Getting in shape and staying healthy isn't something that happens by just tacking on an extra day of workouts; it requires true commitment, hard effort, sacrifice and deep lifestyle changes. And while we admire anyone who takes on the challenge, just like any other challenge, there are failures and weird moments along the way - and even though we know it's small of us, considering we're total couch potatoes ourselves - those moments can sometimes be hilarious.

So saddle up, keyboard cowboys - we're going to watch some fit people drop stuff at the gym!
Ready, Set, Fall!
A good workout isn't just about pushing yourself as hard as you can - although that's a big part of it, too.

No, a good workout is also about knowing how high to set the bar in the first place. Usually, we mean that in the figurative sense - but sometimes, if your sport of choice is, well, pole vaulting or the high jump - there's a literal bar, and if you set it too high or too low, your workout could suffer.
One Leg Squats
So after we saw this gif, we tried to do a one leg squat ourselves.No jumping on or off a step, no repeats, nothing. Just… lifting one leg and bending a knee at the other.
And you know what? Before we even consider the strength involved in pulling one of these off - keeping balance turned out to be entirely too difficult for us. Does that mean we're not going to gleefuly watch this gif over and over again?

Jumping Into It
"No pain - no gain" or so the saying goes. And seeing this dedicated gymnasium attendee jump, shin and forehead first, into what is most certainly a heavy metal frame, made us physically feel her pain, too. Does that mean we get the benefits of squatting like that, too?

If so, we should have insane legs by now, mostly because we've watched this on repeat for something like ten minutes - and counting.
This may look like a gym, but if you look closely, you'll see that the ladies in this gif aren't really doing much - the machines are simply moving around them.
This is no mistake.
Back in the '40s, devices called "Streamliners" were believed to help break down fat and redistribute it throughout the body in a more desired, shapely form.
Does this really work?

We don't know, but let's just say we haven't seen devices like these in gyms for almost as long as the time between our visits to the gym.
Dance Like Nobody Is Watching
Workouts can get boring. Even we know this, and we haven't been anywhere near a treadmill or a bench in the past century.
There are many ways to deal with this. Some people like listen to podcasts while they work out.
Some people work out with friends and talk about their day.
And some people… Well.
Some people just get into it.
Those are some fine moves right there, and you know what? We wish we had half the confidence this lady has.

Work it!
Right Before You Hit the Floor
Gymnastic rings are really, really hard. Just staying up on them is impressive - so managing a swing or a handstand is truly an achievement. But what happens when you're swinging above the floor and you feel like you might not be able to hold on any longer?
Well, in the worst case, you crash into the ground, face first, and never get up on the rings ever again.

In the best case, your friend takes a photo a moment before you crash into the ground, face first, and never get up one rings ever again.
Stay down
If you've ever worked out - which we haven't - you know there comes a point where you feel like you can take on more than you actually can. It might be weightlifting, or running, or doing just one more rep - but gyms, like casinos, have one simple rule: the house always wins.

If you take on too much, you might find the entire gym crashing down on you - or, you know, you might find your friends piling barbells on you just to prove a point.
Training for the Catwalk
Working out to look good? How about looking good while you work out? Training for real life situations is important, but doing weighted squats in high heels is beyond anything we've ever seen.

That is some real serious badassery right there. And for those of you who've never worn heels, let alone stilettos… well, all we can say is that you can talk as much as you want about weights and reps, but try walking down the street in those babies just once.
You Should Never Skip Leg Day
Ok, let's be real. A lot of us train - we mean, not us, personally; we don't work out and we never. will. - anyway, a lot of us train to get buff. We want rippling triceps and biceps, huge pecs and chiseled abs. But legs? Legs aren't any fun, for anyone. And who looks at them, anyway?

Leg day? Nah, brah. No way Jose. We ain't wasting our precious gym time on that. Just… prop us back up, please, we seem to have tipped over.
Fitness for the Lazy
How lazy are you between 1 to choosing the escalators over the stairs when going to work out at the gym?

You could try to make this deep, somehow, saying fitness is a constant choice, and that the responsibility for choosing the healthy path is always on you, and not on your gym or your trainer, but… c'mon. Putting escalators there is just mean. People find it hard enough to drag themselves to the gym, they don't need to keep being met with difficult choices!
Dough-nut Eat It While Training
Wonder why you're having trouble losing those few extra pounds? No, it has nothing to do with not running enough.
No, it's not the amount of reps you put in to every set. It's not your metabolism, either. It's the fact that there's literally a Krispy Kreme inside you gym giving out free samples.

Don't get us wrong - this might be the only thing that could possibly get us to go to a gym - but then again, we're not that worried about a few extra pounds.
Too Tall For the Elliptical
Working out is all about letting go of the "excuses" mindset. Or so we're told - we haven't gotten around to working out, because we've been… busy.
If you want to work out, people tell us you need to stop thinking about why you can't, and start thinking about how you can. That's really great advice, but we think this dude might have taken it one step too far.

Go to a gym with higher ceilings, dude! Breathing in ceiling dust cannot be good for you!
Weights Improvisation
Okay. So they say balancing yourself while you lift weights is good for your core as well as your supporting muscles, and we can see how that would work. We mean, we'd never do it ourselves - we'd get Cheeto dust all over the weights and nobody wants that - but we can see why somebody would. We guess.
Anyway, when you do start balancing during your lifting, try to use the proper equipment and not, you know, just another pair of weights.
Yoga Doggo
If you've been to any yoga class - we haven't - you've probably encountered the "upward facing dog" position at least once.
It's easy, it's relaxing and it really stretches your back out nicely.
And yoga, we've been told, is for everyone. So when this pupper saw his dad getting his yoga on, he decided he'd join in.

We would love to be snarky about this, but honestly, this dog is amazing and we just want to admire it, forever.
Dress Not for the Workout You Have, But the One You Want
That feeling when you bought all of that expensive cycling equipment, only to realize it's January and that you already have a gym membership card that's about to expire.
Or when you're just a smartass that's trying to be funny.
Or both!
Whatever this guy's deal is, we like it - but then again, we hate moving our bodies for any reason whatsoever, so we may not exactly be the shining beacons of ideal gym etiquette.

Still, we're pretty sure he's doing something right.
Ah, this is starting to look familiar. People treating the gym like it's their apartment is apparently not that weird of a thing.
We guess it makes sense! Spend enough time in the gym and it may start to feel like you live there - and sure, you have to get your weekly quota of workouts in, but you also have a life. You have your knitting and your skincare routine, and there's absolutely no reason not to kill two birds with one stone.

except, of course, if you're afraid of falling off the treadmill and getting impaled by one of your knitting needles. But let's not think about that.
Can't Work Out Without Music
Okay, we may not work out, but we're definitely aware of the need for music when you're performing menial tasks.
Some days, if you don't have your beats, you can't do anything.
So when this guy's phone died, he wasn't willing to grind his teeth and continue his workout without a soundtrack.

Some people - people who, unlike us, plan ahead - might keep a small MP3 player in their gym bag for these kinds of scenarios - but not our man over here. He was unprepared, but he made do with what he had: an iPad and a waistband.
Exaggerating Much?
Fitness, we hear, is something that, for some people at least, is easy to get carried away with.
But at some point, you need to stop and ask yourself - "Why am I doing this thing that I'm doing?"
This guy, for instance. Guy, the weight you're pushing - what is that good for?
Is this like a Climbing Mount Everst Type Thing? You gotta do it "Because it's there"?
Or is there an actual health and fitness goal this is helping you reach?

Whatever it is, you really ought to reexamine your life choices.
Full Brain Capacity
What can we say. This guy does not look like he's having fun. Sure, he's buff as hell, but training and straining so hard that your cranium begins to look like your brain is flexing its biceps?
Even that last sentence had way too much anatomy going on in it.

Mr. Potato head
Where'd you get this photo of us?!
This is humiliating.
See? This is why we hate the gym. we finally work up the courage to get ourselves together and maybe try to get into better shape, when this happens. Some random stranger takes a photo of us and uploads it to the internet!

So yes, okay, we may be a giant, starchy head with replaceable facial features, but that doesn't mean you have to body shame us!
The Athlete Dog
Dog, they say, is Man's best friend.
And what do best friends do at the gym?
That's right; they spot each other.
So come on, dude, be here for a sec while I crush a few of these paw-ups. Be a pal. I'll just be a minute- OH MY GOD IS THAT A TREAT?

Seriously, dude, chasing squirrels is a great workout.
Straight to the Head
If the world had sound effects written in large, colorful letters next to funny things that happen, we imagine "DOINK" would be taking over most of this photo.

We're not going to make fun of this guy. Obviously he's trying his hardest and bit off a bit more than he could chew - even we can tell, as we continue to shovel Cheez-its into our face - so really, the only thing left to do is to admire the comic-strip potential of this unfortunate situation.
Head Workout
This is how turtles train.
This begs the question - is this man training in anticipation of moving from his house into a shell?
Possibly to become a ninja?
Why would he want to become a turtle?
Well… you know what? That's honestly none of our business. If this guy decided what he wants for his life is to dwell in the sewers and fight mutated punk pigs and rhinos, honestly that's not for us to judge or critique.

You do you!
Segway Tour to the Gym
We guess you do have to train for your segway rides somehow…
Although, you know what?
We're not buying it. The wheels aren't even on the treadmill's moving part and it doesn't look like the wheels are moving.
Hey, lady!
What gives?!
Is this some kind of joke to you?
Is this meant to be some kind of commentary on the modern age and how people are outsourcing even the most basic human functions, becoming increasingly reliant on technology?
Because honestly? Honestly?
If it is?

Then that's pretty clever.
Batman's Cave Under Construction
When his private Bat Gym needs some maintenance work, all Batman can do is train with the rest of Gotham's billionaires at the regular old billionaire gym.
Although, we'd assume a rich billionaire playboy vigilante would have a backup Bat Gym somewhere in Wayne Tower or something.

Regardless, it's good to see that the Dark Knight is keeping up with his training no matter what. It may not be the gym Gotham deserves… but it's the one it needs right now.
Margarita by the Treadmill
They say older people know what's best - and you know what? We think that's true - for this lady, at least.
This seems to be the best possible use of gym equipment we can think of; using the high tech seating, the lush, expensive pleather and various arm rests to support you while you lean back and sip a cool, refreshing cocktail.
If only gym was like this for all of us.

Sadly, it's mostly filled with sweaty, suffering people most of the time.
Free Movie
Gyms are a service.
Sure, most people use them for working out, but they offer a ton of amenities, including nice showers, juice bars and, yes, cable TV.
So if we want to buy a gym membership just so we can sit on the treadmill in our overalls and watch some Animal Planet, that is entirely our choice and we will not be judged or shamed.

This is our body and our gym membership, and if our way of working out mostly includes watching a gazelle taken down by a pride of young lionesses, that’s our choice to make.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
What, exactly, were you thinking?
We've seen a lot of people doing a lot of dumb things over the course of this article, but for most of them, we could think of some sort of explanation.
This is just truly, deeply bizarre - and also pretty painful, by the looks of it.
Why someone would do this to themselves is beyond us.
But if we're being honest, why anyone would get on a treadmill at all, either with or without a bouncy ball, is beyond us anyway.
The Dog
We'll just come out and say it.
Dogs are awesome.
If we could choose to be anyone in that gym, we'd be that dog.
It may have an itchy bottom, but whatever it's doing is way, way better and cooler more interesting than lifting weights.
In fact, does anybody here have any photoshop skills?
We'd appreciate it if you could just, you know, erase those people in the background and just keep the butt dragging dog.
If anybody does this, please upload it to a floppy disk and send it to us by post.

Thank you.
A Throw and Miss
These athletes tried to pull off something that could have been, potentially at least, extremely cool.
At least, we think it could have been - we know nothing about sports, certainly not basketball.
Still, we think they should have practiced it before hand to make sure their jerseys weren't… slippery?
It looks like that shirt is slippery.
Anyway, we don't know if that would even work, as far as basketball law is concerned. Are there any basketball lawyers reading this?
Please let us know if this is a legal move by sending four banner towing airplanes in the four cardinal directions and having them circumnavigate the globe until they meet back again on the exact other side.
What is she practicing for?
OK, we're seriously getting angry here. Where did you get this video of us? And why would you go through the trouble of converting it to a gif and uploading it to our site?
We told you, we know nothing about sports and -
Oh. Oh, wait. That's not us. That's some.. other person.
Ok, we have no idea what she's doing, and we have never been to a gym, and we don't look weird, you look weird!
Another Gym Dancer
They say that true artists, if lacking a proper canvass, will find a way to create their art in strange, new mediums. This guy was clearly meant to be a dancer, and if he can't get a stage and an audience, he'll take an elliptical and bored gym members.
You gotta start somewhere, and if this is what this guy looks like when he's just starting out, we're pretty optimistic about his future.
Work it!
Too Cute to Handle
Some dogs just love their owners so much, they assume whatever they're doing is worth doing to.
Eating a nice, juicy steak? They want in on the action.
Going for a run? They want to come along, too.
But some things owners do are just no good.
Eating dark chocolate.
Eating grapes.
Doing squats.
But aw! Look at this little guy!
He's such an incredibly good boy!

We could watch this GIF forever, guys. This is just too much.
This is not what the gym teacher meant when she said we should gather our hair in a ponytail when we're working out.
But you know what?
Let's admit it. Working out is not cool, or sexy or flattering. It's a bunch of people sweating and grunting at each other, willing to abuse their bodies for a while in the hopes that when they leave the gym, they'll look a little fitter.
So if this gal needs to gather her hair in front of her face when she's working out - well, good for her.