When buying a new home, you spend hours trying to find the perfect neighborhood, but there's probably one thing you've overlooked: your neighbors. Good neighbors can make your life so much better, and bad ones can make your home feel like anything but a safe haven.

From asking to turn down music to commenting on behaviors in the bedroom, these interactions between neighbors are anything but friendly and wholesome. You’re not going to believe these hilarious conversations.
How Sickly
Are we the only ones getting total Bridesmaids’ “Help me I’m poor” vibes from this really sick person? While we can’t find anything wrong with asking your neighbor for Nyquil or orange juice, it’s a lot to ask them to bring it to you in bed.

We’re willing to let the sick person’s passive-aggressive response back slide because maybe they really weren’t feeling well.
Rising Star
Many children take up instruments, and most of the time, they’re not very good when they start. Listening to them practice can be absolute torture for anyone living with them, and it takes lots of patience.

While we feel sorry for this 27-year-old neighbor who had to listen to a nine-year-old boy learn the clarinet, they didn’t have to resort to shaming him.
Break Up
We can’t even imagine being so frustrated with our neighbor’s boyfriend that we would go and write them a note telling her to just break up with him already.

Maybe after being woken up a 2 a.m. time and time again and listening to slamming doors and stomping, we’d finally get to this point. We have to love how they threw in that her pup “deserves better”.
Payment Please
We’re all here for teenagers grinding and trying to make a living. But perhaps this teen should have asked the neighbor before he went ahead and repainted their house numbers on the curb.

What’s worse is his parent tried to guilt trip them into paying $15 for his shoddy graffiti work. We can’t believe the neighborhood actually paid him. What a hustler!
Take Away
Getting food delivery is always a gamble—the meal is never as tasty as it is in a restaurant, sometimes it shows up damaged, and other times it doesn’t show up at all. While we’re quick to blame the restaurant when the latter happens, this person’s first thought was their neighbor was somehow involved.

We can’t believe their neighbor actually ate their Chinese food and then offered to give them the leftovers to feed their whole family.
Branching Out
While some neighbors end up getting super close, some just don’t get along. We can’t help but wonder about the nature of the relationship between these folks if one of them is accusing the other of chucking a tree branch into their backyard and taking out the internet line.

They must be on pretty bad terms if their first thought was to blame their neighbor instead of the storm.
Stop Wining
They say it’s five o’clock somewhere—it’s never too early to grab a cold one, sit back, and relax. We’re not here to judge when and what you choose to drink.

But we do suggest getting your own supply and not asking your neighbor for one, especially a full, unopened bottle. Perhaps, this person would have gotten a better response if they offered to let their neighbor enjoy a glass with them.
Cat Lady
We’ll admit it, we’ve texted people here and there just to say “Hi”, but we can’t say we’ve done it to neighbors that we barely know. We also can’t say we’ve done it just to be nice.

But Fran didn’t have to respond like this. We’ll give her the benefit of the doubt, she must have been really busy with her cat.
Cat’s Out of the Bag
Pet owners will do just about anything to make sure their fur babies are happy, but blasting the TV to make sure your cat isn’t upset by the neighbor’s dog barking when you’re not home is on another level.

Why not just tell them to make their dog stop barking? We sure hope Chloe’s sensitive stomach wasn’t too upset when her owner returned home.
Charged Up
Sure, there are some things like sugar, milk, and eggs that are perfectly acceptable to ask your neighbor for. However, asking them to borrow an electric car plug because you don’t feel like buying your own may be asking just a bit too much.

What’s worse is this neighbor had no concept they would be contributing to the electric bill all because they wanted to save some money.
Cole 5th Floor
While we’re all for people shooting their shot, it’s important to respect when the person you’re after has a boyfriend.

Not only did Cole send this desperate text, but it was sent at nine in the morning and it was sent not once, not twice, but a whopping THREE times. Yikes! It may be time to think about switching apartments.
Loyal Fan
There’s something so sweet and wholesome about imagining this person cheering for their favorite Olympic athletes from the comfort of their own home to show support because the stands are empty. Talk about a loyal fan.

But perhaps they shouldn’t have been yelling at their TV screen at 3:30 in the morning. We can’t fault them for getting a bit too excited.
Living Green
We’re all about being green, but we’re not about the rotting smell a compost bin can give off. When your neighbor tells you your bin is stinking up their home, telling them they don’t care about the environment isn’t the right move.

We can’t believe this person suggested just closing the windows for a few days instead of just throwing out the bin.
Blocked In
There’s nothing that can ruin your day quite like trying to leave your house only to be blocked in by a massive truck in front of your driveway.

We can’t blame Lisa for trying to get to the bottom of it, but she just couldn’t let it go. For Pete’s sake, let your neighbor eat their grilled cheese sandwich in peace!
Trying to Quit
There’s pet shaming and then there’s this—how guilty does this adorable cat look? This sign has to be one of the most adorable ways to get your neighbor’s attention to stop smoking and leaving the butts behind.

We can’t help but think of this kitty lighting one up while its owner tries to get them to stop. Poor tabby.
Bad Habits
For your information, starting a message with “Hey sweetie” doesn’t make the rest of what’s in it sound any better. We can’t help but wonder what Randy was doing looking into this lady’s car intensely enough to notice she was smoking.

Luckily, no harm was done here Amy because the lovely lady was just enjoying her taquito. No bad habits here.
Trash Wars
Taking out the trash is one of those annoying tasks that no one really wants to do, but you have to otherwise everything piles up and gets a million times worse. Having a generous neighbor do it for you is a luxury that not everybody is granted.

It looks like these neighbors had a fight on their hands when the overly generous ones decided to stop doing their neighbors a favor and they didn't like it. This could all be resolved if we just dealt with our own trash, on our own.
Too Cool For Pool
When this family installed a pool, they expected to use it themselves. They never expected that their neighbors would ask them to install a gate so their kids could use it. Understandable so, they told their neighbors no.

However, when the mom came home the next day, the police were there waiting for her, under the impression that she had been engaging in sketchy behavior, all to get revenge for not sharing her pool.
Check Your Connection
This neighbor had a bone to pick with the guy who lived next door. He was sure his new neighbor was using his Wi-Fi and making the connection much slower.

However, when he went to try and prove it, he quickly returned looking sheepish and apologized. It turns out his ex-wife, who was living in the guest house in his backyard had connected every possible device to his Wi-Fi and he’d had no idea. Well, that’s awkward.
Red Flags
We love women looking out for other women, especially when they happen to be neighbors. All too often women try to bring each other down.

We're sure it wasn't easy for Megan to reach out to her neighbor and let her know her boyfriend was stalking her. We can't help but think she wasn't expecting to get this less-than-nice response back. At least she warned her.
Neighbors With Benefits
Having an attractive neighbor is always a perk, especially if you're single and looking for a good time. But what happens when the relationship goes sour or you become exclusive with someone else? Things are bound to get uncomfortable.

While we're not convinced Derek got a girlfriend or that she wrote this, at least he tried to play this awkward situation off well.
Jack of All Trades
They say boys will be boys, but we can't help but think it's up to parents to teach their kids how to act in public. 10-year-old boys peeing in Halloween decorations isn't it, and neither is this parent's lackadaisical response that "He's a boy."

Even still, we can't deny that the last message gave us a good laugh.
So Nice
When living in an apartment, there's always some level of noise you have to deal with. But having to message your neighbor to tell them to be quieter at 4 a.m. would set us off.

If that wasn't already bad enough, this person tried to pull the "nice person" card before blaming Sarah's children for making too much noise during the day. Yikes!
Joe Boxer
They say you should never borrow money from friends or family, but another thing that should be added to that list is underwear. And you definitely shouldn’t borrow it from a stranger.

We can’t believe James actually had the guts to ask his neighbor to borrow his clean boxers. How gross! Now that’s on a whole new level of personal.
Silly Goose
Sure, it’s pretty normal to see dogs swimming in pools, but how would you feel if someone’s pet geese were having a splash in the neighborhood lake that your kids also swim in?

Not only did this private lake have a no pets swimming rule, but this person decided to let their geese swim in it freely. Saying they’re cute definitely doesn’t make it any less gross.
Locked Out
We’ve all had the very unfortunate situation of locking ourselves out of our apartments and when it happens, it’s a real bummer. You have two options: you can wait for someone to bring you a spare key or you can call a locksmith.

Or you can do what this person did and try and go into your neighbor’s apartment with their hidden spare key without their permission. It looks like breaking and entering are the least of their problems—they’re a real slob.
Birthday Suit
We can’t even get over how desperate this person must have been to leave this note. The amount of secondhand embarrassment we’re getting just thinking of this all-natural man reading this note from David and finding out his neighbors have seen him in his birthday suit is unreal.

We bet he’s wishing he was just a few inches taller right about now. This is bound to be one awkward interaction.
Positive Vibes Only
We all know those folks that are all about positive energy and cleansing the space. While we don’t understand it—to each his own.

That is until they start accusing us of spreading negative vibes and not reaching a state of mental clarity. This conversation is going in all sorts of metaphorical circles—and to be honest, we’re having trouble keeping up.
“Game of Thrones” Drama
There’s such thing as being nosy and then there are people that try and get involved in their neighbor’s personal lives. This “concerned neighbor” actually told theirs to be quieter when having fights with their significant other.

While concerned isn’t the word we’d use for this person, the joke was on them because they were listening to a fight from Game of Thrones.
One Request
We get it—the job market is hard these days and it’s important to do everything you can to get even an interview at a company.

While using connections is smart, sending your neighbor a LinkedIn request instead of just talking to them in person may not be the way to land a job. Threatening them until they accept your request isn’t going to go down well either.
Cry Me a River
Sometimes neighbors send super rude messages that make our blood boil, and other times they send ones like this that show they’re complete softies. How sweet was it for this person to offer tissues, coffee, and their Netflix password after they heard their neighbor crying?

We bet the last thing they were expecting was this passive-aggressive response back and this insult to their haircut.
Sit, Stay
This has to be one of the most bizarre, yet hilarious photos we’ve seen in a while. We have so many questions. What in the world is this dog doing sitting on a fire hydrant and how was he able to balance like this?

This owner seems more concerned with how their pup managed to get out of the fence than going to get him.
Just a Phone Call Away
In this day and age, most people prefer texting over phone calls. Call us old fashion, but we love a nice, long phone conversation. There’s nothing quite like it to turn your day around.

Apparently, this neighbor was having conversations all day in the privacy of their own apartment and they were disturbing their very polite neighbor. We can’t think of anything worse—a true monster indeed!
Imaginary Date
Well, this sure is awkward. After this person was invited to a wholesome family cookout at the park, and they said they didn’t want to go, their neighbor offered to pay them $20 to pretend they were dating them.

Between not liking cookouts or families, and having imaginary significant others, it sounds like these people are a match made in heaven.
We get it—small talk is the absolute worst. While it’s a societal norm, it makes us feel super uncomfortable. But hiding from your neighbor just so you don’t have to engage in it is a bit extreme.

But that’s not all—when they were caught, they tried to make an excuse that they dropped their keys. We wonder how the rest of their interactions went.
Potty Talk
Have you ever clogged your toilet and then needed to use the bathroom as soon as possible? It’s just awful! But we can’t say we have ever been desperate enough to ask our neighbor to use their bathroom after wrecking ours.

We couldn’t agree more—it’s about time to get the landlord involved. The secondhand embarrassment is real here, folks.
Sing Your Heart Out
Who doesn’t love taking a nice, hot shower and singing their hearts out? For some reason, we think we sound just like Ariana Grande when we’re singing in the shower.

But this person wasn’t enjoying the free concert from the comfort of their own home. They went full-out Simon Cowell on their neighbor, giving a less than raving review. Ouch.
Just Purrfect
Oh, my lord! If we saw this wild creature on our front doorstep staring us down like this, we’d have quit a fright. We’d know right away not to get too close, and we certainly wouldn’t mistake it for a cat.

This person hasn’t realized that it’s not a house pet yet and they actually expected their neighbor to take care of it. We wonder how long it took them to figure it out.
“How Far I’ll Go”
Even though we’re adults, we love a good Disney movie marathon night. And when it comes to Disney, Moana is one of our favorites. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen it.

This neighbor should be thanking this dedicated Moana fan because now they know all the words in it. We can think of way worse films to know by heart.
Chiming In
It’s important to be considerate of your neighbors, especially during the late hours of the night. But making a huge fuss about windchimes and posting about them “disturbing the peace” in the Classifieds, is something else entirely.

If this person is complaining about something as peaceful as windchimes, we can’t help but wonder what other crazy things will set them off.
Doggone It!
We get it, dogs barking at all hours of the day and night would drive us absolutely crazy. However, threatening to inflict any kind of harm on an innocent animal and having a plan of action to do it is beyond unacceptable.

We wish they’d use the same kind of kindness they requested on this poor animal instead of making terrible threats.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
This has to be one of the most absurd conversations we’ve ever seen. While it’s this person’s right to cut down trees on their property if they feel the urge to, we find cutting them down for no apparent reason a bit bizarre.

At least they apologized for the loud noise it was making. If only they showed this much respect to the poor trees.
Music to Our Ears
Most people know that when you have neighbors, it’s important to play your music at a reasonable level. While we’ll admit that we get carried away every once in a while, if our neighbor told us to turn the music down, we would just do it.

Maybe they got insulted when they called their music “awful”, but calling them “annoying” was certainly uncalled for.
Dinner Date
It’s not uncommon to ask your neighbor for flour or sugar every once in a while, but asking them for ingredients for a whole meal isn’t the usual.

This person actually asked for pasta, but that wasn’t all they needed for their meal. They also asked for pasta sauce and Parmesan cheese to make a whole feast. The least they could have done is invited their neighbor over for dinner with the food they borrowed from them.
Don't Shoot the Messenger
What is it with people playing their loud music at all hours of the night? Heads up—playing music after 11 p.m. on a weeknight isn't being a good neighbor.

This person's music must have been so loud that they couldn't even hear their phone going off the whole night. Here's to hoping they got the message this time around.
You're Blocked!
Why is it that people don't seem to even think twice about blocking our driveways? Not only is it super rude, it always seems to happen at the worst time like when we need to pick up our kids from school or when we have a car full of perishable groceries.

Not only did this person block their neighbor from getting into their driveway, but they then took it one step further and blocked their phone number. How immature!
Swipe Left
Wait?!? How can this person hear their neighbor “tindering” through the wall? How close is their ear to it?

If that wasn’t already enough to totally creep us out, they wanted to know if they were swiping right or left. We have to love the way this person responded to this awkward conversation. It’s a left swipe for us as well!
More often than not, we’re on the side of the landlords because they can make your life a living nightmare with all of their crazy requests and demands. But this one asking the tenant to follow the no smoking policy seems more than reasonable.

The renter’s response that they don’t smoke, they vape has us in stitches. Seriously?!? We can’t help but wonder how the rest of this conversation went.
True Swiftie
We get it—every time Taylor Swift releases new music we can’t help but blast it as loud as possible and play it on repeat until our ears can’t take it. And we couldn’t agree more—everything Swift does is fire.

We love how the landlord used Taylor’s song to tell Estelle to turn down her music in the wee hours of the morning. How smart!
Ruff Time
What is it with dog owners not picking up after their pooches? It’s gross and it drives us absolutely mad. But we’ve never thought to teach our neighbors this valuable lesson by writing a nice letter complete with a rather disgusting (and appropriate) present.

We’re surprised this person was this insistent on sending a message. We’re not sure we’d go this far.
Fun Sucker
Sure, who doesn’t like to unwind once they get off work on a Friday evening? Being an adult and going to work five days a week is hard, and there’s nothing quite like blasting music when you’re finally free for the weekend.

However, it’s also important to also respect your neighbors, especially while you’re vacationing at a lake house.
Shake it Off
How many of you have shaken off your tablecloth after enjoying a nice meal with your family over your balcony and forgotten that there are people below you who are probably getting a mouthful of sand?

If that’s you, we just hope you’re not the resident of Suite 1407 or you may be greeted one morning with a can of spray paint. You’ve been warned!
Parking Problems
How frustrating is it when you go to park in your private parking spot after a long day at work and some jerk has already parked there?

Perhaps this person should have tried to figure out whose car it was or left a note before jumping to tow a stranger’s car. But after seeing this nasty note, it seems like the person who got their car towed was served karma.
Bedroom Talk
We’re not going to lie—we’ve heard our neighbor doing the deed one time too many, but we wouldn’t dare let them know we know their likes and dislikes in the bedroom.

This person got a bit too personal, giving unasked for advice about the woman not pleasing her man enough. And they actually signed it on behalf of all of the neighbors within a five-radius block.
Scream Queen
Here’s the perfect example of why you should never get involved in your neighbor’s personal life—you may end up having a super awkward and unfortunate interaction like this person did.

Not only did they accidentally end up letting Meghan know her husband was cheating on her with another woman, but they also ended up giving him props for the amount of time her husband was able to please her. It sounds like this is the end of this marriage.
These shoes have to be just about the craziest thing we’ve ever seen. After seeing these absolutely ridiculous creations, all of our questions about what our neighbors could possibly be up to when we hear tons of crazy noise makes total sense.

We have to get our hands on a pair of cinder block flip-flops to mess with them back.
Loud and Proud
What is it with inconsiderate people thinking it’s totally normal to play their music at all sorts of obnoxious levels?

One thing’s for sure—if your neighbor can Shazam your music from your apartment and get the correct answer, it’s definitely a sign that it’s too loud. Regardless of how good the song is, it’s time to turn it down.
Squeaky Clean
Sharing a communal washing machine is bound to have some unfortunate interactions. The least of which is having to wait for someone to remove their wet clothes.

While we applaud this person for messaging their neighbor to try to figure out if it was their wet clothes in the wash before just removing them, we can’t help but wonder what they expected them to do from Denver.
Would You Rather
Would you rather questions can go from innocent to quite risky in a matter of seconds, and it’s important to know your audience when asking them. Usually, that’s not your neighbor.

We can’t believe some of the wild things Derek asked his neighbor. It really makes you think about the people who live next door to you. You never know who they really are.