Many parents believe that kids should help out around the house. From drying dishes to running errands, these chores teach kids essential life skills.

When Officer Jones first spotted a young boy buying diapers each day, he assumed he was just helping his mom. However, as time went by, the observant police officer realized something was wrong. He had no idea that he was about to uncover a situation that would change his life.
Meet Officer Jones
Darius Jones was born and raised in Oakland, California. He grew up in a poor neighborhood and watched his community terrorized by violent crime. He decided at a young age that he wasn’t going to stand by and let it continue.

Darius enrolled in the police academy as soon as he turned 18. Now he was 37 and a qualified police detective with the Oakland PD. Over the years, he worked on plenty of important cases, but none had impacted him as much as what he was about to encounter.
Pillar of the Community
Darius dedicated himself to his work. He didn’t have a partner or a family and worked long hours of overtime. He saw himself not just as an enforcer of the law, but a protector of the peace, and a trusted figure in the community. He wanted to be someone people could go to when they felt scared.

The devoted officer’s hard work had paid off and he was a true pillar of the community. He knew everyone in his local neighborhood by name and they respected and trusted him. But he didn’t realize he was about to stumble on something under his very nose that threatened the foundations of the society he was working so hard to protect.
Noticing Something
Although he was now a detective, Darius still liked to walk his usual beat each day so that he could keep up with the goings on in the neighborhood. Over the last few weeks, he had noticed something.

Every day at the same time, he noticed a young boy dressed in dirty clothes heading into the convenience store, at a time when he should have been in school. He wondered if the boy was simply skipping school, but something in his gut told him something else was going on. He needed to investigate further.
Buying Diapers
One day, Darius followed the boy into the convenience store, just to keep an eye on him. He assumed he’d just be buying candy or comics. But with a determined look on his face, the boy headed straight for the baby section.

He picked out the cheapest pack of diapers and some baby formula and headed to the checkout. The cashier smiled at him as if she knew him. He paid with a pile of small change, counting out pennies and dimes, snatched the items off the checkout desk, and headed out. Perhaps he was just helping out his mom, but Officer Jones wanted to be sure.
Same Routine
He made sure to be at the same convenience store for the next few days and, like clockwork, the boy appeared and bought another small pack of diapers. Close up, Darius could see that he was very unkempt and he looked exhausted. His hair was matted and there were dark circles under his eyes. Even though he was skinny as could be, Darius never saw him buy any food for himself, just baby formula.

After the boy made his purchase, he would leave quickly with his head down, not looking at anyone in the store. Apart from anything else, he clearly needed to be in school. Someone needed to intervene.
Questioning the Cashier
That day, Darius decided he needed to find out a little more about the boy who bought the diapers. After he had left the store, Darius headed up to the checkout counter.

“Good afternoon, Ma’am, I’m Detective Darius Jones and I have a few questions for you. Could you tell me a little more about the kid who was just in here? I’m a little concerned about him,” he said to the cashier. She replied that all she knew was that his name was Tommy and he’d been coming in every day for the last few months, buying diapers and leaving. He always paid in small change. She didn’t know anything else. Darius knew he was going to have to speak to Tommy.
Saying Hello
The next day, Darius stopped Tommy as he left the store. “Hey, buddy. I’m a police officer in this neighborhood and I just want to have a little chat with you,” he said. The boy looked terrified.

“Sir, I haven’t done anything, honest,” he squeaked. “I’m just buying diapers for the baby and now I need to get home. I never took anything from that store,” Tommy continued. “No no, no one’s accusing you of anything,” replied Darius in a soothing voice. “I just wanted to find out…” But the boy had already started running away, as fast as he could. Darius looked after him, feeling worried. He would have to follow him.
Tailing Tommy
Keeping a good distance between them, Darius followed Tommy. The young boy walked purposefully toward the most run-down area of the neighborhood. Darius had been called to this area countless times and he knew that some very dangerous stuff went down around here. He didn’t like to think of a child being exposed to such things.

Tommy turned around a few times during the walk, his eyes darting around. Darius could tell that he was a vigilant kid, always watching his back. He wondered what was going on in his life to make him so wary. It couldn’t be anything good.
House in Disrepair
Darius tailed Tommy until he turned into an old, abandoned-looking house. The paint was peeling and several of the windows were smashed. It didn’t look fit for habitation, but the young boy scurried up the path and unlocked the front door.

Glancing behind him, he slipped into the house, slamming the door behind him. All the curtains were drawn. Darius heard the sound of a baby screaming. That was it—he needed to go inside and check that someone was around to take care of these children. However, what he found inside made his blood run cold.
Going In
After a moment, Darius walked up the front path and knocked on the door. No one answered. He waited for a beat and knocked again. He heard scurrying feet and Tommy opened the door a crack. “What do you want?” he whispered.

“Hey Tommy, would it be okay if I come in for a moment? I just want to check everything’s okay,” the officer said. Tommy hesitated and then slid the door open just wide enough for Darius to squeeze through. He looked terrified, his eyes huge in his pale face. Darius smiled reassuringly, but he could tell something was wrong. Very wrong.
Complete Chaos
Inside the house was as run down as the outside. There was hardly any furniture and the floor was strewn with rubbish. There was a trash can overflowing with dirty nappies and the smell was overwhelming.

Tommy led Darius through the dark, stuffy rooms, into a bedroom where a woman was feeding a baby. “This is my Mom, Kayla, and my baby brother Sammy,” said Tommy. Kayla looked up in shock. “Tommy, who’s this? Why is there a policeman here? What have you done?!” she asked anxiously.
Tough Times
Darius sat down on a rickety chair and introduced himself and explained why he was there. She looked a little reassured but still afraid, biting her nails and glancing at the windows. Darius asked her questions, trying to find out about the family situation.

“It’s been tough since Sammy’s dad died,” she said, her voice cracking. “I’m doing my best for the kids, but there’s no money left. I lost my job a few months after the baby was born, I couldn’t juggle everything. And now… and now…,” she trailed off, tears rolling down her cheeks. “And now?” Darius prompted, but she just shook her head. He was determined to get to the bottom of things.
Fear in Their Eyes
They all sat in the dusty bedroom a little longer, Darius gently asking Kayla and Tommy more about their lives. He learned that Sammy had a gastrointestinal condition that meant he went through double the diapers of an average 6-month-old baby. That was why Tommy was forever buying diapers. He wasn’t going to school because Kayla couldn’t afford to pay for the books, travel, and uniform.

Darius kept probing but both mother and son were cagey in their replies to him, obviously keeping something hidden. He had no idea how big of a secret they were hiding.
Something Was Wrong
Darius gave Kayla his card and said she could call him if she needed anything. He told them he would need to get a social worker involved to get Tommy back into school. Kayla looked terrified at the prospect of more involvement from the authorities.

Darius knew there were lots of people who didn’t trust the authorities, but this seemed different. As he lay in bed that night, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Kayla and Tommy were concealing something dangerous. Every time he closed his eyes, their pale, haunted faces swam into his mind. He decided he would go back tomorrow.
No Sign of Tommy
The next day, Darius waited by the convenience store to meet Tommy, but he didn’t show. He hoped the boy was just running late but after 15 minutes, he decided something must be wrong.

He walked toward the house, praying he wasn’t too late. Whatever was keeping Tommy at home couldn’t be good. Darius hoped he hadn’t made things worse by turning up at the house the day before. He quickened his pace. When he arrived and saw why Tommy hadn’t come out, he realized the family was in deeper trouble than he could have imagined.
Man of the House
It wasn’t Tommy or Kayla who opened the door, but a man. He had a shaved head and tattoos on his neck and a threatening look on his face. “What do you want?” he snarled at Darius.

“I’m Officer Darius Jones with the Oakland PD and I’m just here to check in on Kayla and Tommy,” he said firmly and made to step past the man. He stuck out his arm and blocked the way. “Kayla and the kids are just fine, I make sure of that. Now why don’t you stop snooping around where you’re not needed and leave us alone?” the man replied. Kayla appeared behind him and said quietly, “Yes Officer, everything is fine here, please leave us.”
Controlling Them
There was nothing Darius could do. If Kayla wouldn’t cooperate and he hadn’t actually witnessed any suspicious activity, then he had to leave. But he knew this man was bad news. He recognized him from files back at the station. He was a dangerous character, but the police had never been able to pin anything on him.

Darius could tell that he held some power over Kayla and her family. He had seen them peering through one of the windows as he walked away from the house. They needed him, and he wasn’t going to let them down.
Sleepless Night
Darius spent a sleepless night tossing and turning. Finally, he got up and headed to the station where the night shift was in full swing. He logged into his computer and did a deep dive into the man’s file.

Every time the police had come near to discovering what he was up to and catching him in the act, he would slip through their fingers. However, what little information there was made Darius feel sick to his stomach. He hated to think of vulnerable women and children being anywhere near this man and he was determined to put him away.
Open Up
As soon as the morning came, Darius headed back to the house. This time, he drove in his cruiser and he told his partner where he was going. He wanted to be ready if the man tried anything.

He rapped sharply on the door. No one answered. Darius knocked again and heard movements from inside. Someone was coming to the door. Darius’ heart pounded in his chest. He was about to make the biggest catch of his career. The door flew open.
She Was Hurt
It wasn’t the man. It was Kayla, her face was bruised and swollen. Tommy was standing behind her clutching the baby. She ushered Darius in quickly and slammed the door.

“Back again, are you? What do you want from us? He thinks I got the police involved and now we’re all in trouble. You’re putting my kids at risk so just leave us alone!” she shouted, and then broke down sobbing. Darius handed her a tissue and said, “Kayla, listen to me. I’m not trying to make anything worse, I’m just trying to help you. If you would just explain the situation to me then we can help—I can protect you and your family. Just tell me what’s going on. Who is that man and what does he have over you?”
Revealing the Truth
Kayla took a deep breath. “Okay, okay,” she said, and she began to explain. It turned out that Sammy’s dad was killed in a turf war between two rival gangs. He had been accused of being a traitor by his own gang and passing information to the other side.

Really, he’d just been indiscreet, he’d never meant to act as a spy, but they hadn’t been very understanding. Now Kayla and her family were paying for his mistakes. They had been offered protection but it came at a price.
Gang Leader
The man that Darius had seen there the day before was the leader of Kayla’s boyfriend’s old gang. The Oakland PD had known he was involved in gang activity, but they had had no idea he was the head.

He dropped by unannounced a few times a week to check in on Kayla and what little money she had went towards paying him for the protection. Since she lost her job, he’d forced her to pay in other ways.
Dangerous Situation
Not only was Kayla being exploited, but he was using the family home as gang property. Their house was being used to store illegal substances and arms, as well as a hideout for gang members who were laying low.

Now that Kayla had spilled her secret, Darius could see that she was in deep trouble. There was no way that the gang would let this go unpunished. He knew what they did to snitches. The officer vowed he would never let her come to harm.
Ruling the Neighborhood
Darius drove Kayla, Tommy, and Sammy to the station where they would be safe for the time being. Then he headed back to the neighborhood to question the local people about the gang’s activities.

It didn’t take long for Darius to realize just how much power they wielded. The people he spoke to clearly knew a lot more than they were letting on, but no one wanted to give him any information. They were terrified.
Children in Trouble
Then there was Tommy and Sammy. Darius didn’t want anything to separate them from their mother. She had found herself in desperate circumstances, but she was clearly doing her best to care for her kids and loved them more than anything.

Even still, they couldn’t stay in this situation and social services needed to be involved. The house was dangerous and Darius knew it was only a matter of time before the kids got hurt. He needed to do everything in his power to make sure that never happened.
Not So Simple
That same day, Darius brought the case to his team and they worked long and hard on how to find a way to get the prominent gang members off the streets, without implicating Kayla. She couldn’t press any charges, or act as a witness, or they’d find a way to get her.

They’d have to find another way to catch them. They knew exactly who they were looking for now. In the meantime, they needed to find a way to help Kayla and her kids. Poverty, violence and mental health struggles couldn’t be dealt with overnight.
Community Comes Together
Darius believed in the power of community. He made contact with local charities, grassroots organizations, and social services, in search of resources and support that would be useful for Kayla.

The neighborhood banded together to help her, organizing fundraisers and collecting donations for all the local families in need. One kind neighbor even opened a stall with second-hand school books and clothing. Anyone who couldn’t pay could just take what they needed. Things were looking up, but the streets still weren't safe.
Investigation Continues
Meanwhile, Darius was heading a task force to try and bring gang activity in the neighborhood under control. They set up an anonymous tip line and offered deals for anyone who could offer them information on the leaders. That way, Kayla was protected from suspicion.

New leads appeared almost daily. It was clear that there were plenty of people involved who were searching for a way out. But even Darius could have foreseen what he was about to uncover.
Deeper Than They Thought
It turned out that the Oakland gang had connections to an organized crime syndicate with links all over the country and beyond. From racketeering to ties with the cartel, this went deeper than anyone could have predicted.

The gang leader exhorting Kayla was just one tiny cog in a huge web of criminal activity. Darius’ investigation uncovered information that the authorities had been searching for for years. Darius made sure that the gang leader knew nothing of Kayla's revelations, while he gathered as much intel as he could.
Justice Prevails
Finally, the case was watertight and the police could start bringing people to justice. The sting operation was successful and the gang leader and his associates were arrested.

In a climactic courtroom scene, they were found guilty of their heinous crimes, ending their reign of terror over the neighborhood. The community rallied together, standing strong against the forces that had plagued them. With the gang members behind bars, a sense of relief and renewal swept through the streets. Kayla, Tommy, and Sammy were finally free from danger, and the neighborhood began to heal.
Safe at Last
With the streets finally out of gang control, Kayla could begin to feel safe again. She was able to move into a new subsidized apartment and leave that run-down old house behind.

With the help of a local healthcare charity, Sammy was able to get the treatment he needed for his condition, meaning Tommy could make far fewer trips to the convenience store. With the help of the neighborhood, he was able to go back to school.
New Beginning
Kayla felt like she had a new lease on life. She and her children were safe and they’d never have to pay for their protection again.

But it wasn’t just a new beginning for Kayla. The case made Darius realize the importance of family and community and he decided it was time for him to build a life outside of work. He still worked long hours, but he took time out for himself now. He wanted to start his own family.
Looking to the Future
When Darius Jones saw a young boy buying diapers at the same time each day, he had no idea it was going to lead him to a vulnerable family with connections to one of the most feared crime syndicates in the country.

We wish Kayla and her children nothing but the best and we hope Darius finds what he’s looking for—a partner who shares his passion for peacebuilding, justice, and unity.