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Minecraft Blocks

Minecraft Blocks

There are 643 blocks with each block having its own texture, behavior, and uses. Some blocks are opaque and fill the entire space of the grid, while other blocks are semi-transparent and not entirely solid. There are some special rules for particular blocks and therefore some blocks have special properties. Simply selecting the block in your Hotbar and right-clicking will place the block as long as the block is allowed to be there.


Minecraft is a three-dimensional game. There are three different planes of dimension and blocks that occupy this space. The three dimensions form a grid that typically one block will occupy. Of course, there are a few exceptions such as slabs or layers of snow. Blocks and fluids make up the entirety of Minecraft worlds. Some blocks are opaque and fill the entire space of the grid-like stone or dirt blocks. Other blocks are semi-transparent and not entirely solid like tall grass or flowers.

There are some special rules for particular blocks and therefore some blocks have special properties. Air is a block in Minecraft that is fully transparent, unbreakable, and acts as a substitute for empty space. Other blocks are affected by gravity, like gravel or sand, and will fall downwards until they reach something they can land on.

Some blocks will emit light like torches, glowstone, or sea pickles. The amount of light they give off varies and opaque blocks will block light whereas transparent blocks will have no effect or weaken the light.

Types of Minecraft Blocks

Wood Blocks

These blocks are made from wood and have the potential to catch on fire and burn down. Wood blocks are typically mined by an axe.

-Acacia Button -Acacia Door -Acacia Fence

-Acacia Fence Gate -Acacia Log -Acacia Planks

-Acacia Pressure Plate -Acacia Sign -Acacia Slab

-Acacia Stairs -Acacia Trapdoor -Acacia Wood

-Barrel -Beehive -Birch Button

-Birch Door -Birch Fence -Birch Fence Gate

-Birch Log -Birch Planks -Birch Pressure Plate

-Birch Sign -Birch Slab -Birch Stairs

-Birch Trapdoor -Birch Wood -Bookshelf

-Campfire -Cartography Table -Chest

-Composter -Crafting Table -Crimson Button

-Crimson Door -Crimson Fence -Crimson Fence Gate

-Crimson Hyphae -Crimson Planks -Crimson Pressure Plate

-Crimson Sign -Crimson Slab -Crimson Stairs

-Crimson Stem -Crimson Trapdoor -Dark Oak Button

-Dark Oak Fence -Dark Oak Fence Gate -Dark Oak Logs

-Dark Oak Planks -Dark Oak Pressure Plate -Dark Oak Sign

-Dark Oak Slabs -Dark Oak Stairs -Dark Oak Trapdoor

-Dark Oak Wood -Fletching Table -Jungle Button

-Jungle Door -Jungle Fence -Jungle Fence Gate

-Jungle Logs -Jungle Planks -Jungle Pressure Plate

-Jungle Sign -Jungle Stairs -Jungle Trapdoor

-Jungle Wood -Ladder -Lectern

-Loom -Note Block -Oak Button

-Oak Door -Oak Fence -Oak Fence Gate

-Oak Log -Oak Planks -Oak Pressure Plate

-Oak Sign -Oak Slab -Oak Stairs

-Oak Trapdoor -Oak Wood -Scaffolding

-Smithing Table -Soul Campfire -Spruce Button

-Spruce Door -Spruce Fence -Spruce Fence Gate

-Spruce Log -Spruce Planks -Spruce Pressure Plate

-Spruce Sign -Spruce Slab -Spruce Stairs

-Spruce Trapdoor -Spruce Wood -Stripped Acacia Log

-Stripped Acacia Wood -Stripped Birch Log -Stripped Birch Wood

-Stripped Crimson Hyphae -Stripped Crimson Stem -Stripped Dark Oak Log

-Stripped Dark Oak Wood -Stripped Jungle Log -Stripped Jungle Wood

-Stripped Oak Log -Stripped Oak Wood -Stripped Spruce Log

-Stripped Spruce Wood -Stripped Warped Hyphae -Stripped Warped Stem

-Warped Button -Warped Door -Warped Fence

-Warped Fence Gate -Warped Hyphae -Warped Planks

-Warped Pressure Plate -Warped Sign -Warped Slab

-Warped Stairs -Wared Stem -Warped Trapdoor

Stone Blocks

These blocks are made from stone. They are immune to fire and tend to have high blast resistances. Stone blocks are typically mined with a pickaxe.

-Ancient Debris -Andesite -Andesite Slab

-Andesite Stairs -Andesite Wall -Basalt

-Bedrock -Blackstone -Blackstone Slab

-Blackstone Stairs -Blackstone Wall -Blast Furnace

-Brick Slab -Brick Stairs -Brick Wall -Bricks -Chiseled Nether Bricks

-Chiseled Polished Blackstone -Chiseled Stone Brick -Cobblestone -Cobblestone Slab -Cobblestone Stairs -Cobblestone Wall -Cracked Nether Bricks

-Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks -Cracked Stone Brick

-Crying Obsidian -Dark Prismarine -Dark Prismarine Slab

-Dark Prismarine Stairs -Diorite -Diorite Slab

-Diorite Stairs -Diorite Wall -End Stone

-End Stone Brick Slab -End Stone Brick Stairs

-End Stone Brick Wall -End Stone Bricks -Flower Pot

-Furnace -Gilded Blackstone

-Glowing Obsidian (Bedrock Edition Only) -Glowstone

-Granite -Granite Slab -Granite Stairs

-Granite Wall -Grindstone

-Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks -Infested Cobblestone

-Infested Cracked Stone Bricks

-Infested Mossy Stone Bricks -Infested Stone

-Infested Stone Bricks -Lodestone -Mossy Cobblestone

-Mossy Cobblestone Slab -Mossy Cobblestone Stairs

-Mossy Cobblestone Wall -Mossy Stone Brick Slab

-Mossy Stone Brick Stairs -Mossy Stone Brick Wall -Mossy Stone Bricks

-Nether Brick Fence -Nether Brick Slab -Nether Brick Stairs

-Nether Brick Wall -Nether Bricks -Obsidian

-Polished Andesite -Polished Andesite Slab

-Polished Andesite Stairs -Polished Basalt -Polished Blackstone

-Polished Blackstone Brick Slab

-Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs

-Polished Blackstone Brick Wall

-Polished Blackstone Bricks

-Polished Blackstone Button

-Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate

-Polished Blackstone Slab

-Polished Blackstone Stairs

-Polished Blackstone Wall -Polished Diorite -Polished Diorite Slab

-Polished Diorite Stairs -Polished Granite

-Polished Granite Slab -Polished Granite Stairs -Prismarine

-Prismarine Brick Slab -Prismarine Brick Stairs -Prismarine Bricks

-Prismarine Slab -Prismarine Stairs -Prismarine Wall

-Quartz Bricks -Quartz Pillar -Quartz Slab

-Quartz Stairs -Red Nether Brick Slab

-Red Nether Brick Stairs -Red nether Bricks -Red Sandstone Slab -Red Sandstone Stairs -Red Sandstone Wall -Respawn Anchor -Sandstone -Sandstone Slab -Sandstone Stairs -Sandstone wall -Smoker

-Smooth Quartz Block -Smooth Quartz Slab -Smooth Quartz Stairs

-Smooth Red Sandstone -Smooth Red Sandstone Slab

-Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs -Smooth Sandstone

-Smooth Sandstone Slab -Smooth Sandstone Stairs -Smooth Stone

-Smooth Stone Slab -Stone -Stone Button

-Stone Stairs -Stonecutter

Iron Blocks

These blocks are made with iron and typically have unique qualities that differentiate it from wood or stone.

-Anvil -Block of Iron -Cauldron

-Chain -Chipped Anvil -Damaged Anvil

-Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate -Hopper

-Iron Bars -Iron Door -Iron Trapdoor

-Lantern -Rail -Soul Lantern

Environmental Blocks

These blocks make up the environment of Minecraft and have unique properties.

-Acacia Leaves -Acacia Sapling -Allium

-Azure Bluet -Bamboo -Bamboo Shoot

-Beetroots -Bee Nest -Birch Leaves

-Birch Sapling -Blue Ice -Blue Orchid

-Bone Block -Brain Coral -Brain Coral Block

-Brain Coral Fan -Brown Mushroom -Brown Mushroom Block

-Bubble Coral -Bubble Coral Block -Bubble Coral Fan

-Cactus -Carrots -Carved Pumpkin

-Chorus Flower -Chorus Plant -Clay

-Coal Ore -Coarse Dirt -Cobweb

-Cocoa -Cornflower -Crimson Fungus

-Crimson Nylium -Crimson Roots -Dandelion

-Dark Oak Leaves -Dark Oak Sapling -Dead Brain Coral

-Dead Brain Coral Block -Dead Brain Coral Fan -Dead Bubble Coral

-Dead Bubble Coral Block -Dead Bubble Coral Fan -Dead Bush

-Dead Fire Coral -Dead Fire Coral Block -Dead Fire Coral Fan

-Dead Horn Coral -Dead Horn Coral Block -Dead Horn Coral Fan

-Dead Tube Coral -Dead Tube Coral Block -Dead Tube Coral Fan

-Diamond Ore -Dirt -Emerald Ore

-Farmland -Fern -Fire

-Fire Coral -Fire Coral Block -Fire Coral Fan

-Gold Ore -Grass -Grass Block

-Grass Path -Gravel -Haybale

-Honey Block -Honeycomb Brick -Horn Coral

-Horn Coral Block -Horn Coral Fan -Ice

-Iron Ore -Jungle Leaves -Jungle Sapling

-Kelp -Lapis Lazuli Ore -Large Fern

-Lava -Lilac -Lily of the Valley

-Lily Pad -Magma Block -Melon

-Melon Stem -Mushroom Stem -Mycelium

-Nether Gold Ore -Nether Quartz Ore -Nether Sprouts

-Nether Wart -Nether Wart Block -Netherrack

-Oak Leaves -Oak Sapling -Orange Tulip

-Oxeye Daisy -Packed Ice -Peony

-Pink Tulip -Podzol -Poppy

-Potatoes -Pumpkin -Pumpkin Stem

-Red Mushroom -Red Mushroom Block -Red Sand

-Red Sandstone -Red Tulip -Redstone Ore

-Rose Bush -Sand -Sea Lantern

-Sea Pickle -Seagrass -Shroomlight

-Snow -Snow Blocks -Soul Fire

-Soul Sand -Soul Soil -Sponge

-Spruce Leaves -Spruce Sapling -Sugar Cane

-Sunflower -Sweet Berry Bush -Tall Grass

-Tall Seagrass -Tube Coral -Tube Coral Block

-Turtle Egg -Twisting Vines -Vines

-Warped Fungus -Warped Roots -Warped Wart Block

-Water -Weeping Vines -Wet Sponge

-Wheat Crops -White Tulip -Wither Rose

Redstone Blocks

These blocks are part of Minecraft’s electrical blocks that allow for player made devices.

-Activator Rail -Block of Redstone -Chain Command Block

-Command Block -Daylight Detector -Detector Rail

-Dispenser -Dropper -Lever

-Light Weighted Pressure Plate -Observer

-Piston -Powered Rail -Redstone Comparator

-Redstone Lamp -Redstone Repeater -Redstone Torch

-Redstone Wire -Repeating Command Block -Sticky Piston

-Trapped Chest -Tripwire Hook

Decorative Blocks

These are blocks that are typically used as furniture or player-made in some way.

-Beacon -Bell -Black Banner

-Black Bed -Black Carpet -Black Concrete

-Black Concrete Powder -Black Glazed Terracotta -Black Shulker Box

-Black Stained Glass -Black Stained Glass Pane -Black Terracotta

-Black Wool -Block of Coal -Block of Diamond -Block of Emerald -Block of Gold -Block of Netherite -Block of Quartz -Blue Banner -Blue Bed -Blue Carpet -Blue Concrete -Blue Concrete Powder -Blue Glazed Terracotta -Blue Shulker Box -Blue Stained Glass -Blue Terracotta -Blue Wool -Brewing Stand -Brown Banner -Brown Bed -Brown Carpet -Brown Concrete -Brown Concrete Powder -Brown Glazed Terracotta -Brown Shulker Box -Brown Stained Glass -Brown Stained Glass Pane -Brown Terracotta -Brown Wool -Cake -Chiseled Quartz Block -Chiseled Red Sandstone -Chiseled Sandstone

-Conduit -Cut Red Sandstone -Cut Red Sandstone Slab

-Cut Sandstone -Cut Sandstone Slab -Cyan Banner

-Cyan Bed -Cyan Carpet -Cyan Concrete

-Cyan Concrete Powder -Cyan Glazed Terracotta -Cyan Shulker Box

-Cyan Stained Glass -Cyan Stained Glass Pane -Cyan Terracotta

-Cyan Wool -End Rod -Glass

-Glass Pane -Gray Banner -Gray Bed

-Gray Carpet -Gray Concrete -Gray Concrete Powder

-Gray Glazed Terracotta -Gray Shulker Box -Gray Stained Glass

-Gray Stained Glass Pane -Gray Terracotta -Gray Wool

-Green Banner -Green Bed -Green Carpet

-Green Concrete -Green Concrete Powder -Green Glazed Terracotta

-Green Shulker Box -Green Stained Glass -Green Terracotta

-Green Wool -Item Frame -Jack o’Lantern

-Jukebox -Lapis Lazuli Block -Light Blue Banner

-Light Blue Bed -Light Blue Carpet -Light Blue Concrete

-Light Blue Concrete Powder -Light Blue Glazed Terracotta-Light Blue Shulker Box

-Light Blue Stained Glass -Light Blue Stained Glass Pane

-Light Blue Terracotta -Light Blue -Light Gray Banner

-Light Gray Bed -Light Gray Carpet -Light Gray Concrete

-Light Gray Concrete Powder -Light Gray Glazed Terracotta

-Light Gray Shulker Box -Light Gray Stained Glass

-Light Gray Stained Glass Pane -Light Gray Terracotta

-Light Gray Wool -Lime Banner -Lime Bed

-Lime Carpet -Lime Concrete -Lime Concrete Powder

-Lime Glazed Terracotta -Lime Shulker Box -Lime Stained Glass

-Lime Stained Glass Pane -Lime Terracotta -Lime Wool

-Magenta Banner -Magenta Bed -Magenta Carpet

-Magenta Concrete -Magenta Concrete Powder -Magenta Glazed Terracotta

-Magenta Stained Glass -Magenta Stained Glass Pane -Magenta Terracotta

-Magenta Wool -Ominous Banner -Orange Banner

-Orange Bed -Orange Carpet -Orange Concrete

-Orange Concrete Powder -Orange Glazed Terracotta -Orange Shulker Box

-Orange Stained Glass -Orange Stained Glass Pane -Orange Terracotta

-Orange Wool -Pink Banner -Pink Bed

-Pink Carpet -Pink Concrete -Pink Concrete Powder

-Pink Glazed Terracotta -Pink Shulker Box -Pink Stained Glass

-Pink Stained Glass Pane -Pink Terracotta -Pink Wool

-Purple Banner -Purple Bed -Purple Carpet

-Purple Concrete -Purple Concrete Powder -Purple Glazed Terracotta

-Purple Shulker Box -Purple Stained Glass -Purple Stained Glass Pane

-Purple Terracotta -Purple Wool -Purpur Block

-Purpur Pillar -Purpur Slab -Purpur Stairs

-Red Banner -Red Bed -Red Carpet -Red Concrete -Red Concrete Powder -Red Glazed Terracotta -Red Shulker Box -Red Stained Glass -Red Stained Glass Pane -Red Terracotta -Red Wool -Shulker Box -Slime Block -Target -Terracotta

-Torch -White Banner -White Bed

-White Carpet -White Concrete -White Concrete Powder

-White Glazed Terracotta -White Shulker Box -White Stained Glass

-White Stained Glass Pane -White Terracotta -White Wool

-Yellow Banner -Yellow Bed -Yellow Carpet

-Yellow Concrete -Yellow Concrete Powder -Yellow Glazed Terracotta

-Yellow Shulker Box -Yellow Stained Glass -Yellow Stained Glass Pane

-Yellow Terracotta -Yellow Wool

Miscellaneous Blocks

These are unique blocks that offer different properties. These special blocks are typically only obtained through special means.

-Barrier -Creeper Head -Dragon Egg

-Dragon Head -Dried Kelp Block -Enchanting Table

-End Portal Frame -Ender Chest -Jigsaw Block

-Light Block -Nether Reactor Core (Bedrock Edition Only)

-Petrified Oak Slab -Player Head -Skeleton Skull

-Spawner -Structure Block -Structure Void

-TNT -Wither Skeleton Skull -Zombie Head

How to Place a Block in Minecraft

Simply selecting the block in your Hotbar and right-clicking will place the block as long as the block is allowed to be there. Some blocks like sand or gravel will fall if placed on the side of a cliff. Other blocks like tall grass can only be placed on dirt blocks.


Minecraft is not a perfect game and sometimes blocks can be found generated in wrong situations that do not fit along with the block’s properties and will adjust itself when the block is updated.


Q. What is the most popular Minecraft block?

It is hard to narrow it down to one singular block but it would most likely be the grass block. The grass block has long since been Minecraft’s image on desktops and phones alike. The iconic block represents Minecraft in a way and despite not being many players' first choice, it is very recognizable.

Q. What is the rarest block in Minecraft?

The dragon egg is the rarest block in Minecraft. It may be fairly common as many players seek to hunt the Ender Dragon, however, only one dragon egg exists in a natural world. Of course, through commands or creative menus, you can have more than one, but its exclusivity makes it one of the rarest blocks in Minecraft.

Q. How many blocks does a full beacon take?

A fully powered beacon requires 1476 iron, gold, emerald, diamond, or netherite blocks to function at max capacity.

Q. What was the first Minecraft block?

The first three Minecraft blocks ever introduced to the game were air, cobblestone, and grass blocks. These blocks were the stepping stones to introducing hundreds of other blocks into the game.

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