide separation and privacy to those on the other side of it. So what do you do when the door does neither of those things?
Sometimes, you just have to make do with what you already have. Somebody didn’t feel like going out and buying a new door to fit their slightly larger doorframe.
Don't Look Down
Almost every workplace has a health and safety policy that all new employees are required to learn and understand. Things that seem like obvious risks might not look that way to other people.
We’re hoping that this staircase is for aesthetic purposes only because it would only take one gust of wind to end your smoking break for good.
Pillar of the Community
Just because it can be done, doesn’t mean it should be done. This is a lesson that should be ingrained into every architect ever. Not every bright idea needs to be put into action.
Is the ridiculously extended roof that size to reach the tasteless pillars or are the tasteless pillars holding up the ridiculously extended roof? We can’t tell and honestly don’t think it matters at this point.
When One Door Opens
Building a house is far more than throwing together a few bricks and cement. It can take years to study to become an architect, and not everybody is cut out for the job.
This is fairly evident here. We’re not sure what came first, the stairwell or the bedroom. Either way, this could have been thought out a lot better than it was.
Bending the Rules
Have you ever looked at something damaged in public and thought to yourself, “What on earth was the story behind this?” Well, you’re not alone.
There has to be a story behind this bendy-looking beam and we need answers. Considering that these types of metal poles are there to hold up part of the ceiling, should we be concerned that it looks like it’s buckling?
Not-So-Open Door
Have you ever taken a look at the design of something and thought to yourself, “There is no way that this was thought out properly”? Well, you’re not alone.
This is a prime example of am epic design fail. We can’t help but wonder what would happen in an emergency situation where access to the door would be needed urgently.
Road to Nowhere
Painted road markings are there to show all drivers on the road where they’re supposed to go. The shapes and colors all symbolize something different and they aim to keep everyone safe.
But it's not often that road markings will deliberately lead you into oncoming traffic. This totally defeats the purpose. We hope this was fixed before something terrible happened.
Don't Gate It
Fences and gates are there to keep our homes safe from intruders and create a sense of privacy from our neighbors.
This home owner had the right idea for the gate but they got a little confused about what to do next. The rogue panel on the left serves no purpose except making us feel like we’re looking at an optical illusion. Better luck next time.
A Step Too Far
There are some people that overcomplicate relatively simple matters. If they slowed down for a second and really thought about the task at hand, they’d probably see the issues they create for themselves.
In order to cater to an ill-fitting door, this homeowner has decided to hollow out a portion of the floor and carpet it. We can’t imagine a scenario where it would be easier to do this than just buy a correctly fitting door.
Design Flaw
Revamping an already-used space comes with its own unique set of problems. There are some aspects of the area that can be completely torn up and others that are integral to the space. That’s when you need to get creative.
When the streetlight couldn’t be moved, the sidewalk bent around it. It might look a little silly, but at least it's still totally functional.
Beaming With Joy
While home renovations can be a great thing to get involved in, it’s sometimes best to leave the complicated projects to the professionals. Or you would think.
The purpose of these wooden beams is to provide structural support to the room and the building as a whole while renovations are underway. But we have to wonder how much support these beams are giving.
Wall-to-Wall Chaos
Symmetry usually makes us calm, generated by the feeling of order that it brings. So when things are looking slightly off, it can throw everything out of whack and stress you out.
Where do we even begin? The wonky shower curtain, the oddly placed toilet paper, the slanted walls, the clashing colors, or the geometrically unsettling wall tiles? We’re stumped.
On the Fence
When it comes to any type of construction, foundations are everything. Be it a big project or a small one, having a stable, straight foundation is key in ensuring that the rest of the project will go smoothly.
If this was a meme it would probably caption “You had one job!” We hope that whoever built this still has their job, and has maybe bought themselves a spirit level since.
Total Whiteout
DIY paint jobs can be a super creative way to get something done and have fun at the same time. However, they do require the tiniest bit of forethought.
It’s not clear whether this was done intentionally or if the person painting it simply didn’t have any more masking tape left. Either way, they could have at least wiped the paint off the screen.
Going Swimmingly
Roofs often need to be renovated or maintained from time to time, depending on the weather and age of the building. It’s always a good idea to have a safety protocol in place for when that needs to happen.
But sometimes, people are left with no choice but to think outside the box. While we commend the repair workers on their creativity, we hope they all have a good health insurance plan.
Giving Vent
Some design flaws are noticeable during the blueprint phase of building planning. But sometimes, no matter how detailed the math is and how advanced the methods are, mistakes can creep up in the building process.
These mistakes called for creative and practical solutions. Is this pure incompetency or is it total genius? We’re still unsure. It looks like it works, though.
Another Brick in the Wall
The skills required to become a professional bricklayer aren’t entirely unachievable. There’s no entrance exam or long academic course to pass. We’d imagine that the main skill needed would be, well, laying bricks.
While this wall looks like an accident at the Lego store, they technically are laying bricks onto what seems to be a standing, functional wall. We can’t fault them.
Down the Toilet
There's nothing as frustrating as finishing a DIY project after hours of hard work, only to realize that it was a complete waste of time. Not only is that time you’re not getting back, but you have to undo all of what you did.
We wonder what came first, the toilet or the wooden cabinet? This bathroom layout clearly wasn’t thought through well enough.
Two for One
Natural light is an important factor to consider when choosing a new home. It's important to pay attention to the sizes of windows and the direction they are facing.
This wall clearly called for one, large window, but whoever installed it opted for two side-by-side. Maybe there was a two-for-one sale on windows? They could have at least chosen two with the same grid lines.
Absolutely Floored
Indoor ventilation is probably one of the more important aspects of a home. If a house isn’t ventilated correctly, it can make the whole place unlivable. This is why it’s crucial not to skimp on this aspect.
We’re unsure of whether the vent is too small or if the vent cover is too big. Either way, we think it looks a little silly. At least it works, right?
Forklifting Under the Influence
Work accidents can easily happen when you’re not paying attention or being a little irresponsible. However, the stakes are a little higher if you work in construction as opposed to behind an office desk.
We only hope that this was the only damage caused by this incident. We don’t recommend focusing on anything else other than driving when operating heavy machinery like a forklift.
Mind Your Step
Building your own home can be super rewarding. It can give you a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction after you see what you can accomplish with your own two hands.
However, it’s important to know what you’re doing and research everything beforehand. If you have to prop up every single step with three shelf brackets, you’re probably doing it wrong.
Down the Toilet
When planning the interior layout of a room, there are certain rules you should follow. Not just for aesthetic purposes, but for functional reasons, too.
We always think of toilets being backed up against a wall. But honestly, what’s the issue with having it in the middle of the room? Especially if it frees up wall space for things like storage. Also, why is the toilet so tiny?
Step Up
There’s nothing like standing back from your completed DIY home project, dusting yourself down, and admiring your own handiwork. However, there are some projects best left to the pros, especially stairs.
People have a hard enough time not tripping down, or up, stairs that are even. Throw these crooked house stairs into the mix and they’d be accidents left, right, and center.
Glass Over
When choosing the design of your home, people who lack an understanding of basic architecture often opt for the more aesthetically pleasing option rather than the practical one.
But people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Does the same go for glass stairs? Either way, we can't imagine running down these in socks being any fun at all. It could end terribly.
Not a Fan
Designing an interior only to discover that there’s not enough air circulation is a pretty common problem. It’s the sort of issue that you’d only notice once everything has been built.
While a ceiling fan might have seemed like a brilliant idea at the time, we can’t imagine why they’d choose to put it there of all places. We wouldn’t want to be that white pole right about now.
Hit the Ceiling
A vaulted ceiling can make a room look super edgy and cool if it’s done in the right way. However, if your vaulted ceiling can’t be removed, you need to be careful what you build under it.
Considering that a lot of people who use this room will be standing up, a low-hanging ceiling doesn’t seem like a brilliant idea.