#3 Ajith Lal C - Calicut Heroes

The 'Hydrogen Boy', as he is nicknamed by the fans and experts alike, Ajith Lal C was the find of the RuPay Pro Volleyball League 2019. He enthralled the crowds in Kochi and Chennai with his thunderous spikes from all over the court.
Ajith Lal C picked up 74 spike points during the seven matches he played and was a handy blocker as well for the Calicut Heroes. He will surely be a name that Indian volleyball fans will be keeping in their minds in the future.
#4 Mohan Ukkrapandian - Kochi Blue Spikers

The 32-year-old setter, Mohan Ukkrapandian, proved his credentials as one of the best setters in India with his performances for the Kochi Blue Spikers.
Ukkrapandian had a good range of attackers at his disposal on all sides of the court and his distributional ability on his sets proved key to Kochi's success. Mohan was smart with his sets, proving difficult to anticipate for his opponents and catching them surprised with the one-off spike as well every now and again.