The fairytale story of a marriage that lasts forever unfortunately never lives up to the harsh realities of life, especially if you’re one of the most famous people in the world. With hectic schedules and temptations around the corner, it’s no wonder that Hollywood marriages often struggle.

After his controversial divorce from ex-wife Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton seems to have found love again, this time getting involved with Gwen Stefani. With rumors abound about the doomed marriage, fans are dying to know what Miranda has been up to. Blake finally seems ready to open up about his divorce and this is one story that never seems to get boring.
A very public affair
Celebrities never spare the cash when it comes to looking after their kids. Like many other Hollywood celebs, Gavin and Gwen had plenty of nannies to help raise their boys while they both juggled their intense schedules.

However, things got particularly bad when Gwen discovered that Gavin had been apparently having an affair with their Australian nanny, Mindy Mann, right under her nose. This would be a major deal breaker for Gwen, who was quoted as saying “a year that was so full of horror — the worst, worst.” We can see why.
Can’t take it anymore
Gwen was never able to be okay with Gavin’s behavior after discovering his affair with their Australian nanny, Mindy Mann. In fact, she struggled for quite a while to even stop reliving their experience, saying she could always feel Mindy’s presence in her house.

Things just weren’t the same. Now, most people do not know this, but Stefani had adopted her husband’s family name when they got married. In a symbolic gesture demonstrating how she was ready to put this behind her, she soon legally changed her name back to Stefani.
Working it out
Rumors about the relationship getting rocky hit a peak around 2013 when Life & Style magazine published an article claiming how Shelton had cheated on Miranda. Like any couple, they put on a brave face in the eyes of the public.

Blake claimed that all his energy was focused on his upcoming album and his family. Lambert, however, revealed in private that, “My mom said to my dad, ‘Divorce is not an option.’” That would certainly change her wholesome image so we can see why, but it’s a shame really.
Seeing each other on the job
Gwen Stefani has come under a lot of heat for her relationship to Blake, with many even blaming her for his divorce. Rumors about sexual tension between them first emerged when the duo met on the set of The Voice, where they were both judges.

While neither had signed up hoping to find love, others say it seemed like they hit it off instantly. Says one friend, “They have spent time together off-set. They don’t want to label anything or define it, they just really like each other.”
A rude surprise
Before Miranda Lambert, Blake had already had two failed marriages. Some even claimed that the reason he had no kids was because he had never felt fully satisfied in any of his marriages.

Given just how popular of a couple Blake and Miranda were, fans were expecting a pregnancy announcement any day, but were shocked instead to hear them announce they were getting divorced. It’s almost as if the relationship was doomed from the start.
What about Gavin?
Even though Gwen and Gavin only got married in 2002, they’ve been going steady since 1995, which in Hollywood years, is eternity. Despite Gavin’s reputation, Gwen was always very accepting of his flaws. The couple did go through some issues when Gavin discovered his goddaughter was actually his daughter, from a fling with the designer Pearl Lowe.

Luckily, Gwen was more than understanding of the situation and the couple would go on to have three children of their own. Their youngest, Apollo Bowie Flynn Rossdale, was born in 2014. What a name!
The chemistry was off the charts
Insiders say that Blake and Gwen immediately hit it off when they met on the set of The Voice. A source on the set said that “The chemistry between them is off the charts. Everyone on set sees that Blake and Gwen are falling for one another”.

However, the general public got first glimpses of this on the set of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, where everyone in the audience could see the tension building between the two, as they flirted all over their lip-syncing duel.
Right place, wrong time?
It seems as if Blake and Gwen’s relationship was doomed from the start, considering that neither was single when they first met. Both seemed to be stuck in unsatisfying marriages, though. Given Blake’s reputation, fans were not really surprised at his flirtatious behavior.

They were not so accepting of Gwen, however, who got a lot of heat, considering she had three children and a 13-year old marriage to take up much of her life. It seems like both were there for each other at the right place and the wrong time.
A heavy toll on the mind
Getting a divorce can be pretty stressful, and this began taking a toll on the famous singer as the divorce progressed. Blake very publicly struggled with his divorce, even losing a significant amount of weight in the process.

In fact, many fans thought that this was a conscious decision to get fitter. Things certainly got a little depressing when he was asked on America’s Morning Show to share his fitness secrets. “I just stopped eating,” Blake said. That is so sad.
Not so hunky dory
Gwen was clearly head over heels for Blake, stating how he “made her feel good again” after years and years of her relationship with Gavin, whom she described as a huge control freak.

Of course, Gavin did not take kindly to this, stating the two were out to ruin his image in an attempt to justify their affair. In fact, people who know the couple well say it was the other way round: Gwen was so needy that she never let Gavin devote the time and attention he desired to his career.
A New York affair
Sources close to the couple say that it was really obvious that there was something going on between Gwen and Blake. For example, Blake was spotted entering the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City, with Gwen following just a few minutes later.

Many even claim to have seen the two holding hands at Jared Leto’s Halloween Party. However, what was really unexpected was the intimate moments the two shared so publicly at Adam Levine’s party. It’s almost as if they forgot they were public figures.
Hiding from the ex?
Gwen and Blake were well into each other and the only thing that remained was some sort of public gesture where they’d confirm they were together.

The couple decided to make their relationship publicly known at the Country Music Awards but Gwen changed her mind at the last moment, showing up only for the afterparty. People in the industry claim this was not very wise, considering it looked like she had been trying to avoid Blake’s ex, Miranda Lambert, who was guaranteed to be there.
Flying solo
As a very private person, Miranda Lambert, always tried to make sure all her public presences were focused on her career and not all the speculations surrounding her personal life. The singer would eventually come to terms with it, even occasionally using it to her advantage.

When she finally made it to the top of the charts with her collaboration with Jason Aldean, “Drowns the Whisky”, the singer revealed her frustration. She was quoted as saying that no matter how hard she tried, it seemed impossible for her to succeed without a man.
Asking for advice
If you’ve got the hots for your coworker, it might be better not to tell everyone in the office, right? Well, things are different when you’re a celebrity, of course. When Blake became aware of his feelings for Gwen, he apparently sought advice from another judge on the show, Christina Aguilera.

Christina apparently laughed in his face and did not take him very seriously, doubting if Gwen Stefani would ever fall for a country singer. At least, they kept it in the Voice family.
Not everyone was happy
Country stars are a very loyal bunch: when you burn one of their own, you get kicked out. At least, that’s what Blake was most worried about, considering his very public presence.

Of course, not everyone was happy, but it seems like people really just wanted the couple to be happy. One of Blake’s closest friends, frontman of the band Lonestar, was quoted as saying, “I love Gwen Stefani” and Rich said, “we all love her… happiness reigns at the end of the day.” That’s sweet!
Too lovey dovey?
We all know that one couple who are so into each other that it makes us puke, mostly out of envy. Apparently, that’s exactly the sort of couple Gwen and Blake were according to another Voice judge, Adam Levine.

The Maroon 5 star was quoted as saying, “I see it every day”, he complained. “I have a pretty unique perspective on it, and it’s real, man. I’m so affectionate and gross with my wife — this is a whole other level of…vomit”, Levine admitted, “They’re so in love it’s disgusting.”
Wedding Bells
Gwen and Blake’s chemistry was so intense that their stormy affair turned into a full-fledged romance within a few months. In fact, the two even sparked wedding rumors, after an insider revealed that Gwen had employed celebrity wedding planner, Jerri Woolworth.

These rumors were fueled by Blake’s single “I’ll Name the Dogs”, a song about a fairytale romance between a couple who get married at an old age. Blake was also really comfortable with Gwen’s kids. He even invited them to star in his music video.
He makes it feel like Christmas
Given their immensely successful careers, fans always wonder how celebrities find time for their personal lives. Apparently, Blake and Gwen are trying to work on this issue by finding more and more occasions to collaborate professionally.

For example, the couple collaborated on Stefani’s holiday album, especially the track “You Make it Feel Like Christmas”. In addition, friends say the couple are also actively trying to have a baby. A source labelled them as “hyper-focused on getting pregnant.”
Some things money can’t buy
As we know according to the couple, they have been trying everything they can to conceive. Doctors say her chances aren’t looking very good, despite all the advances in technology.

Despite being on her “last embryo”, the couple, however, have faith and claim that they “believe that God has a bigger plan for her, and that includes getting pregnant.” Sounds like they’re really committed to this project. We can totally get behind that, and hope they even make a single out of it.
Taking it slow
Given just what a lovely couple these two make, combined with their off the charts chemistry, fans can’t wait to see these two walk down the aisle. Blake, though, might not be ready just yet.

A close friend of the couple states that “Blake had hoped that time would ease the pain of the divorce… but sadly, it just hasn’t. Blake admits he’s still devastated”. Both of them have kids from their other marriages so being patient might not be such a bad thing.
Getting justice
When you’re as big as Blake, the papers are bound to be filled with all sorts of fake news. But, there’s one thing that the public just can’t get enough of, and that is reading about celebrities struggling with drinks and drugs.

In fact, he sued the publication In Touch for allegations that his drinking was out of control. The article stated how Blake would sometimes start drinking before 11 AM. Luckily, the courts ruled in his favor, charging the publication with libel.
The forgotten romance
Stories about Blake’s personal life have always focused on his more glamorous lovers, especially Miranda Lambert and now Gwen Stefani.

However, what a lot of people don’t know much about is his relationship with his first wife, Kaynette Gern. The couple were high school sweetheart back then, and Kaynette’s role often blurred lines between being a manager and a wife. The couple broke up three heads into their marriage due to inappropriate marital conduct by Blake.
Where she is today
Having an ex move in with their new spouse can be really hard, even if you have managed to move on. Kaynette had done her best to put Blake behind her as time passed, even auctioning off her wedding dress on eBay.
“It just felt like Oklahoma wasn’t big enough for all of us”, she said. She left her position as a manager and now works for an elementary school and is married to Cody Joe Sheck.
First signs of romance
Although passionate, Miranda and Blake’s relationship had a relatively rough start, considering that Blake was still married when he met her. However, he did admit feeling very guilty for having this sudden attraction for her.

Fans might feel a little better knowing that apparently, they did not start dating until his divorce was official. A man of ethics indeed. Miranda seems to have been very understanding, but you know what they say: once a cheater, always a cheater.
Turning things around
Going through a divorce, especially a second one, can be incredibly devastating. Blake didn’t seem to be handling it too well, with rumors about his mental state fuelled by his extreme weight loss.

However, the singer claimed he was back on his feet again, explaining to the CMT Hot 20 Countdown that, “it’s amazing how quickly life can turn around for you”. He added that he “had some pretty cool things in recent times that’ve happened and [he’s] loving it”.
The second Mrs. Shelton
Despite his infidelities, Blake claims to be an old fashioned guy and apparently even sought out permission from Miranda’s father before proposing to her. The couple had been dating for four years and got married a year after their engagement in a very private ceremony.

The couple invited only their closest friends and family but there were still plenty of celebrities who attended the wedding, including Kelly Clarkson, Cee Lo Green and Reba McEntire. Miranda even wore her mother’s wedding dress. How wholesome!
Worlds apart
Absence does make the heart grow fonder, but too much of it can also be a bad thing. With their hectic schedules, Miranda and Blake couldn’t really spend a lot of time together, often spending months on end in different parts of the world.

She took it positively, believing that the distance would only strengthen their bond and make their time together more special. Blake’s team in the studio would always tell her how much he talks about her and misses her, which she took as a good sign.
Putting on a brave face
Going through a divorce can be difficult, especially if you’re a celebrity. We can only imagine what was going through Miranda’s mind when, two days before their divorce, she was performing for Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming.

The singer was so overwhelmed that she tried to hide her emotions by turning them into an amazing encore. Apparently, the strain in her voice went unnoticed to most fans, who thought the singer was just really in the moment.
A new man
Given the wild lifestyles that musicians live, Blake claims he was always easily tempted, never saying no to anything. When he started working as a judge on The Voice, there were concerns about the amount of time the couple would spend apart only adding further strain to the relationship.

However, Blake quickly quelled all rumors by saying, “I got a wife now. I say no to the things that might not matter as much”. Pretty ironic, considering how that would eventually lead to the end of their marriage.
Plans for a baby
The only thing fans love more than watching their favorite celebrities marry each other is pregnancy announcements. Two years into their marriage, everyone was expecting the couple to make an announcement.

Blake denied it saying the couple were not actively trying but they were open to it. He said, “If it happens one day then it happens and we’re not trying to make it happen or avoid it”.
Escaping LA
Imagine going through a divorce and having the entire country poking into your personal life, waiting to dig some dirt on you. It’s no surprise that the tabloids were filled with sordid details of what went wrong.

Surprisingly, it had a lot to do with Miranda hating living in Los Angeles and Blake being forced to stay there, due to his duties as a judge on The Voice. Miranda grew increasingly lonely towards the end. Something tells us there was a lot more happening behind the scenes on The Voice though.
Who’s fault was it?
You’d think it’s the spouse who was cheated on who would file for divorce. What’s really interesting here is that despite being the one at blame here, it was actually Blake who did it. TMZ had reported that Miranda was having multiple affairs behind Blake’s back.

As soon as he found evidence, he decided to take legal action in the hope of shifting all the blame to her. Unfortunately for him, Miranda had her own litany of accusations against Blake.
A very Cheetos Thanksgiving
When your mom’s Gwen Stefani, you know you’re going to get pampered. Even if you want your Thanksgiving turkey crusted in Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Yes, really.

Gwen and Blake created a frenzy on social media when they shared photos of their celebration at his ranch out in the country in Oklahoma. You’d think they were keeping it simple but, of course, they have their unique way of celebrating. We can’t help but feel a little jealous of Zuma here.
No rush for marriage
Gwen and Blake were both married when they met and despite what fans want, the couple have made it clear that they are fully committed to each other but in no rush.

While the couple have thought about marriage, nothing is certain yet. A close friend explained “They’re still madly in love and beyond inseparable. Blake has wanted to take his time with marriage, but he is absolutely committed to Gwen. They both feel they’ve found their true partner in life and plan to be together forever”.
The spirit of Christmas
Miranda may get really annoyed seeing Blake and Gwen livin’ it up, but that hasn’t stopped them from making headlines with their romance. In fact, the two even collaborated on a Christmas special, “You Make it Feel Like Christmas”.

The music video was a huge hit with critics calling it a mini-romantic comedy. The video shows the couple in vintage Hollywood, making the most of the romantic atmosphere that winter creates. Of course, Miranda wasn’t all too pleased.
A cheap shot
While Blake seems to have happily moved on, Miranda has no hesitation for milking her heartbreak for every penny’s worth. Even though Blake and Miranda have been separated for years now, mentions of the divorce continue to feature in Miranda’s latest albums.

In fact, the single “Got My Name Changed Back”, was a very public dig at Blake and his infidelity. Fans worry that Miranda still hasn’t forgiven him and is struggling to move on.
Miranda’s only getting stronger
Miranda has only grown stronger and fierce since her divorce from Blake, no longer afraid to speak up for herself. During one of her concerts with her band, there was a concerning moment where a belligerent fan kept on leaning up against the stage making the band really uncomfortable and worried for their safety.

Miranda even stopped the concert and directly asked the fan to leave the concert. Even this wasn’t enough. Eventually, the fan had to be personally escorted out of the venue by one of the band members.
Turning the tables
After discovering from TMZ that Miranda had been having multiple affairs, Blake was the one to file for divorce even though he was just as much to blame.

Miranda and her team say this was a PR stunt, done only to divert all the attention and negativity away. Blake had apparently even hired a huge PR team to handle his side of things. A source close to the couple said that Miranda had upheld every single one of her vows, regardless of what Blake had been saying in the news.
A very messy separation
Divorce is a messy affair, even if you signed a prenup. Especially if infidelity played a role in the separation. After learning about Miranda’s affairs, Blake took no time to pack her stuff up into boxes.

In fact, Blake was so angry that he even threatened to throw away all her stuff in a dumpster if she did not pick them up. To make things worse, he even asked her to immediately get her pets off his property. Tabloids were loving it, considering it was Blake who had actually cheated.
Miranda finally moves on
Blake took no time at all in moving onto another relationship and neither did Miranda. In fact, the singer shacked up with up-and-coming R&B artist, Anderson East. East was even four years her junior, making fans think that Miranda was ready to have some fun.

Miranda officially confirmed the relationship by posting a photo on social media captioned “The snuggle is real” — What an adorable caption! Staying true to her style of getting fully involved with her paramour, the new couple even started collaborating on songs.
What really happened?
Although relationships don’t seem like Blake’s strongest suite, things seem different with Gwen. They claim that they truly believe they’ve finally found their soulmates in each other. Miranda didn’t seem to be coping too well, feeling like her struggles had been ignored and relegated to the shadows of the couple’s romance.

In response, she wrote about the divorce in her new album, “The Weight of These Wings”. When asked by fans, she said, “want to hear [her] side of the story or my opinion of what happened, it’s all on there.”
First visit to Disneyland
Being divorced and involved in another relationship can create conflicting priorities, but children should always come first. Blake has been excellent here in trying to connect with Gwen’s children, taking plenty of holidays together.

In fact, if the blended family are not seen lounging around in Lake Arrowhead on the weekends, they’re out on exciting trips. What makes this incredibly adorable is that Blake actually went to Disneyland for the first time with Gwen and her kids. He even put on a “1st Visit” button on his shirt at the park. How cute!
Celebrating a birthday
Ever since her divorce from Blake, Miranda has been constantly trying to put the past behind her and have as much fun as she can. Never shy of shocking her fans, the singer decided to celebrate her 32nd birthday in her unique way.

Apparently, she’s really into unicorns and thought it would be fun to attach a pink horn to a horse named Sophie. Fans loved her post and given everything she’s been through, we think she deserves all the fun in the world.
All good things have to end
Miranda’s romantic life has been a whirlwind since her divorce from Blake. The singer broke up with her boyfriend Anderson East in April 2018. Shelton wrote in of his songs about the heartbreak of being cheated on.

Because Miranda’s breakup with East had more to do with her than him, there are rumors online claiming that Shelton’s song may have something to do with her. Apparently, she’d already begun a new relationship before breaking up with East. The plot thickens.
Miranda needed her privacy
Before Miranda’s split from Anderson East, there was gossip online about her allegedly having an affair with Evan Felkner. The singer took to social media to express her contempt for people commenting on her personal life.

What makes this really interesting is that Felkner wasn’t single at the time and apparently even filed for divorce once the news about their affair had got out to the public. This is one story that only gets more and more interesting.
She’s finally found her soulmate
Given how well Blake and Gwen have been doing, Miranda did not seem to take it too well. That is until the singer shocked her fans by announcing that she had married her new beau in a secret wedding in February 2019.

To make things more exciting, she made this announcement to the public on Valentine’s Day. As of now, the couple have always looked so incredibly at ease with each other. It’s a relief knowing she has finally found the love of her life.
Rebound or romance?
Blake and Gwen were both stuck in unhappy relationships when they fell for each other, so it seems like the two were there for each other, exactly when needed.

Blake revealed on Sunday Today with Willie Geist that, “think if Gwen and I were being honest right now talking about this, I think in the back of our minds, we both kind of thought this is a rebound deal because we’re both coming out of a pretty low spot in our lives and we’re kind of clinging to each other to get through this”.
Crashing in the same car again?
There are rumors abound about Brendan McLaughlin’s sordid past, especially from concerned fans who worry that Miranda may have replaced one cheater with another.

A source close to the couple says that there is concern about how Miranda seems to keep on falling for men who are no good for her and that Brendan’s past will rear its ugly head sooner rather than later. We’re optimistic though, because it really looks like she’s finally found her soulmate.
Heartbreak makes for good lyrics
Cheating is always bad, but there’s a reason why people do it. Almost always, it’s because of discontent with their partner. Blake and Gwen were both going through a lot when they met and it seems like they were made for each other.

Blake even went as far as to say, “It’s a miracle that I met somebody that was going through the same exact thing that I was at the same exact moment in time.” We’re sure the authenticity of Blake’s lyrics only makes his songs more relatable to his fans.
Will Blake and Gwen be okay?
Blake’s reputation means that he is always going to have to deal with rumors about his romantic life. Even though Blake and Gwen seem to be doing just fine, fans worry that he is almost certain to repeat his pattern and end up breaking Gwen’s heart.

Stefani has had her own issues: apparently, she incited fans to surge towards the stage at one of her concerts, resulting in at least one injury. She is now involved in a lawsuit against an attendant who broke their leg in this incident.
Her best Valentine’s Day ever
What better way to announce a wedding than on Valentines Day? In February 2019, Miranda took social media by storm when she posted a picture of her in wedding attire with a mystery man.

She wrote, “In honor of Valentine’s Day I wanted to share some news. I met the love of my life. And we got hitched! My heart is full. Thank you Brendan Mcloughlin for loving me for…. Me”. Of course, given how briefly they had known each other, fans questioned the strength of their relationship.
Love at first sight?
An NYPD policeman and a pop star. We can’t think of any other couple that would be more incompatible on the surface. So, when Miranda walked down the aisle with Brendan McLaughlin within just a few months of dating, people wondered how someone like him landed someone like her.

Interestingly enough, the two met when Miranda was performing with her band, The Pistol Annies on Good Morning America, where McLaughlin handled security. It seems like the two hit it off instantly when they were introduced to each other by Miranda’s band mates.
The tabloids just won’t let her be
Miranda finally seems to have found the love of her life in Brendan, ever since the couple’s secret wedding in February 2019. In all of their public appearances, Miranda looks like she’s loving every second of it.

That doesn’t mean the tabloids haven’t tried digging up dirt in his husband. Some people are worried that Miranda might not have properly dealt with her divorce from Blake and is simply using Brendan to escape the heartbreak.
No looking back in anger
Social media loves nothing more than to stir up drama, especially when celebrities share intimate details of their personal life. When Miranda made some major announcements about her personal life, fans were dying to see how Blake would react.

Apparently, he has completely moved on and is only focused on his relationship with Gwen Stefani. A close friend was quoted as saying, “He put Miranda in his rearview mirror long ago. Miranda brings nothing positive to his life. Their marriage ended and he moved on. Ever since, he is grateful every day”.