Although we may know her as the Duchess of Cambridge, the likes of Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis all know Kate Middleton as “mom.” In fact, her mom moments prove that she’s just like the rest of us…

When she multitasked like a boss
As soon as you become a mom, you develop an instinctive ability to multitask. Yes, even if you couldn’t before! This allows you to do two things at once and allows you to be the ultimate boss. It seems as though Kate is no different, as she often showcases her ability to multitask when her kids are involved.

During her sister’s wedding ceremony, Kate made sure that her son’s hair was on point, but she also gave her daughter some attention at the same time. This is the kind of talent that any mom should be commended for.
When she wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty
Although everyone knows Kate Middleton for bringing three adorable children into the world, we also know her for her impeccable style. She is often praised for wearing some of the most beautiful dresses and jackets, and although she tries to take care of these garments, it’s sometimes not possible.

After all, when kids want to play on the grass or make mud pies, you just have to hook up your hemline and join them. Thankfully, Kate isn’t afraid to get down and dirty to put a smile on her kids’ faces.
When Kate decided to grin and bear it
Kate Middleton has found herself in some rather unusual scenarios over the years, and we have a feeling that this was one of them. Yes, parents often have to get involved in child’s play before their kids realize that giant cuddly toys aren’t quite as scary as they seem, and Kate decided to show her royal heirs that they shouldn’t be scared of Paddington Bear.

The Duchess of Cambridge even got up close and personal with this famous bear, and decided to share a dance with him. She looks pretty pleased with herself, actually.
When she made a public appearance after giving birth
If you’re a mother, there’s a high chance that you didn’t have to get dolled up for the rest of the world to see just a few hours after giving birth. Although the Duchess of Cambridge has to do this whenever she welcomes a new child into the world, she has not been afraid to show off her post-baby body.

Kate has proven that she’s just like the rest of us in terms of her physique. Sure, her makeup may be perfect, and her hair may be flowing during these appearances, but her bump is still there for everyone to see – because it doesn’t magically disappear!
When Kate gave Princess Charlotte a lovely nickname
Princess Charlotte will always be known by her official title, but that doesn’t mean that her parents don’t get to play around with a few nicknames. Instead of curtseying, bowing, and addressing each other with their formalities at home, Kate and her family like to keep it casual when they’re away from the spotlight.

However, these habits sometimes make their way into everyday life, and fans of the Royal Family have often heard Kate address Princess Charlotte by another name when they are out and about. It seems as though little Charlotte also goes by the name of “Poppet,” and that’s pretty adorable.
When she tended to her kids’ needs during a ceremony
Being a member of the Royal Family, especially the prominent, high-visibility ones, means being “on” all the time. You’re never really off the clock, so to speak. Even when you’re not in public, you have to behave a certain way and follow the intricate (and often confusing) rules and regulations that govern every facet of royal life.

But these royals are still parents, and when Kate and William were standing on Buckingham Palace’s balcony along with Princess Charlotte and Prince George – with most of the country and even the world watching – another duty overruled the royal one: fixing her son’s hair and making sure Charlotte was alright.
When she showcased her patience
It can’t be easy to live your life in the limelight and raise children who instantly become famous on the day of their birth, but Kate Middleton is doing a great job of it. She wants to make sure that her children live relatively normal lives, and she wants them to know that they have to work for what they want.

Because of this, she has spent time with her kids to teach them everything they need to know about manner and patience, and she showcases this herself. Yes, she may be just like any other mother out there, but there’s no doubt about the fact that she’s also something special.
When she dealt with the wriggles
Prince George is arguably one of the most adorable children in the world, and we’re not just saying that because he’s one day going to take over the throne. While he may look as though he’s the sweetest boy ever to roam this earth, there’s no doubt about the fact that even he has his vices.

When the mother-and-son duo made public appearances, for example, Kate hoped that her son would be able to relax comfortably in her arms for the sake of the cameras. Unfortunately, this just wasn’t the case, and she had to deal with the wriggles while also trying to keep a smile on her face. In true mom form, she nailed it.
When she wasn’t afraid to open up
It’s hard to imagine that someone with Kate’s beauty, social standing, and wealth has any struggles in life – but, in fact, she struggles as much as the rest of us. Over the course of her life in the limelight, Kate hasn’t been afraid to open up about her time as a mom.

In 2017, Kate took part in an interview where she decided to get real about her children and her experiences as a parent. She noted that having children is an “overwhelming experience” no matter how privileged you are. She even confessed that she often feels “quite isolated” and “lonely” when she has to tend to her children.
When she tried to get down with the kids
When you become a mom, you also lose some of your cool points. Yes, that’s just how it works. You’ll be happy to know that you don’t lose all of them, and you can actually win some of them back if you know how! Most of the time, though, your efforts are in vain, and you soon realize that your attempts to get down with the kids actually become a little awkward.
Kate Middleton also suffers from this on a regular basis, and this is the perfect example of that. Like most moms out there, she’s just a little too old and proper to be executing the exploding fist pump. We’ve all been there.
When she debuted the trademark ‘mom hat’
Kate Middleton may be known for her smart coat dresses and her perfect accessories, but there’s no doubt about the fact that she has embraced the mom closet over the years. Every mom has a mom closet, and this closet is full of weird and wonderful items of clothing and accessories that aren’t your finest.

These items are perfect for playing with the kids, but you wouldn’t want them to be snapped by the paparazzi. The same can be said for Kate, who debuted this trademark ‘mom hat’ and probably regret it the next day.
When she decided to play along
Any parent will tell you that having kids isn’t easy, but that they are also the greatest gift that you could possibly be blessed with. Because of this, it’s often hard to ignore their giggles and their attempts to engage with you. How can you ignore such adorable faces?

Even though Kate was meant to be keeping a straight face and maintaining an air of grace and decorum for this event, she just couldn’t deny her daughter a little fun. From the funny face to the tickles, those are the moments that any parent lives for.
When she competed with Usain Bolt
To be a mom is to be a multi-tasker. It’s not a bonus – it’s a necessary part of the job description. You have to be able to do – and think about – a million things all at once, and be ready to drop what you’re doing at the drop of a dime if there’s an emergency.

Now, we don’t know what exactly the emergency that happened just before this photo was taken was, but we know it caused Kate to break into a sprint, doubtless to help a child who had just fallen or something similar.
When she knew even princesses need their mommies
This photo was taken at a charity polo match Prince William took part in. It was part of the many engagements on the Royal Family’s schedule, which they’re expected to fulfill without complaint or excuses. However, we must not forget that not all members of the Royal Family are grownups.

Some, like little Princess Charlotte here, are just kids, and they too can get overwhelmed. And seeing her only daughter like that made Kate just sit down on the grass and hold her tightly, without a thought to appearance or decorum.
When she looked stylish doing mom things
We could honestly write an essay just on the adorable face Princess Charlotte is pulling here, but let’s try to focus, shall we? Any mom has been in the position Kate was in when that photo was snapped – having to juggle her responsibilities as a mom along with everything else in life.

The big difference, if you ask us? That most moms don’t look so incredibly stylish when they’re doing their mom thing. So sure, you’re not likely to run into the Queen at 7-Eleven, but you just might see Kate being a mom in the wild – and wearing the most fabulous coat we’ve ever seen while she does.
When she was slippin’ and slidin’
This photo really has two parallel stories running through it at the same time. On the one hand, what we have here is the future king of the United Kingdom in Prince George just fooling around, as any kid his age does.

On the other, we have his mother, future queen consort and current duchess of Cambridge, who simply looks at him with nothing but love and affection. George may be king some day, but Kate is a mom who knows that boys will always be boys, even royal ones.
When she was enjoying her daughter’s attitude
There are so many rules telling the Royal Family what to do, how to behave, and even how to think that sometimes we think they have to be Westworld-style robots. How else could you explain humans keeping track of so many convoluted and centuries’ old laws?! Well, here we have a unicorn, folks.

You just don’t see photos like these too often. During a charity regatta, Kate and Charlotte caught a glimpse of Charlotte’s grandfather Michael Middleton. Kate asked her girl to wave, but as you can see she had other ideas. Instead of getting mad, which is probably what the Queen would’ve done, Kate absolutely loved it!
When Kate shopped in a discount store
Let’s be honest; Kate Middleton has more money than we could possibly fathom. With millions in her bank account, there’s no doubt about the fact that she could buy designer clothing and eat caviar for the rest of her life without having to worry about the money to her name.

However, Kate doesn’t want her children to grow up with the idea that they can get what they want from the click of their fingers. Because of this, she will often go shopping herself, and she will take the kids with her. Instead of making their way to Harrods of Fortnum & Mason, she will instead bundle up her children and head off in the car to the local discount store. Of course, her security guard also follows in tow.
When she was all about road safety
Kate Middleton and Prince William often like to drive themselves around town, but there’s no doubt about the fact that they also take advantage of the fact that they can get chauffeured around if they want to.

While this isn’t something most moms can experience on a regular basis, this perk doesn’t change Kate’s motherly instincts. Whenever Kate jumps into a car and lets someone else sit in the driver’s seat, she always makes sure that she and her children are practicing road safety. Yes, buckle up, ladies and gentlemen.
When she had some fun
Although we would do anything to live like Kate Middleton for the day, we can only imagine that talking to prim and proper adults can get pretty boring. Luckily, Kate Middleton does what the rest of us do when we find ourselves in rather boring circumstances.

Instead of pretending to care about a new house extension, she finds her kids and uses them as an excuse to have some fun with their toys. On this occasion, Kate just couldn’t say no to some balloon animals. We’re not sure what that is, though…
When she made a break for it
Any parent to a toddler would be able to attest that trying to keep hold of the little things is like trying to grab water with your hands. Sometimes babies too seem like they’re more liquid than solid as they squirm and wriggle without provocation or warning.

Even though Prince George was her first child, Kate seems like an old pro as she holds onto the little royal (and future king) firmly but gently while not forgetting to look absolutely fabulous in that red dress as she does it.
When Kate looked in full bloom
There’s no doubt about the fact that there are many people out there who are very jealous of Prince William because they would do anything to be Kate Middleton’s wife. As a mom, there’s a high chance that your kids’ school friends have a slight crush on you – because that’s just the way it works with little kids.

They want to marry you with Haribo rings, they want to kiss you on the cheek, and they even want to give you flowers they picked from your backyard without asking. When they’re young and adorable, it’s just too hard not to accept such blooms.
When she took the reins
If you’re familiar with the Royal Family, you’ll know that Kate and her husband have a nanny on hand to help them with everyday tasks. Of course, most moms would probably do the same if they had the opportunity to. While Kate does make use of these extra hands, she doesn’t like the nanny to take over.

In fact, she wants to make sure that her kids know who is boss, so she will often take the reigns and push the stroller when they are out and about. No, she’s not going to stop pushing just because she’s a royal…
When she stopped a tantrum
Princess Charlotte may be one of the most stylish little girls in the business, but that doesn’t mean that she’s happy all of the time. In fact, she is known for having a few tantrums every now and then.

Of course, moms will know that this normally occurs during the most inappropriate of times, and this was definitely the case when Pippa Middleton tied the knot. Kate wanted her daughter to stay quiet during her sister’s nuptials, but Charlotte wasn’t having any of it. So, Kate had to step in to stop a tantrum. We’ve all been there, right?
When she practiced her funny faces
Let’s be honest; most moms lose a huge amount of dignity after welcoming a child into the world. Instead of wondering what people think of you, you fully embrace the baby voice you adopt as soon as you come into contact with the younger generation, and you just roll with it.

As if that wasn’t enough, your face also seems to contort into weird and wacky expressions whenever you get within a 10-mile radius of any child. Kate Middleton is no different, as you can see right here. The goofy face is on point.
When she got enthusiastic with her kids
There are two kinds of parents… Okay, we’re not trying to judge or anything, but the contrast between Kate and Prince William in this image is simply hilarious. There’s the duchess, staring up into the sky in childlike wonder – just like her two children George and Charlotte – as they watch the planes passing overhead.

Prince William, meanwhile, chooses to look at George somewhat sternly as he’s goofing off – like he always does, quite frankly. We’re not trying to criticize or anything, but being in the moment with your kids seems like more fun.
When Kate perfected the mom stare
One of the many perks of being a mom is seeing your children develop into energetic and creative characters. It’s always a proud moment when your kids show off their personalities for the whole world to see, but sometimes the timing is a little off.

When the entire Royal Family made their way onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace for this engagement, the kids needed to be on their best behavior. Unfortunately, Princess Charlotte just didn’t quite get the memo, and Kate needed to whip out the mom glare to let her know that she wasn’t up for her games. We think she’s perfected it.
When she got coaching
Parents always make great teachers, because they are unofficial teachers every single day of their lives. It’s down to moms and dads to teach their kids about rules, regulations, and the world as a whole and Kate has definitely got this down point.

On this particular occasion, Kate made her way to a local sports center and decided to get involved in the sports lessons. She became Kate the coach, and she utilized her mom patience to teach other kids about the world of tennis and various other sports.
When she made her kids her priority
Kate Middleton may have responsibilities as the Duchess of Cambridge, but she has made no secret of the fact that she will always put her children first. Kate will always make her children her priority, and this has caused a few ruffled feathers over the years.

However, Kate has never questioned this decision, because she wants to make sure that her kids live the lives that they deserve. This would be the case whether they were royals or not. It’s this decision that proves Kate is just like us.
When she put on a brave face
There’s something about long hair that seems to entice young children, and moms with long hair will know exactly what we’re talking about. If you want to keep your head of hair intact, it’s always best to tie your hair up around your children – but sometimes this isn’t an option for Kate Middleton.
She’s famous for her iconic blow-out, and it seems as though Prince George loves it as much as we do. Because of this, he couldn’t help but grab and pull it on this occasion, and we bet it hurt this mom. However, Kate put on a brave face and pretended it didn’t even happen.
When she took a moment to fix Charlotte’s hairdo
The holidays mean that everyone gets some time off with the family to just have fun – even if that family happens to be the royal one! Back in Easter 2019, Kate and William were snapped during a day out with George and Charlotte.

They met up with Zara Tindall and her husband Mike – who happens to be George’s favorite uncle. It was a chance for the world to see the most senior of the younger royal generation let down their hair. Oh, did we mention hair? Because all that wind messed up Charlotte’s, to the point that Kate had to step in and call it to order.
When she connected with her younger fans
As one of the most famous women in the world, there’s no doubt about the fact that Kate Middleton has to interact with countless fans on a daily basis. She always makes the effort to give them a smile and a wave, but she makes extra effort when it comes to the younger generation.

Instead of ignoring them and getting on with her day, Kate often gets down to their level to give them some attention. After all, kids always want attention, right? On this occasion, she even stuck her tongue out for good measure!
When she watched her kids enjoy the little things
To us regular folk, the Royal Family sometimes seems like characters in a movie or a show. After all, actual shows like The Crown have conditioned us to think that way, and it’s hard to see them as real people. But they are, and the same goes – maybe even doubly so – for the royal rugrats.

Even Prince George, who will one day be king. So when this “typical boy” stopped to admire something as innocent as soap bubbles, Kate stopped in her tracks too. The look on her face says it all; before she’s a duchess, before she’s a future queen consort – she’s a mom.
When she let her kids get involved
Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are three of the most famous children in the world – even if they don’t know why this is the case just yet. Because of this, all eyes will be on them for the rest of their lives, and it seems as though the whole world will know if they ever put a foot wrong.

While Kate Middleton knows that this is the case, she is also conscious of the fact that they need to enjoy a relatively normal childhood. So, she allows her kids to get involved when it comes to activities and playgroups.
When she took her kids on vacation
They may have some of the busiest lives in the world, but Kate Middleton knows that she and her family need a break every now and then. So, she tries to book a family vacation every year. This gives them a chance to unwind as a family and truly reconnect after a hectic year.

Of course, with oodles of money to their name, they can shell out for some of the most expensive vacations on offer. Before Prince Louis came along, the couple decided to don their snow boots for a ski trip in the French Alps.
When she took George to the zoo
Although Prince George will be taught how to rule over his kingdom as he gets older, Kate Middleton wants to make sure that he also enjoys what life has to offer. Because of this, she wants him to experience the everyday joys that any other child will experience.

When he was just a toddler, Kate and William decided to stop off at the Taronga Zoo during a royal tour in Australia. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wanted to show off some of the cutest animals, but George doesn’t look too impressed.
When Kate perfected her swish and flick
When Kate Middleton first made her debut as the Duchess of Cambridge, it seemed as though everyone wanted a piece of her. Because of this, she was invited to some of the coolest events that the world had to offer. Just before she welcomed Prince George into the world, Kate was invited to attend an event at the Harry Potter Studios Tour at London’s Warner Bros. Studios.

Of course, she couldn’t ignore the fact that her magic was bubbling over her metaphorical cauldron as she walked through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and she just had to practice her swish and flick. She definitely managed some mischief that day, proving she’s one cool mom who knows how to get in touch with her inner child.